Biden Smears Trump as First Racist President — Forgets About Democrat Woodrow Wilson’s Hatred of Blacks and Love for the KKK

Verse of the Day
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
What the demon-dems have done is transferred all their past slavery and racism on to us, and then absolved themselves of it! They refuse to take responsibility for all the crimes they committed against black people! They condemn America for what THEY did!
Looking for the Blessed Hope, the coming of Jesus Christ for his believers.
Hebrews 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
“Not only was Joe Biden’s remarks offensive they were inaccurate. There have been several racist Democrat Presidents throughout American history. President Woodrow Wilson may have been the worst racist Democrat president in history — although there were others.
A Grand Old Partisan reported — President Woodrow Wilson premiered Birth of a Nation at the White House. That racist movie was based on The Clansmen and The Leopard’s Spots, novels espousing hatred for African-Americans written by one of Wilson’s college pals. While vilifying the Republican Party of the post-Civil War era, Birth of a Nation tried to justify Democrat terrorists and Democrat violence against African-Americans. President Wilson called the movie “terribly true… like history written with lightning”.

“Mark McCloskey: The powers that be the Democrat majority, the liberals, the mob, in combination with inciting the violence, supporting the violent mob and then withdrawing the support of the police can only lead to violent confrontation.
I really believe there is an absolute callous disregard on the part of the people who run these Democrat controlled cities. To inflame violence and then provoke a federal response. Try to create a Kent State type of situation and then blame it all on the president. I think as hard as it is to have to admit this, I think this is a callous plan and it’s just political. And they don’t care how many people have to die in the process.”

We need a revival for survival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I have prayer every Saturday night live on FaceBook.
America is running our of time with the Lord.
“Portland rioters chanted “every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground” on their 51st night of “protests” in the city. The message deeply contradicts the “we just want reform” narrative that liberals and their media lackeys are trying to push.
Earlier that day, Portland riot organizer Lilth Sinclair gained massive applause after saying that their mission is the “abolition of the United States as we know it” and referred to our nation as “stolen land.”

“A riot was declared in Portland just after midnight Thursday morning after Mayor Ted Wheeler’s tense visit with protesters– where he was booed, told to resign, given a list of demands and tear-gassed by federal agents.
His visit ended with his security detail engaging in a struggle with protesters late Wednesday night as they worked to get the mayor to safety, a report said.Earlier, he moved with protesters to the fence outside of the federal courthouse where he stood at the front and was tear-gassed along with the crowd, according to New York Times correspondent Mike Baker.”

“Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) joined the mayors of Atlanta, Chicago, D.C., Seattle, and Kansas City in demanding the expulsion of federal law enforcement from their cities and said President Donald Trump is “attacking progressive cities with a classic ‘divide and conquer’ tactics.”
He is also urging Congress to investigate what he described as the administration’s “unconstitutional terror tactics.”

“The Black Lives Matter mob protested outside the home of Senator Warren Limmer, the Chair of the Minnesota Senate’s Public Safety Committee, on Saturday morning.
The mob used bullhorns to wake up the Republican state senator and his neighbors. They then opened his screen door, looked through his windows and banged on it for over an hour.
On Saturday morning Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi accused federal agents of being (Nazi) stormtroopers for protecting the city of Portland that has been destroyed by BLM and Antifa terrorists.”

“Michael Goodwin of the New York Post published an extensive investigative article on Sunday claiming that ancestral members of the family that owns the New York Times likely included slaveowners.
Moreover, Goodwin recounted, the extended family also included members who fought for the Confederacy; contributed to Confederate memorials after the Civil War; and perhaps even engaged in the slave trade.The claims cast the Times‘ effort to condemn America for the sins of slavery in an ironic light.”

“On Monday night top talent at FOX News were mentioned in a lawsuit by former employee Jennifer Eckhart and frequent guest Cathy Areu. Former FOX News host was accused of sexual assault in the lawsuit and Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Howard Kurtz and Gianno Caldwell were accused of of inappropriate behavior.
FOX News later released a response to the allegations. FOX News investigated the charges by Cathy Areu and determined “all of Cathy Areu’s claims against FOX News, including its management as well as hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Howard Kurtz and its contributor Gianno Caldwell are false, patently frivolous and utterly devoid of any merit.”

“Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Monday moved to dismiss charges brought by St. Louis’ top prosecutor against a couple who pointed guns at a crowd marching to the mayor’s home last month, Fox News has learned.
St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city’s top prosecutor, said Mark and Patricia McCloskey – both personal injury attorneys in their 60s – will be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon following the June 28 incident.”

“UPDATE: The Clark County Sheriff’s Office in Ohio has launched an investigation over the photo.UPDATE 2: The grandmother of the child from the father’s side, who was not involved, says that the child is safe and with her son.A photograph of a black man kneeling on the neck of a white baby while a black woman holds the diapered child’s arms is stirring up a massive amount of rage on social media.
The shocking and disturbing photograph, which was captioned by the abusers as “Blm now mf” is beginning to make the rounds after being uncovered by Vincent James of Red Elephants.”
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Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
I believe there is a way to stop the madness.Liberal governors who took the oath to the constitution but subvert it,need to be held accountable.How so?..seditious/traitorist acts and incitement to overthrow a constitutional and lawful republic should equate to the gallows.I’m serious.Execute those who are willfully destroying our country…Follow this up with all seditious and communists and terrorists who do the same.I say..Get the HELL out of our country or face your immediate demise…by law…anything less is the end of our republic.
Covid is a ‘psy-op’…It won’t kill as many as the fear of it will.It also will kill a country if we let it.Sheeple…TAKE OFF YOUR MASKS.This is not sane,nor constitutional.
Dr.Anthony Fakey recently talked to BET network about why covid attacks the minority groups 2.5 % more.I know why…It is because they buy the evolution lie and therefor want to rid the planet of those they consider ‘human weeds’…isn’t that right ‘good’ Dr.?Remember,we are overpopulating earth…that’s why there is a ‘vaccine’ waiting for us with our names on it.