Critically Important Information: May 13, 2023

1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
This blog’s focus is on current events which keep you on the cutting edge of critical information about the end times.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all the coming troubles until Jesus comes for us.
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
If you like and are blessed by this ministry, please consider making a donation to help keep it going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Focus on NWO. Some of these posts overlap with my other blogs. Outstanding posts are highlighted in red. (The * before the post indicates it’s new.)
*Marjorie Taylor Greene Hints Hunter Biden’s Sex Workers May Testify in Front of Congress If they try and bring the prostitutes before the House, the deep state will murder them or they all will commit “suicide.”
*Pope Francis Calls Pedophile as “Children of God” Who Deserve “Love” and “Pastoral Care” This church is riddled with pedophiles and this is a good example why they are in all areas.
*When Mental Illness Goes Viral: Social Contagions Are Destroying Our Girls
From article:”One of the strangest stories of the last couple of years is how teenage girls have been stricken with facial tics after browsing the video-sharing app TikTok. Earlier this month, Azeen Ghorayshi published a deep-dive on the strange phenomenon in The New York Times. Looking back at the puzzling explosion of TikTok tics during the pandemic, she reported that contagious outbreaks of strange behavior are not new and have a technical name: “mass psychogenic illness.”
*DHS to train citizens to spot radical conservatives
From article:”In the near future, everyone on earth – except the “elite,” of course – will have to drastically reduce their standard of living in order to save the planet from the devastating effects of warm weather, according to the BBC. In its “Future World” series, the BBC is telling viewers that it is no longer an option to live an “ultra-low carbon lifestyle” – it is a requirement if the planet is to be saved from man-made so-called climate change. Right now, the “carbon footprint” of someone living in the developed world ranges anywhere from 4.46 metric tons per year in France, all the way up to 15.43 metric tons per year in Canada.”
*An In-depth Look at the Burst of New Revelations on the Biden Family’s Foreign Business Dealings
*Fake Refugees Destroy Ireland Hotel Industry – America Next?
*The Censorship-Industrial Complex: Top 50 Organizations To Know This article is long and detailed, but it is full of great information.
From article:”While the civilian population only in recent years began haggling over “de-platforming” incidents involving figures like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, government agencies had already long been advancing a new theory of international conflict, in which the informational landscape is more importantly understood as a battlefield than a forum for exchanging ideas. In this view, “spammy” ads, “junk” news, and the sharing of work from “disinformation agents” like Jones aren’t inevitable features of a free Internet, but sorties in a new form of conflict called “hybrid warfare.”
*Tolerance Is Overrated: It’s Time To Start Gatekeeping American Society Again
From article:”The basis of the leftist religion is not a deity, it is self perception. They worship themselves and think the collective is valuable so long as it reaffirms their identity. Anything that might restrict their pursuit of self aggrandizement is considered oppressive. This is why they often argue in favor of moral relativism. They have a delusion in their mind of what they are; they see themselves as a fantastic gift to the world. But, if people are allowed to judge them on their moral failings then they will always be reminded that they are not all that impressive. So, they seek to control the views and speech of others.”
Deuteronomy 28:52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.
From article:”Elon Musk has reportedly chosen Linda Yaccarino, a seasoned media executive, World Economic Forum chairperson, and coronavirus vaccination campaign creator, to lead Twitter hoping to bring stability to the platform that has been recently characterized by turbulence and controversy.
*Florida Effectively Bans Central Bank Digital Currency Wow, wow, wow, This is amazing stand against the NWO takeover of America. This is the only way to defeat the NWO through state action.
*Rep Issa Calls for Investigation of Hatch Act Violations by CIA Inspector General
From article:”I am writing to request your office investigate the participation of CIA employees in the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story in the final days leading up to the 2020 Presidential election. Recently revealed information provided to Congressional investigators suggests that taxpayer resources and CIA staff may have been used to aid the Biden 2020 presidential campaign.
*Pomerantz Pleads Fifth in Deposition, Claims GOP’s Trump Indictment Probe Is ‘Political Theater’
From article:”Outside of Friday’s testimony, Pomerantz has been highly public about his opinions on the DA office’s investigation into Trump. He wrote a book called People vs. Donald Trump: An Inside Account in which he expressed his grievances with Trump in vivid detail. He has discussed the case in media appearances. He opined in his resignation letter, which was leaked to the New York Times, that Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations.”
Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Elites Manufacture Fake “Hate” Crisis As Pretext For Mass Spying, Blacklists, And Censorship
The Biden Crime Syndicate Is One Of The Most Evil Secret Societies In World History, Guilty Of Child Trafficking And High Treason Against America, FBI And DOJ Whistleblowers Allege
From article:”cases like this are “very rare,” and said he’s not seen one quite like Penkoski’s plight. “This is the first time I’ve actually seen somebody quoting Jesus Christ, and that being considered a crime,” he said, noting he’s been warning for years about where free speech violations could lead. “Now the question is, are we gonna give into this or are we gonna fight it?” Whitehead said The Rutherford Institute fights for “free speech across the board, no matter who you are” and said people have the right to express their beliefs. “This guy did not threaten anybody,” he said. “He did not walk up to [them], he did not meet [them]. He did not point a finger,” he said. “He just posted something on social.”
Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
‘Disgusting’: Look who to comes to Tlaib’s rescue for anti-Israel protest It was two apostate Jewish senators came to her aid!!!
Jerome Corsi’s Latest Book: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy Please take time to read this article because I believe the US government assassinated President Kennedy.
AP shocks by reporting trans kids are ‘protected from parents’ with new gender-affirming care law
NYC Catholic Parish Church Proclaims ‘God Is Trans’ This is the manifestation of the wokeness in the Catholic Church. The “church” had to turn totally woke to lead this rebellion against God into the the Tribulation and becoming the Whore of Babylon.
From article:”St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Manhattan has launched an exhibit titled “God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey” to the consternation of many of the faithful. The colorful exhibit, displayed on the walls of the “ultra-woke Manhattan church,” is the creation of artist Adah Unachukwu, and represents an attempt to show how faith and gender identity intersect. The installation “maps the queer spiritual journey by three significant points: Sacrifice, Identity, and Communion,” the didactic reads.”
Charlize Theron Vows to ‘F**k Anybody Up Who’s Trying to F**k With’ LGBTQ People On a regular basis, the homosexual movement is threatening us with violence.
Transgenderism ‘Confusing People About the Nature of Reality’ and Victimizing Children
Ominous Omen From ‘Oracle of Omaha’? Buffett Unloads Billions in US Stocks, Warns of AI ‘Atom Bomb’
THE TRAP IS SPRUNG: The banks are being brought down BY DESIGN (Video) I’ve said this for a long time that the economy was controlled by the NWO and deep state. They are crashing the economy to setup the NWO’s control over the world economy.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential bid a BIG THREAT to the Deep State He is a far greater threat to the NWO than President Trump. He is saying things about Covid 19 and the death shot that Trump will not.
EU Displays Satanic Anti-Christian Artwork by Godless Lesbian in Parliament
From article:”An art exhibit at the European Union’s Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium, has prompted criticism from conservative politicians in Italy for its display of a blasphemous depiction of Jesus Christ and the apostles. The artwork, a series of photographs by lesbian Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson, includes one of a man who is meant to represent Christ wearing a white robe and a halo made out of stars above his head. The man is surrounded by seven men who are wearing leather-based fetish clothing associated with BDSM fetishism. Ohlson said the photographs are meant to depict Christ supporting homosexual rights. “There [are] a lot of pictures of Jesus with heterosexual [people],” Ohlson said on Twitter. “Millions, billions of paintings, famous artists. But this is just 12 pictures of Jesus loving the LGBT rights, so 12 pictures should not be so scary for them.”
The “All Ages” Drag Show Epidemic Plaguing America
Transgender Advocates Lose as GOP States Define the Two Sexes
Colorado families sue school district for encouraging daughters to join ‘secret’ LGBTQ club After reading this, please get your children out of the public schools by whatever means possible, don’t wait.
From article:”Not only were the activities of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) not disclosed to parents, those who led the club’s meetings actively encouraged students to keep discussions about polyamory, suicide, puberty blockers, transgenderism, gender identity, sexuality and name and pronoun changes secret from their parents.
Top Intel Chiefs Forced to Testify Over Hunter Biden Laptop Lie – John Brennan and James Clapper to Appear Before House Committee The entire federal government is nothing more than a criminal cartel of psychopaths and serial liars everywhere!
Colorado teachers union passes resolution declaring capitalism ‘inherently exploits children, public schools’ They are now going to promote Communism to the children. Communism has failed wherever they tried to implement it along with murdering 150 million during the Twentieth Century.
The New Ugly Americans America is now projecting the woke, hard left, God hating mentality to all the world and they hate it just like we do.
King Charles and the Globalists set meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity The 666 Surveillance System is being knit together right before our eyes.
World on the verge of a new religion created by AI, historian claims The new religion is paganism with worshiping a man and his Image which will be controlled with AI!!!
Montana governor Greg Gianforte signs 5 pro-life bills: ‘Every human life is precious and must be protected’ This is wonderful news. What is happening is states are dividing like before the Civil War. Then, there were free and slave states while now it is pro life and pro death.
Jeffrey Epstein calendar reveals appointments with Woody Allen, former Clinton admin official, ex Israeli PM There is no doubt that Epstein was an agent of the deep state and NWO. He trap people in their sin from there they were blackmailed and used to advance the deep state. There is NO doubt that Epstein was murdered by the deep state.
Chase Bank warned on religious discrimination by 19 GOP attorneys general This battle against us is best fought on the state level.
Christian ex-teacher sues California district after refusing to hide kids’ gender transitions from parents This is a classic culture war battle.
From article:”A report from the CDC in February found that teen girls are experiencing “record high levels of violence, sadness, and suicide risk.” The data show that 57% of U.S. teen girls felt “persistently sad or hopeless in 2021—double that of boys, representing a nearly 60% increase and the highest level reported over the past decade.” About 30% had seriously attempted suicide. These numbers are dramatically higher than they were ten years ago. Boys are suffering too. One of the main culprits for young males’ problems is the ongoing stress on so-called toxic masculinity, where feminists and the left take normal male behavior, exaggerate it, and then vilify it.”
Detroit Bankrupt Black City to Pay Reparations to Itself This article shows the delusion the Communist/woke crazed mentality of the demon-dems who control this city. The dems in DC have the same mentality and will so the same to the entire nation!
Oregon Republicans slam bill that allows sex change, abortion for minors without parental consent: ‘a new low’
Loneliness crisis sweeping America could be as deadly as smoking, surgeon general warns This loneliness is a sure sign of a broken heart that needs to be healed by Jesus Christ.
Texas Church Invites Children to Attend Drag Event
From article:”“It doesn’t matter what building [the cross-dressing men] are in, who they [the church] claim the money is going to, or how many times they [event organizers] put ‘family-friendly’ on the poster,” said Griesinger. “This is still grown men dressing like women and performing inappropriate acts in front of children. It’s disgusting, it’s child grooming, and it needs to stop.”
Euro bank chief admits central bank digital currency will be used to control populations
A Handful of Giant Corporations Control the Global Propaganda Machine
NBC’s Chuck Todd clashes with Vivek Ramaswamy over gender binary: ‘Do you know this as a scientist?’
High schoolers allegedly gang up on assistant principal, ‘pummel’ her so hard she’s rushed to hospital This appears to be a group of females that did this. Please get your children and grandchildren out of these hellish public schools.
RFK Jr. Says His Father and Uncle Were Fighting Against Military Industrial Complex Before Their Deaths His life now is in GREAT danger!
Satanists Shred Bible During SatanCon Opening Ritual in Boston (VIDEO)
Viral Video Exposes TYRANNICAL Blueprint for Forcing a CBDC (Video)
Large & Small US Banks See Deposit Outflows Continue, Small Bank Lending Growth Tumbled
‘Real enemy is humanity itself’: Exposing the occult roots of The Club of Rome’s climate agenda
‘Scientific Consensus’ Is Nothing More Than Manufactured Consent
Wokeism: A Religious Cult
From article:”To woke leftists, dissidents aren’t just people with a different opinion; they are evil enemies to be exposed and punished for their heresy. No branch of Christianity has been quite like that since I don’t know … the Spanish Inquisition? In fact, unlike Islam, Christian zealot movements of any kind haven’t seen real political power anywhere in hundreds of years. Woke leftists, on the other hand, control almost all large private, public, and political institutions across the entire West and are angling for far more. They are even attempting to undermine – quite successfully – what’s left of Christianity.”
North Dakota Becomes 15th State to Protect Babies From Abortions
Left-Fascists Vandalize Utah State Senator’s House
From article:”To those who seek to use violence, vandalism, and intimidation to deter me from standing up for what is right, let me be clear: you will not succeed. I will not be deterred by your cowardly actions. The recent vandalism to my family’s home was not just an attack on me, but on the very principles our state stands for. We will not let fear and violence control our destiny. As Utahns, we will always stand up and push back against radicals who seek to push their agenda in our state. I am more determined than ever to work with the good people of Utah to make our state a better place for all, especially our children, and I won’t back down.
Librarian sues when parents object to hypersexualized books
From article:”The blog posting, SafeLibraries, run by publisher Dan Kleinman, claimed that the librarian was promoting the challenged books with an “enticing ‘banned books’ display.” The parents, represented by First Amendment lawyer Corinne Mullen, have asked the case be dismissed as frivolous. “Parents should have the right to have a voice in whether their children should be exposed to sexualized content in the books chosen by public school employees,” Mullen explained. “This lawsuit inhibits open and robust debate on the issues as we as a nation must face on the appropriateness of content to which our children are exposed.”
From article:”“We also know that there are other folks in the community that experience things like a tradition of excellence as exclusionary,” Clifthorne said. “We’re a school district that lives in and is entrenched in and is surrounded by white supremacy culture. And that’s a real thing.” The board director told concerned parents that there was nothing “intrinsically white supremacist” about string or instrumental music, but warned that there are ways in which it could contribute to the racist culture. “The ways in which it is and the ways in which all of our institutions — not just schools, but local government, state government, our churches, our neighborhoods — inculcate and allow white supremacy culture to continue to be propagated and caused significant institutional violence are things that we have to think about carefully as a community,” he said.
RFK Jr: “I Will Prosecute Any Official Who Engaged in Criminal Wrongdoing During the Pandemic… Not Retribution, but Justice!” Right now, he is a bigger danger to the NWO than Trump. He can really turn the demon-dem party upside down!!!
‘Made Us Targets of Assassination’ – Justice Alito Says He Knows Who Leaked Dobbs Draft It had to be one of the hard core Communists justices. The Communists will do anything to advance their agenda, even assassinations.
The Armenian Genocide and my grandmother’s secret
From article:”Kansas Republicans have passed a law that transgender activists are calling one of the “most sweeping and restrictive transgender bathroom bills in U.S. history.” House Republicans overrode Democratic Governor Laura Kelly’s bill veto on Thursday with a vote of 84-40. The state’s Senate did the same on Wednesday, with a vote of 28-12. The bill, Senate Bill 180, states that an individual’s “sex” means their biological sex, either male or female, at birth. It adds that “a ‘female’ is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova, and a ‘male’ is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female.” It further says that “distinctions between the sexes” in specific spaces “are substantially related to the important governmental objectives of protecting the health, safety and privacy of individuals in such circumstances.”
US family flees Texas to transgender ‘refuge’ — Minnesota This is a great idea and it will may the dividing of America that much more easier. Americans can’t continue with the Woke Communists in the nation.
ABC News admits to cutting down RFK Jr.’s vaccine claims: ‘Used our editorial judgement’ Wow, he is a huge threat to the demon-dem political machine. His campaigning could blow the lid on the entire Covid 19 death shot agenda of the NWO. This is huge and I hope he is highly successful and blow everything wide open. The great danger is the deep state would assassinate him like they did to John and Robert Kennedy.