American Great Outpouring’ of the Holy Spirit and Covenant Prayer for 2024

Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh
The following information is in handout format which is printable. There are several additional handouts and brochures. To see the handouts go to:
Summary of Great Awakenings in America
There have been five Great Outpourings in American history. The time gap is between 50-60 years the last was 56 years ago; thus America is due for one right now! God’s great outpourings of the Holy Spirit always focused on one church in one location with one person, starting in Jerusalem.
First Outpouring: Jerusalem, Day of Pentecost, 33 AD, Upper Room, Apostle Peter
The First Great Awakening: Enfield, CT: July 8, 1741, Congregational Church, Pastor Jonathan Edwards
The Second Great Awakening: Logan County, KY: Third Sabbath June 1800: (June 19, 1800), Red River Church, Pastor James McGready
The Third Great Awakening: Manhattan, NY: Sept 23, 1857, Dutch Reformed Church, Jeremiah Lanphier
Azuza Street Outpouring: Los Angeles, CA: April 9, 1906, 214 North Bonnie Brae Street, Pastor William Seymour
Jesus Revolution: Costa Mesa, CA, Southern, CA, May 1968, Calvary Chapel, Pastor Chuck Smith
Time Line: Years Between the Great Outpourings of the Holy Spirit in America (rounded off)
Stoddard 1690 to First Great Awakening 1741: 50 years
First 1741 to Second Great Awakening 1800: 60 years
Second 1800 to Third Great Awakening 1857: 60 years
Third Awakening 1857 to Azusa St 1906: 50 years
Azusa St 1906 to Jesus Revolution 1968: 60 years
Jesus Revolution 1968 to the Last Great
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit 2024?: 56 years!
Cry Unto the Lord Prayer Covenant: The Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit For America in 2024
Abba Father, we come before you in the precious name of the Lord Jesus, understanding the hour in which we live. We see the Day of the LORD approaching, and we are crying out to you according to your Word.
We cry out in repentance for our sins and the sins of our nations. We cry out for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We realize that time is short before the Lord Jesus comes for his bride, but according to your Word, the outpouring of the Spirit will continue until he comes.
We are humble before you with the manifest sins of our nations, recognizing how this offends your holiness. By faith, we ask for one more outpouring of the Holy Spirit both to win untold numbers of souls to the Lord Jesus, and to hold back the terrible spirit of antichrist.
With this mighty outpouring, we ask for the healing of the brokenhearted, the opening of the prison to them that are bound, and the setting at liberty of them that are bruised.
Abba, free us completely from the spirit of bondage and fear, and fill us with power, love and a sound mind; free us completely of unbelief and have us grow mighty in faith to please you.
In the past, you sent many great outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and we are asking our Abba for one more before the Groom comes for his bride.
The church was birthed with the power of the Holy Spirit, and we want to go with you in that same power. The great outpouring first came to Jerusalem. We beseech you for another great outpouring of your Spirit upon your people Israel like, you first sent 2000 years ago.
Abba Father, we love you as little children and believe the Word with the same faith as children. We know when we ask our Abba that he hears us.
Father, as the end grows near, it now is like the “days of Noah.” To protect us from the wicked one, and from the love of the world, we come under the power and authority of your Word and your name.
We are growing close to you for protection and asking that you heal all the broken hearts of your people, along with freeing us from bondage, so that the bride is ready for the Groom. Amen
America’s First Prayer Covenant
The Great Revival of 1800 which started in Kentucky. This was America’s Second Great Awakening.
This mighty Outpouring of the Holy Spirit shook America and eventually the world. It was led by Pastor James McGready who, along with three small churches under him, initiated a prayer covenant petitioning God for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God heard their prayers and sent the outpouring which changed the course of American history. The prayer covenant follows:
Prayer and Fasting Covenant By Pastor James McGready (1798)
“When we consider the word and promises of a compassionate God to the poor lost family of Adam, we find the strongest encouragement for Christians to pray in faith—to ask in the name of Jesus for the conversion of their fellow-men. None ever went to Christ when on earth, with the case of their friends, that were denied, and, although the days of his humiliation are ended, yet, for the encouragement of his people, he has left it on record, that where two or three agree upon earth to ask in prayer, believing, it shall be done.
Again, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. With these promises before us, we feel encouraged to unite our supplications to a prayer-hearing God for the outpouring of his Spirit, that his people may be quickened and comforted, and that our children, and sinners generally, may be converted.
Therefore, we bind ourselves to observe the third Saturday of each month, for one year, as a day of fasting and prayer for the conversion of sinners in Logan county, and throughout the world. We also engage to spend one half hour every Saturday evening, beginning at the setting of the sun, and one half hour every Sabbath morning, from the rising of the sun, pleading with God to revive his work.”
To this covenant he and they affixed their names