President Trump’s Speech about the Election: Must Watch

Verse of the Day
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Please stop everything you are doing and listen to his speech. It lays out how the Democrats are trying to steal the election. This is so clear and just throw gasoline on the fire for fighting this corruption. Wow, wow, wow. Please pass this on to everyone you can ASAP!
He is going to win and lead us the crush the Deep State with the Lord leading us to victory.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

“The consensus among this crowd is that there is no upside to continuing the fight, no benefits to be gained, nothing at all to be achieved.Instead, we should back down, as Republicans and conservatives have done a thousand times before, take our whipping, resign ourselves to the fact that no honest election from dogcatcher on up will ever again occur in the U.S., and prepare the single suitcase we’re allowed while we wait for the truck to take us to Alger Hiss Reeducation Camp at Prudhoe Bay.
All this, like much else said about Donald Trump, is nonsense. Trump’s great struggle to secure his victory is not only acceptable, not only justified, it is necessary.” All these arguments are based on the premise that this was a normal election. Well, maybe with a tad more cheating than usual, but… In four years, there will be another one.”

“The Friday Night Oval Office Meeting Was EVEN MORE EXPLOSIVE Than We Thought – GENERAL FLYNN Saved the Day!” Gen Flynn is a tremendous American Patriot with a backbone of steel. I hope he is put in-charge of the FBI and destroys it.
“During the interview Patrick Byrne described how General Michael Flynn took control and confronted the naysayers on President Trump’s advisory team. According to Patrick Byrne, “General Flynn stood on his feet [in a calm, measured and professional manner] and gentlemanly asked “Do you think the President won? Can you say that you think the President won?”the question … not a single one would answer the question”. Byrne further states that he told President Trump that “within 30 minutes” he could produce 3 people who could confirm that his own leadership has been trying to convince others to get him to concede.”

“A Socialist called into Sean Hannity’s radio show this week and said the quiet part out loud. The Socialist caller, David, told Hannity’s guest host ‘Rose Unplugged’ that conservatives will never win another election again because the left “has the machines and has the courts.”“We don’t want to unite with you. We want to destroy every last one of you,” the caller said.”
How do We the People stop these monsters which are in our face with their corruption and American hating, They have to go.

“North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper recently signed a proclamation marking “Gender Expansive Parents’ Day” to “honor” parents that don’t identify “exclusively as masculine and feminine.” The recognition has generated opposition from at least one Christian group in the state, which says that the decree undermines the God-designed roles of a father and mother.
“[A]ll parents, regardless of gestational relationship to a child, gender identity or gender expression, deserve to be celebrated for the love and nurturing they give to their children,” the Dec. 6 proclamation reads.”

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Lin Wood provided great information about what is happening and where we are heading as a nation. I found it exhorting.
MEME: I’ll Make China Great Again!
As he sells out America, especially the Middle Class, he makes China great again, along with making $millions in bribes. He is an American traitor building up China for his own greed.
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

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OK, you say to watch this video but I’m not seeing a video link???
Try looking again as it is big bold letters across the page. God bless you
Where is the video? I have looked and looked, and there is no link.