Critically Important Information: February 25, 2023

Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
This blog’s focus is on current events which keep you on the cutting edge of critical information about the end times.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all the coming troubles.
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
If you like and are blessed by this ministry, please consider making a donation to help keep it going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Focus on NWO. Some of these posts overlap with my other blogs. Outstanding posts are highlighted in red. (The * before the post indicates it’s new.)
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán: LGBT propaganda is ‘the greatest threat stalking our children’
Pope Francis Declares ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’ (Video)
U.N. Demands ‘Global Guidelines’ on Internet Speech to Silence ‘Insects Thriving in the Dark’
Pandemics, Famine and War – Globalists are AT WAR with humanity – Feat. Michael Yon (Video)
Six galaxies challenge theories about how the universe was formed
NY Times Editorial Board Member Questions Free Speech on Internet: ‘I don’t think we can allow it to go on’ (VIDEO) This shows are arrogance of the ruling elites. We have too much freedom of media, so it is time to take it away!
‘I have a master’s degree!’: Watch teacher ferociously mock parental involvement
UK Anti-Terror Programme Lists Reading Orwell’s 1984, Huxley’s Brave New World as Signs of Extremism What they are doing is actually right out of Orwell’s 1984!
The Latest in Leftist Fascism and Modern ‘Book Burning’ (Video)
13 Numbers That Show How Dramatically We Have Failed America’s Children
#1 One recent survey found that 40 percent of U.S. parents “worry their children struggle with anxiety or depression”.
#2 During the pandemic, suicide became the second leading cause of death for U.S. children between the ages of 10 and 14.
#3 Suicide is also the second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 15 and 24.
#4 According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, 46 percent of U.S. kids between the ages of 13 and 17 have experienced cyberbullying.
#5 40 percent of U.S. high school students “felt so sad or hopeless” in 2021 that “they were unable to do their regular activities”.
#6 According to the CDC, “more than 95% of children and adolescents in the U.S. spend much of their daily lives in school”.
#7 At 23 schools in Baltimore, not one single student is proficient in math.
#8 At 30 schools in Illinois, not one single student can read at grade level.
#9 At 53 schools in Illinois, not one single student can do math at grade level.
#10 According to the CDC, nearly 20 percent of all adolescent female students experienced sexual violence in 2021.
#11 According to the CDC, nearly 60 percent of all adolescent female students “experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” in 2021.
#12 According to the CDC, nearly 25 percent of all adolescent female students “made a suicide plan” in 2021.
#13 The proportion of adolescent female students that actually attempted suicide in 2021 was 60 percent higher than a decade ago.
Pennsylvania State social workers now must ask whether infants identify as ‘nonbinary’
From article:”The state’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning, which funds health and social programs for young children, requires providers to report demographic information on their cases – including, since 2022, the gender identity of infants. Data collection forms for the agency now ask for newborns’ ‘gender’ rather than their sex and allow providers to select male, female, or ‘Gender Non-Binary,'” the publication reported. The forms are used for home-visit programs, including those exclusively for infants.”
Here’s How the U.S. Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated
- The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- The program was implemented on April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. until January 2023.
- Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) code, so that they can be tracked inside and outside of the medical system.
- These new ICD-10 codes are part of the government’s plan to implement medical tyranny using vaccine passports and digital IDs.
- They’re also tracking noncompliance with all other recommended vaccines using new ICD-10 codes, and have implemented codes to describe WHY you didn’t get a recommended vaccine. They’ve also added a billable ICD code for “vaccine safety counseling.”
Nonstop ‘Asbury Revival’ Inspires More Campus Services: ‘People Crying Out for a Move of God’
REVIVAL STILL HAPPENING: Thousands Wait In Line To Get Inside Asbury University Chapel ServiceThere are lots of videos in this post. I hope the movement stays true to the word and continues to grow and touch millions of people with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Nikki Haley Is One Of Globalist World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’
From article:”Coinciding with Nikki Haley’s rise to national prominence as a darling of the GOP establishment is her relationship with Klaus Schwab and his globalist World Economic Forum, which openly works to “capture” various seats in governments around the world. In 2011, the same year that she took office as Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley was selected as one of Klaus Schwab’s carefully-procured “Young Global Leaders,” a sub-set of the World Economic Forum with a focus on influencing geopolitics ad global commerce through young politicians, sports stars, business leaders, and even younger members of the Rothschild Family. Though it hasn’t been reported much in the United States, Nikki Haley’s appointment as one of Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” was celebrated in the Indian press, the country from which her parents immigrated to America.”
Whole Communities Touched by Fire of the Holy Spirit: Native American Tribes Experience Christian Revival (Video) Final some real God news about the move of the Holy Spirit in America.
Average Age Of Women Being Sold For Sex In U.S. Is Now 13-Years-Old
Alaska board members brawl over silencing dad exposing book on kinks and sexting: ‘I’m going to interrupt you’ This is happening all across America. Vast amounts of the school system is given over to satan to destroy the children. This is God’s judgment for giving over the school system to satan in 1963.
Whistleblower says FBI plotting to CRIMINALIZE Christianity Always remember the Hard Left, Communist hate us as much as the Nazi did the Jews. If they gain all the power like the Nazis, then they will move to try and exterminate us like what happened to the Jews.
From article:””Based on your religious beliefs, you cannot be dishonest with parents… If asked about a student’s gender identity by a parent, you cannot refer the parent to a counselor, defer the inquiry and suggest they speak with a student…, or otherwise deflect the parent’s inquiry,” the letter, signed by assistant superintendent of human resources, Daniel Brooks, said. “The district cannot accommodate your religious beliefs that… prohibit you from maintaining a student’s gender identity and refraining from disclosing a student’s gender identity from his/her/their parent(s)/guardians,” it continued.”
East Palestine, Ohio train wreck: It’s the dioxin This chemical disaster is turning out to be the worst in US history. The contaminates could poison huge areas of America!
From article:”In an article published today from far left Business Insider, they claimed that ChatGPT must be “woke” if OpenAI wants to attract large investors. WEF’s Klaus Schwab said of Artificial Intelligence, chatbots and other advancements: “Who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world.” “Ten years from now we will be completely different,” he said.”
Elon Musk slams idea of “world government” at World Government Summit Musk is difficult to figure out. With technology he is deep into the NWO, but yet he is against the political NWO.
From article:”During his virtual segment, Musk took it upon himself to explain that humanity should be concerned about becoming too much of a single world government. “I know this is called the World Government Summit, but I think we should be a little concerned about becoming too much of a single world government. If I may say, we want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having, frankly — this may sound a little odd — too much cooperation between governments,” Musk said.”
The Tesla CEO saw the irony in his words considering the name of the event. However, Musk explained that if one were to look at the rise and fall of civilizations, humanity’s survival could mostly be credited to other civilizations that were thriving while one was declining. “If you look at history at the rise and fall of civilizations, throughout history, civilizations have risen and fallen, but it hasn’t meant the doom of humanity as a whole because there have been all these separate civilizations that were separated by great distances,” Musk said.”
With over 100 anti-LGBTQ bills before state legislatures in 2023 so far, activists say they’re ‘fired up’ This is great news, but it doesn’t take the place of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
From article:”More than 100 bills targeting LGBTQ rights and queer life — from transgender health care to drag shows — have been filed in 22 states for 2023 so far, leading advocates to expect this year will set a new record for anti-LGBTQ legislation. So far, Texas has taken the lead with 36 such bills, according to Equality Texas, a statewide LGBTQ advocacy group. Missouri is next with 26, then North Dakota with eight and Oklahoma with six.”
Top 12 CONVERSIONS the Demon-Democrats in DC want every American to complete
From article:”And that brings us to the top 12 conversions and “trans”-formations the Demon-Democrats in DC want every American to complete:
#1. From employed (or self employed) to an unemployed Big Government beggar
#2. From straight to trans-anything
#3. From religious to satanic worshipper (or at least atheist)
#4. From healthy to sick (or sick to sicker)
#5. From dumb to demented (that’s what fluoride, mercury, and Covid clot shots are for)
#6. From natural health advocate to allopathic zombie (slave to sick care medicine)
#7. From sick to dead (population reduction agenda)
#8. From fertile (or pregnant) to infertile (or pro-abortion forever)
#9. From researched (independent thinker) to misinformed stooge
#10. From patriotic (and neighborly) to hating America and despising everyone’s differences
#11. From cultural (and personable) to cancel culture (and homogenous)
#12. From gun and land owners to disarmed renters and homeless, drug-addicted migrants
“Get The Hell Out Of There” – Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On
Scientists Fear Impending ‘Environmental Nuclear Bomb’ From Drying Great Salt Lake
Bill Gates Says AI Can Help Combat “Digital Misinformation” and “Political Polarization” They want to censor all truth exposing these murdering-psychopaths!
North Korean defector shocked at what she learned at ‘woke’ Ivy League school: ‘Brainwashing’
From article:”A North Korean defector issued a stark warning Monday on “woke” ideology in American classrooms, believing the U.S. could “absolutely” be headed down the path of her home rogue regime if it doesn’t reverse course. Author Yeonmi Park joined “Fox & Friends First” to discuss the parallels between far-left indoctrination within her Ivy League education at Columbia University and “brainwashing” in North Korea. “The things that I was learning at Columbia University really shocked me because it was the exact same thing that my North Korean teachers were brainwashing me in the classroom,” Park told Todd Piro. “At Columbia University they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.” “They were saying that we need to destroy this country, and we need to rebuild the country in the name of equality of outcomes, and that same ideology drove my home country into what it is that state North Korea,” she continued.
Yale professor suggests ‘mass suicide’ to solve Japan’s aging population: ‘I’d like a second opinion’ This is one of the goals of the NWO to get rid of the elderly in zeal to depopulate the earth.
From article:”As Kinsella remarked, the New York Times article noted that Narita has since told the publication that he no longer uses the phrases “mass suicide” or “seppuku” to describe his ideas, calling them “an abstract metaphor.” “I should have been more careful about their potential negative connotations,” Narita said. “After some self-reflection, I stopped using the words last year.” “Seppuku” referred to the Japanese ritualistic act of suicide by disembowelment often done as punishment for bringing shame to oneself or committing a serious offense.”
From article:”The Christian group He Gets Us reportedly spent $20 million on two Super Bowl advertisements that showed Jesus as someone with empathy for immigrants and the poor, who was also tired of the division of politics. “Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a tweet.
University of Michigan event calling for Israel’s destruction broke federal law, legal group says
From article:”The University of Michigan may have broken state and federal law governing hate speech when it hosted a rally on school grounds that featured calls for violent insurrection against Israel and Jews, according to a legal watchdog group. The Jan. 12 event, which was hosted by a student group as Vice President Kamala Harris appeared on campus, included calls for “intifada revolution” as well as the chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a phrase employed by those who seek the Jewish state’s eradication.”
California imam – Muslims will kill all Jews and retake their place as masters of the world This Imam is accurately quoting Muhammad about killing all the Jews. This is real Islam. What is going to happen is the Muslims are going to unite to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. Their armies will be destroyed and the defeat of the Muslim armies will destroy Islam and end it as a religion.
Regarding the “Get the —- out of here” article, could you please blank out the “h-e-l-l” in that article and also future articles? This is a Christian website, and Hell is too HORRIFIC of a place to allow that word to be used in a slang way.
Leave the story as is !