Pedophiles demand to be included in the LGBT community, say they should be respected and tolerated like everyone else

2 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    Children are close to the heart of God.I believe the ‘millstone’ is not only symbolic..but reality….to those who attack God through children.Satan can only wreck and destroy..and you can see reflection’s of it in our society,i.e.demoncrat party..the party of perversion and baby killing.Anything Godly is off bound’s..but give them deviation in any degree..and they feed on it like roach’s….They have the evil one’s DNA.God keep’s ‘score’..and one day soon He will right the wrong’s.I do not pity those who have been ‘given over’.It is over for them in God’s economy…Even so..come Lord Jesus…..

  2. dan.w says:

    I have respect for the ‘alphabet crowd’…the GLBQTLMNOP group…I won’t stand in your way when God calls your name……Note to everyone..We all meet Jesus..some as lawyer…some as judge.This is one ‘appointment’ you cannot miss.I guarantee it.