CIA, John Brennan Fires Warning Shot to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell After Trump Orders DOJ to Investigate FBI’s Campaign Infiltration”

4 Responses

  1. danw says:

    Brennan is a muslim…Obama is too.Comey,Clintons…McCain…Bushes…part of the ‘onion’ of deep state.We are rife with those who hate our God,hate our Savior Jesus..God in flesh..are rabid socialist/marxists.Colleges are full of them,universities breed them,public schools indoctrinate them into the image they want to take over.Pray folks..pray hard,pray often..pray with determined purpose..Pray for our republic and president,his entire family and staff……

  2. Suzanne says:

    It’s very difficult to be patient when every day more evidence is uncovered of the illegal and treasonous activities of the DC swamp. If they were ordinary citizens whose wrong-doings had been exposed they’d already have been indicted. But day after day they not only go free but are still collecting their fat salaries and perks AND they still have top-secret security clearances! And Sessions, an appointee of President Trump, is helping them! Is there no one in DC who can bring these criminals to trial? And why can’t the President strip Hillary and other former employees of their security clearances?

  3. KimW says:

    Please remember to pray for President Trump and his families protection during this time. Many on the left would love to see him killed while he drains the swamp. Remember to pray for his wisdom in picking people who represent GOD, JESUS & the HOLY SPIRIT.

  4. danw says:

    Father God…please lead,guide,protect..and give Your wisdom to Mr.Trump.Let Him and Israel’s prime minister be Your tools to secure our nations and to bring down the massive corruption that is in the way of these men doing their jobs in Your behalf.Let their steps be straight,solid and sure.Let their motives be Your mandate.Let the enemies of Your plans and of Your people be confounded,and defeated.In Jesus wonderful and perfect Name…Amen.