Sunday Night Show: President declared today a day of National Prayer

7 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    Father God…Please bless tonight’s prayer time.Let us throw off silly thing’s such as trivia,or what color the church carpet should be.Get us back Lord to putting You first.Jesus must be the head.We should learn from history..and not wait until we are ‘in a vise’…before we call out to You.Because we here are saved by Your Blood Jesus…You should be who we come to first…not last.Give us truly repentant hearts…not for just the moment..but continually.Use US..Lord to reach the lost.Help us to put other’s need before our greed,Amen.

  2. dan.w says:

    You are welcome. Father God..You can do anything.I ask You Lord God to make our prayers heard in Your ears.We are spiritually on our knee’s before You.We do not trust in man…but in You.You are our Answer.Thank You in advance for the mercy and faithfulness You have and will show to us.Crush evil before every realm Lord God.Even in our own lives,Make us the faithful witnesses that You want us to be,Amen.

  3. dan.w says:

    On your ‘prayer night’ of sunday..someone typed in a comment about us being in a state of martial law’..perhaps because of the declared national emergency..thus the constitution would technically be suspended,or of no effect…Correct me if I’m wrong…since 911…have we not been under ‘martial law’…or was it rescinded….?Anyone have an answer?…Thanks,Dan.w P.S. God bless. Also..has anyone heard of I.D.2020?,or of Bill Gates population control speech?.It’s chilling and speaks to whats going on now.

    • JohnMcTernan says:

      Right now it is a velvet glove type of martial law, but it is getting stronger by the day.

  4. Dom says:

    ‘F***’ Trump’s ‘National Day Of Prayer’: Rashida Tlaib Pushes Nasty Message On Social Media, Backtracks

    I believe God will strike down this evil Jezebel right in her tracks.

  5. dan.w says:

    Even though I see ‘bad tidings’ around me…I will fear no evil..nor be stopped in my tracks like a ‘deer in the headlights’. Trump is doing all he can..he has some good people around him..for the most part…and most people seem to take this they should.That said..the Lord has put some opportunities in front of me.Someone backed into my car today at my moms apartment…As the person got out to look at the damage,[none] to their car…I said..don’t worry,I won’t say anything..then said was my car you hit.They said sorry,I said not to worry,gave them a Jesus DVD and blessed them.They smiled and I wished them a safe day.That’s how it’s done. All glory to God.