Category: One-World Paganism Revival of the anti-christ

The devil comes to Oklahoma

This posting is full of great articles, especially about Israel and the Middle East. What is eye-catching is the article about paganism in Oklahoma. This is very serious because the devil is really out in open and in our faces. I think of all the powerful tornadoes, and now earthquakes, that have hit Oklahoma. It makes me wonder if Oklahoma is the center of a huge spiritual battle? Satan only can do this because the church is weak. If the church will fast, pray and cry out to the Lord, satan can be bound and our nation protected from the curse that comes with open paganism.

Can a burgeoning satanic movement actually effect political change?

As America continues its slide into sin and rebellion, we see three factions of sin forming. One is the Hard Left reprobates with homosexuality leading the way, the second is Islam with Sharia law and the third is Satanism with worshiping satan. There is no political answer to this mess: the answer is spiritual. As long as the church plays religious games, the nation will continue its descent into hell, until it passes the point of no return. It is possible we already crossed that line with the Supreme Court legalization of “homosexual marriage.”
America’s descent into hell is accelerating, while at the same time America’s enemies such as Russia and China are gaining power daily. I see the Lord raising up these nations as a “rod of judgment” against America. As long as the church remains so unresponsive, wickedness has no bounds in America. This can’t continue for much longer. Some event is going to bring this to a head.

UNESCO: Jews Have No Connection to the Temple Mount

I’ve posted some tremendous articles; make sure you read them. The one about Michael Savage calling for a Christian revival to save the West is amazing. He is a Jew but yet he sees that only a foundation in the Lord can save America and Europe! WHERE ARE THE PREACHERS CRYING OUT TO THE LORD AND LEADING THE PEOPLE!!! Another article is about the foundation of the name Europa which is used by the European Union, and how it is pure Satanism. I found this super interesting; no wonder Europe is in the condition it is.

April 19: Temple Of Baal In New York Is Going Up On Significant Day

This is mind bending that these temples of Baal are being built in NYC and London and the starting date is April 19. The reason this is so signficant is that it is a pagan ritual day. Someone behind the scenes knows exactly what they are doing. We are seeing the rise of paganism before our eyes. I believe the end-time religion is going to be the rebirth of classic paganism, including man-worship which will be the antichrist.
This is all happening so fast, it seems that all areas of prophecy are now on the fast track and set to converge in the very near future.

It’s Not Just Times Square—Altars to Baal Will Be Built Around the World

We’re rapidly moving toward history’s conclusion, and these reconstructions of the Arch of the Temple of Baal in over a thousand cities worldwide is proof of that. Classic paganism (that is Luciferianism) is raising its head and leaving no doubt about what the end-time world religion will be. This isn’t a monument to a destroyed world archaeological treasure – it’s a symbolic gesture on an international level. These are gateways to the worship of Lucifer rising across the globe, and for the elite who are behind this, that’s the whole point.
It is past time for the Church to fall on its collective face in repentance and then to rise up, call for revival and take action!