Category: As the World Has Done to Israel

Bible reading by Republican spurs GOP walkout Lawmakers hurl F-bomb, flee meeting when scripture quoted in LGBT vote

There is little hope for America with politics. The foundation of the nation comes from God and his people in prayer. There can be a short-term victory through politics, but in the long run, the wickedness of America will make the nation like Sodom and bring judgment on it. America needs God’s people on their knees in revival for survival! The future of the nation can be foreseen by the prayer and life of the Church.

University of London Panel Calls for Annihilation of Israel as Solution to Global Antisemitism

I’ve reported here on the judgment of the Lord hitting both Great Britain and Venezuela for coming against Israel. Great Britain wants Israel to create a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. What is so interesting is that London now has a Muslim mayor, while 40 percent of the city is Muslim! What the British have tried to force on Israel has happened to them! God is turning Britain over to Islam for judgment.
Venezuela supports Iran against Israel, and now look at the condition of this nation! I’ve reported how this country has descended into utter poverty and now it has mass starvation with food riots! The curse of the Lord is coming upon all the nations that come against his prophetic plan for Israel.

Why do Atheist countries lead the production of child pornography?

I’ve posted a lot of articles because so much is happening in so many areas. The world is plunging into God’s righteous judgment. One of the most serious areas is molesting children. As the Western nations harden their hearts against God many sins flood in, including child pornography and raping children.
This is man’s base nature, and it seems that without God man defaults to sins like this. It’s all part of paganism, which is exactly where America and the West are heading. Sin destroys the people and the society. Once God turns a society over to unrestrained sin, the natural course for these people is toward self-destruction under the weight of that chosen sin. This is where America is heading, as it is the natural course for a nation that rejects God. God allows sinful, reprobate-minded people into power to add to the destruction caused by sin. This is exactly what has happened with Obama as President. He was God’s judgment on America to accelerate the destruction; this destruction is God’s judgment.

Boston Police Commissioner Evans: “We’re All Muslims Deep Down”

The lead article is about how the Hard Left is just in “love” with Islam. There is no end to how much they will defend Islam. There are several articles about the coming of World War 3 as the buildup is now nonstop. China is becoming very aggressive, while the US is about to confront China over the South China Sea! I am keeping you on the cutting edge events leading to WW3.

Criminologist Blames The Bible And Rush Limbaugh For This Growing Problem: ‘Fundamentalist’ Christianity is to blame for crime in America – because the Bible teaches violence and vengeance

I’m posting this because you might think she is just a kook, but this is the thinking of the Hard Left mind. Many of them will act on this thinking to marginalize and try to demonize us. These are dangerous people who defend the Koran at ALL cost and yet demonize us at every turn. They are really one at their roots with Islam and all that hate the true and living God.