Tagged: Gay

Iran using US cash to fund unprecedented, massive military buildup

After the Civil War, the Democrats created the KKK as their military arm to advance their agenda against black people. What is rising now on the college campuses is the modern version of the KKK. Right now it appears to be lead by the Communists, with other Hard Left groups merging with it. Are they the vanguard of a new civil war?
If you’ll notice, the college administrators let them run wild and never seem to stand up to them. Members of the Democratic Party never say anything while they are exposing Democratic issues like hating President Trump. Bernie Sanders is a Communist, yet he says nothing.
I can see this movement expanding throughout the colleges, and being the foundation for a revolution. The modern Democratic KKK is rising.

Franklin Graham: Battle Against Godless Secularism Is for the Soul of the Nation

The soul of the nation is already dead because the Church did not care. Politics can be a stopgap, but in the long run it really does appear that God turned America over to the reprobates for judgment. This is a spiritual battle and without the Lord fighting for us there is no victory. Why, oh why, are so many pastors “dead in the water?” They are in a spiritual coma!
If “Hellary” wins, time has run out for America, and the Church in America is going to greatly suffer. If Trump wins, God in his mercy has given us more time, and I believe that he will use America to help Israel in the coming war against Islam.