Biden Unveils Vast LGBT Plan Overturning Trump’s Religious Liberty Protections

Verse of the Day
Psalm 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (4) He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. (5) Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
Once again, Biden and the Hard Left made it very clear they are at war with God, the Bible and those that follow the word of God. Biden and those with reprobate minds have openly declared war on God. It seems that Biden is now the point-man in this attack.
Because Biden was the point man for homosexuality during the Obama administration and now once again is leading the attack, it is not going to end well for him. I think the Lord is going deal with him publicly.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
“Biden Unveils Vast LGBT Plan Overturning Trump’s Religious Liberty Protections”
“Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a sweeping plan for the LGBT community last week, pledging to overturn Trump-era religious liberty policies if he becomes president and promoting passage of the Equality Act – a bill opposed by some gay and lesbian Americans because of its negative impact on women’s sports.
Biden’s 7,000-word plan would also ban conversion therapy, guarantee transgender students access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing, and add a “third gender” option on government forms for non-binary individuals.
The plan lists the accomplishments of the Obama-Biden administration for the LGBT community, such as ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and promoting the legalization of same-sex marriage.
“But this fight’s not over,” the plan says. The Biden plan pledges to overturn a 2019 Trump religious liberty proposal that would allow faith-based adoption and foster care agencies to receive federal grants if they don’t place children in same-sex homes. The Trump proposal would reverse an Obama-era rule that prevented federal grants from going to any entity that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Zack Pruitt said last year the new Trump rule would end discrimination “against faith-based providers simply because of their beliefs about marriage.”
“As President, Biden will repeal the rule, if implemented,” the Biden plan says.”
“White House Previews Executive Order to Reduce Medical Supply Chain Dependence on China” I think she should be called a weasel because they kill just to kill. If a weasel gets in a chicken coup, it will kill all the chickens just to kill. This woman loves to kill babies like a weasel loves to kill chickens.
The sight of her makes me want to vomit!
“Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so dedicated to promoting abortion and forcing Americans to fund killing babies in abortion that she has been caught trying to add taxpayer financing of abortions to the bill to combat the Coronavirus and provide economic stimulus to the nation as it deals with the COVD-19 outbreak.
Nancy Pelosi has a long history of promoting abortion and her first act after becoming Speaker in 2019 was pushing legislation to use tax money for abortions. So it’s no surprise she is trying to exploit the Coronavirus pandemic to push abortion funding again.”
“New Generation of Missionaries Floods the Earth with Gospel: ‘Now is the Season for Revival'” This is so exciting and to think this ministry is part of it. Through my Abba Father International Fellowship untold numbers of souls have come to the Lord in Africa and Asia. It is the message that Jesus Christ came to heal the brokenhearted that the people are responding to.
I love to preach live to these people through Skype. This Tuesday over 1000 came to the Lord in Pakistan. The believers are so excited in the Lord, and it is a pleasure to be with them. I wish I could say this about what is happening in America.
Next week I’ll be leading a meeting in Pakistan with 500 pastors. They want me to teach on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit because they see so many souls are coming to the Lord! I teach the real outpouring with the evidence being power to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and win souls. They are hungry for this.
Our plan is to get all the pastors in Pakistan that want to work with us and right now this is over 1000. We want to unite with them and their churches with prayer and fasting for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Pakistan. We are calling it “The Day of Pentecost for Pakistan”! The same is happening in India and East Africa!
It is so joyful to work with a church which is working like a real church and not playing games which is see so many doing in America. Right now there is a bona-fide move of the Lord in many countries around the world which I don’t want to miss it, but to be part of.
“Last month in Brazil, 140,000 people met in three stadiums pledging to make the Great Commission their main ambition. Three million more watched online – promising to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation.
“We declare today that now is the time for harvest, now is the season for revival and every nation on earth will be touched,” said Andy Byrd with Youth With a Mission.
Half a world away, Chinese Christians, under intense persecution, hold 24-hour a day secret prayer meetings, crying out for the nations.
“Lord, the number of Christians in China is increasing, What should we do, Lord?” asked a prominent leader of China’s underground church movement during a prayer meeting. “What’s our job? How should we expand Your Kingdom? Lord, we pray that you will place Your mission into each of our hearts.”
Bible Teaching
Bible Teaching, 2 Peter, Second Coming of Jesus Christ (03/10/2020)
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
Dear Brother Dave, I thank God for the meeting we held today at a church very far from Phalombe district about 40 kilometres.
The Lord was in the midst of His people today that a lot of things happened. I took a few materials unknowingly, such that people scrumbled for them.
Many church leaders gave their lives to the Lord after hearing from the teaching about the events preceding the return of the Lord. Most of these church leaders and pastors come from churches where salvation is never taught. There has been many healing testimonies for those prayed for. And many gave testimonies about the message they heard today. A good number of the church leaders asked for my contact details that intime, I should visit their churches. Thank you for your prayers, God really honored us today.
But the problem we still have is on transportation, I don’t know where we are now with our request for a new vehicle for the ministry in M…?
God bless you…Brother H
I love and enjoy that God has heard my,and others prayers for your ministry expanding.I know,for many reasons,these new believers cannot come to America right now and witness…but perhaps they could pray for America to full on repent to God and call out for national safety,but most of all..for personal salvation to each American.Religion saves no one…but Jesus can and will to each who call out to Him.When a new believer is on fire with that salvation they just received…God hears their prayers.Father God..bless these new believers and empower and equip them to do battle in the spirit realm.Let them move mountains and banish wickedness in Your Name Lord Jesus Christ,Amen.
Father God…if I have anything in me that doe’s not belong..please take it away,so I will be found pleasing in your sight.I want my prayers to be heard by You and in accordance with Your will.Please make every true believer,regardless of where or who they are..totally dedicated to You in every area of our lives,public and private.Make us the Holy people You desire so we can be used by You.Make us bold before our spiritual enemies,so we can regain the ground we gave away under our disobedience.Make America a shining example again of truth and Godliness.Give us each a heart that say’s…Lord send ME….I’ll go. Amen.
I saw that Biden may pick a woman running mate.Who’s on the short list???My guess would be Hillary,Michael,or Oprah.C’mon president Trump.We need 4 more years.Pray hard people.
Thank you…brother John for the prayer time we had last night.I prayed in agreement with all of you.God bless you as the Lord moves through your ministry.
Wow, thanks and God bless you.