UPDATE As America Has Done to Israel (Hurricane Michael-DOW Down)

12 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    The two state solution is a trap for all who would ensnare themselves in it.God will withold blessing and release curses to those who subscribe to that ‘garbage’,which is what it is.God see’s one state,not two.

  2. Diana says:

    Pastor McTernan, would you please send President Trump a copy of your book? I’ll pay for it if need be. Thanking you in advance,

    • JohnMcTernan says:

      We need some way to figure out how to get the book to him. If I just send it, it will not get to him.

      • Chantal O'Leary says:

        What about sending it to the the Ambassador to Israel. Do you know anyone who is traveling to Israel soon who could take it?
        I will pray that God makes away were there seems to be no way.

  3. dan.w says:

    How about getting the book into his prayer team hands???Maybe Mike Huckabee??Nikki Haley? This is of vital importance as I saw the connection between Israel and parceling her land,even if only in talking stage.Everyone who ‘burdens himself with it’will be broken/…potentially without remedy.Please…anyone who can get this info to Mr.Trump or his prayer team…it could be a nation breaker if we don’t.Needless suffering will only occur if we don’t take this as a stern warning from God….Touch not His annointed,or His Holy people…or His land.

  4. dan.w says:

    Please president Trump..There is no doubt you are masterful at chess,on the world scene…but a ‘two state solution’ can only end badly for us prophetically because this ‘game’..is against the Lord God Himself…Ask ‘pastor’ Paula White…….She surely must be aware of the unavoidable outcome should we go down this one way to tragedy path. Please read John McTernan’s book,As America has done to Israel.Sincerely,Dan.w

  5. Denise says:

    It is hard to deny this correlation but I’m hopeful that what we think of as a “two state solution” isn’t what the president has in mind. I’ve read other pieces that seem to indicate the plan is that the “Palestinians” would be made citizens of the country of origin…e.g. Jordan, Lebanon, etc. Then there won’t BE any “refugees”…they can GO HOME. So, we’ll see what the outcome is. We just need to keep praying.

  6. dan.w says:

    I agree,Mr.Trump is no fool…Hopefully we give them a ‘valid offer’,then they reject it..because,in the end they don’t want two states as they say,but Israel driven into the sea.

  7. Jackie says:


    Check out JD Farag
    Prophecy update on 10-14-18 concerning this.
    See on YouTube.

    I have watched this pastor in Hawaii for years. JD Farag and Amir Tsarfati (Behold Israel) have great teachings. Amir is a Messianic Jew and former Major in IDF.

    I sent JD your recent post.

  8. John Notter Jr. says:

    You are always a blessing John! J. Notter

  1. October 18, 2018

    […] President Trump is a great friend of Israel, but the warnings in the Bible are very clear that no one or nation is to come against the land of Israel and especially try and divide it. I hope someone could get this message to President Trump and head off judgments on America… more […]