Critically Important Information: April 28, 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
This blog’s focus is on current events which keep you on the cutting edge of critical information about the end times.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all the coming troubles until Jesus comes for us. What really hate is the nation was founded on Christianity and there are so many believers in the Bible. They hate this like the Nazis hated the Jews. It is so obvious they are forcing a civil war and they are not going to stop until they are forced. The hardcore demon-dem mindset must be destroy, like
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
If you like and are blessed by this ministry, please consider making a donation to help keep it going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Focus on NWO. Some of these posts overlap with my other blogs. Outstanding posts are highlighted in red. (The * before the post indicates it’s new.)
From article:”An unidentified anti-Israel protester was photographed at George Washington University (GWU) with a sign calling for the “final solution,” echoing the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews. The man was seen carrying a large Palestinian flag with a sign using the verbiage of Adolf Hitler to describe his plans for the “annihilation of the Jews” as anti-Israel protesters on Thursday occupied GWU’s campus.”
*Campus Protester Says ‘We Must Have a Revolution so We Can Have a Socialist Reconstruction of the USA’ (VIDEO) This shows the clash I’ve spoken about. Right now Maxis Communists are in bed with Hamas to destroy America. In the end, these two will NEVER share power but will turn on each other in a fight to the end.
From article:”During an anti-Israel campus protest at George Washington University this weekend, a speaker said ‘We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.’ That’s the quiet part out loud right there. Do you think this is what the founders of George Washington University had in mind for their school?”
From article:”And, as May Mailman, Director of Independent Women’s Law Center, notes, Title IX is not a college law. This will impact girls as young as those in the Headstart program, geared to children from three to five years old, those in daycare, and those in Kindergarten through 12th grade.Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had strong words for Biden and his attack on women, “We will not comply.” “Florida rejects Joe Biden’s attempt to rewrite Title IX. We will not comply, and we will fight back.” “We are not going to let Joe Biden try to inject men into women’s activities.” “We are not going to let Joe Biden undermine the rights of parents. And we are not going to let Joe Biden abuse his Constitutional authority to try to impose these policies on us here in Florida. We stand with opportunities, we are not going to let Biden get away with it.” “We will not comply.”
*Campus Protester Says ‘We Must Have a Revolution so We Can Have a Socialist Reconstruction of the USA’ (VIDEO) This Hamas lead protest is now called for a socialist revolution to overthrow America. This is what the Communist professors on campus have wanted since the 1030s.
From article:”In case you were wondering what all these campus protests are really all about, this should answer any remaining questions. During an anti-Israel campus protest at George Washington University this weekend, a speaker said ‘We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.’ That’s the quiet part out loud right there. Do you think this is what the founders of George Washington University had in mind for their school?”
From article:An unidentified anti-Israel protester was photographed at George Washington University (GWU) with a sign calling for the “final solution,” echoing the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews. The man was seen carrying a large Palestinian flag with a sign using the verbiage of Adolf Hitler to describe his plans for the “annihilation of the Jews” as anti-Israel protesters on Thursday occupied GWU’s campus.”
The Hamas Nazi Ivy League This is an excellent article, take time to read it!
From article:”Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler was laboring to keep Jewish students out while celebrating Mussolini’s fascism. Butler’s admiration for fascism was common among university presidents, leaders of society and even in the FDR administration.
Groups Organizing College Protests Funded by Soros-Tied Entities
From article:”Several groups involved in organizing anti-Israel protests that have broken out at college campuses since last week have received money from organizations funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros, according to a report.”
From article:”The former leader of the National Institutes of Health is being exposed for weaponizing faith and prayer to push the so-called “Vaccine.” We have uncovered a video of Dr. Francis Collins openly pushing the vaccine as “God’s answer” to his prayers. He even admits part of the plan was to use faith leaders across the country to make the case for the Covid shot.”
Cal Poly Humboldt Pro-Palestinian Students Occupy Campus Building, Attack Police (Video)
From article:”Breaking! Cal Poly Humboldt students have taken Siemens Hall in solidarity with students across the nation occupying campuses for Palestine. Their demands as we understand them are as follows:
1. For CPH to disclose all holdings and collaborations with the zionist entity.
2. Academic Boycott, cut all ties with israeli universities.
3. Divest from all ties to the zionist entity including companies complicit in the occupation of Palestine.
4. To drop all charges and attacks on student organizers.
5. An immediate ceasefire and end to the occupation of Palestine. Students are requesting support as follows: Bodies to join them in the occupation of Siemens hall.
From article:”Prosecutors in New York have revealed what the other crime is that Donald Trump was allegedly trying to conceal when he was falsifying business records and they claim it was to unlawfully promote his candidacy. The fatal error is that the NY Statute they cite only applies to elections within the State of New York and not Federal Elections! Trump was running for the federal office of President of the United States and not a State Office and therefore the premise of what the prosecution is trying to prove as the second crime used to get around the statute of limitations issue and to elevate this business records case to a felony must fail! Prosecutors also cannot use a federal law as the second crime and additionally, the FEC, Federal Election Commission, declined on two occasions to prosecute the claim against Trump that the alleged hush money payment was in fact a federal violation.”
Anti-Zionist Faculty Take Control of UC Santa Cruz Wow, the corruption of American higher “learning” is nothing more than an indoctrination into hating God and his word. They are coming after the Jews right now, but without any doubt we are next and the time is very, very close.
From article:”Rather, it came from their professors — more than 100 of them — founders of a Faculty for Justice in Palestine chapter at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). Let that sink in. A large group of faculty at one of the finest public university systems in the world is using a popular social media platform to proclaim the modern-day equivalent of the ubiquitous Nazi-era slogan “Juden sind hier unerwünscht” (“Jews are not wanted here”). Even more chilling is the fact that the faculty group’s message was part of a larger post urging their colleagues and students to attend an on-campus “March Against Zionism” organized by an allied anti-Zionist student group, whose goal was “to make it clear that the racist settler-colonial ideology of zionism is not welcome on this campus!”…
Columbia U: Pro-Hamas Protesters Call for Killing of Jewish Students, Praise Jihad Murderers The Muslim/Hamas and their brain dead college supporters are now out in the open as real terrorists. Columbia University is leading the charge into war with the American people. It is very possible that very soon great bloodshed is coming as these terrorists will attempt to murder Jews and anyone who supports Israel. These terrorists are getting great support from the facility. It appears this is now heading to be a movement. My suggestion is to close down all the colleges promoting terrorism.
From article:”Columbia University and Barnard College faculty slammed Thursday’s arrests and demanded that their records be expunged. The American Association of University Professors at the sister schools issued a statement following a “mass emergency meeting” of faculty on Friday. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Administration’s suspension of students engaged in peaceful protest and their arrest by the New York City Police Department,” according to the statement provided to The Post. They said Columbia has an “absolute obligation” to protect students’ freedom of speech….”
15 State Officials Warn Bank Of America About ‘De-Banking’ Of Christians
From article:”A group of 15 financial officials from 13 states sent a notice to Bank of America, raising concerns about the institution’s “de-banking” of Christians. “We write to express our concerns over Bank of America’s troubling track record of politicized de-banking. Bank of America’s de-banking policies and practices threaten the company’s financial health, its reputation with customers, our nation’s economy, and the civil liberties of everyday Americans,” the officials wrote in an April 18 letter to Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan. “We are especially troubled by Bank of America’s track record of discriminating against religious ministries. Notable examples include Memphis-based charity Indigenous Advance Ministries, the Timothy Two Project, and Christian author and speaker Lance Wallnau.”
Mandatory Queer Indoctrination at School Causes Huge Uproar
From article:”Their plans often include spreading those ideals to students – whether or not they or their parents want such indoctrination. But one such plan, in a school in Minnesota, has been taken down a notch, according to a new report from Mat Staver, chief of Liberty Counsel. The dispute developed in Osseo, Minnesota, where officials scheduled a “gay pride” indoctrination class for all students, prepared scripts from which teachers were to read word-for-word, under a scenario that required teachers to take part regardless of their religious beliefs and rights, and more. “And the district went out of their way to make it nearly impossible for parents to review the material or to opt their children out of the indoctrination,” the report said. The push for the far-left agenda came from “four radical school board members,” Liberty Counsel reported.”
Anti-Catholic FBI memo’s origin revealed as bureau absolved of ‘malicious intent’ The report exactly what the FBI was illegal and then did nothing. Without any justification the FBI started to investigate traditional Catholics without any link to terror. This investigation could not have happened without the OK from the top!
From article:””The [FBI Inspection Division] report found that although there was no evidence of malicious intent or an improper purpose, the [memo] failed to adhere to analytic tradecraft standards and evinced errors in professional judgment, including that it lacked sufficient evidence or articulable support for a relationship between RMVEs (Racially Motivated Violent Extremists) and so-called RTC (Radical Traditional Catholicism) ideology; incorrectly conflated the subjects’ religious views with their RMVE activities, creating the appearance that the FBI had inappropriately considered religious beliefs and affiliation as a basis for conducting investigative activity; and reflected a lack of training and awareness concerning proper domestic terrorism terminology,” the inspector general noted.”
Biden’s education secretary vows to shut down the largest Christian university in the US This is all part of the concerted effort by the ungodly, woke to destroy Christians in America. This is war against us. This is open warfare right in your face!
From article:”After Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona vowed to shut down Grand Canyon University (GCU), the largest Christian university in the U.S., GCU officials are pushing back, telling Fox News Digital the crackdown stems from “deeply held bias.” Cardona made comments during a House Appropriations Committee hearing about cracking down on GCU and other universities like it on April 10. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., asked Cardona how the administration is working to shut down GCU, which she called “a predatory for-profit school.” Cardona openly embraced their enforcement methods, declaring “we are cracking down not only to shut them down, but to send a message to not prey on students.”
‘God Is Moving’: Thousands of U.S. Students ‘Hungry for Truth’ Flood Revivals as Hundreds Are Baptized This is just the way the Jesus Revolution started in 1968 which resulted in a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit across America!
From article:”A group that began during a massive revival at Auburn University in September is seeing God move among young people at its events on other campuses in America. The Christian Post reported Tuesday that the group Unite US hosted an event at Florida State University in February where approximately 300 people were baptized. Another 260 were baptized at the University of Alabama in March. In a social media post on April 4, Unite US said 7,000 students had gathered near the University of Georgia to worship Jesus the night before.“Afterwards, hundreds of students gathered for baptisms outside of Fiji, a fraternity house parking lot, to celebrate decisions to live their lives for Jesus. God is moving in college students and we believe this is just the beginning!!”
From article:”Making its way to the Supreme Court of the United States, 38 military chaplains are challenging Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s authority to issue the 2021 COVID-19 vaccine mandate and its implementation, which are largely considered illegal and unconstitutional by those who have sought relief from its tyrannical enforcement.”
Indiana abortion ban violates religious freedom rights, court rules
From article:”Indiana Court of Appeals Judge Leanna Weismann published an opinion Thursday siding with five anonymous plaintiffs and the group Hoosier Jews for Choice. The plaintiffs asserted that the state’s 2022 law prohibiting almost all abortions with exceptions in cases of a fetal anomaly or where the life or health of the mother is at risk violated the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Weismann wrote that the law “provides that ‘[a] person whose exercise of religion has been substantially burdened, or is likely to be substantially burdened, by a [RFRA] violation’ may assert a RFRA claim.” The state RFRA law defines “person” as “[a]n organization,” “a religious society” and “a group organized and operated primarily for religious purposes.”
Rutgers President Abandons Terrified Jewish Students – Flees Town Hall as Pro-Hamas Radicals Shout Anti-Israel Slogans and Calling for an Intifada It looks like the entire Left/woke of America is collapsing to the Hamas led protests against Israel and all Jews. There is great bloodshed coming to America by the Muslims and their American stooges! The bloodshed is coming real fast, and I would expect this summer. The America the Jews lived free in is now coming to an end. What is so astonishing is the Left along with the leftist Jews brought this upon themselves. They lined up with the Muslims against real Christians and look what they have now! There is no turning back from this.”
From article:”In the last few days alone, it appears more college leaders are laying the law down on anti-Israel protesters who disrupt campus activities with slogans such as “one solution, intifada revolution.” The University of Michigan, for example, announced a “disruptive activity policy” last week that creates new penalties for students who disrupt university events, after students had for months called on the school to divest from companies that provide weapons to the Israeli military.”
Years of Government Censorship Called ‘Potential Health Danger’ Huge numbers of doctors, hospitals and medical professionals sold out the American people. They did it just like the Nazis did to the German people. There is nothing they can do to renew credibility, and vast amounts of Americans are going to refuse the next time, unless it is completely evident there is a real pandemic. The problem is we are going to believe they created it like Covid 19 and the death shots.
From article:”“The loss of public confidence in both the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and the media could prove disastrous if we face another pandemic,” he explained. “The years of barring and throttling opposing views (including many later vindicated by the science) has left many Americans deeply distrustful of both the government and the media. “That is the real potential danger. If we want to prepare for the next pandemic, we need to repair that trust,” he warned.”
Group’s vow to ‘dismantle white supremacy culture’ raises concern for some on NC board
Rutgers Professor Claims it is ‘Homophobic’ to Point Out How Hamas Brutalizes LGBTQ People This article shows the insanity of the woke minds which claim exposing Hamas killing homosexuals is itself homophobic! So telling the truth is homophobic! The truth in any form to these people is unacceptable.
From article:”Expert explains that’s why chemicals, surgery are ‘such an outrage’ In direct opposition to the suspect claims of transgender activists that children who are “gender-confused” must have medical “care” that goes up to and includes surgical body mutilations, a new 15-year study confirms that most of those kids, if left alone, “grow out of it.”A report from the Daily Mail confirms the study results show that “being trans is usually just a phase for kids.”The report explained, “Researchers in the Netherlands tracked more than 2,700 children from age 11 to their mid-twenties, asking them every three years of feelings about their gender. Results showed at the start of the research, around one-in-10 children (11 percent) expressed ‘gender non-contentedness’ to varying degrees.”
Medical Students Ordered to Bow to ‘Mama Earth’
From article:”First-year medical students at the University of California Los Angeles have been ordered into a mandatory “structural racism” indoctrination with a guest speaker who has praised Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorism in Israel and demanded they bow down to “mama earth.”
‘It Happened Again!’ Hundreds Baptized in Latest Campus Revival, Now at University of Alabama
From article:”A new sign of the ongoing revival among America’s young people is being reported out of Alabama. In the latest example of this supernatural move of God, hundreds of students at the University of Alabama gave their lives to Christ and were immediately baptized in a fountain. “It happened again!” Christian author and speaker Jennie Allen announced on Instagram after the amazing event unfolded on Wednesday night. “Last night at the University of Alabama thousands of students gathered. Hundreds responded to the gospel and hundreds were baptized,”
38 chaplains ask Supremes to stop U.S. military from punishing faith
From article:”Dozens of U.S. military chaplains have joined together to challenge what a report in the Federalist describes as the military’s decision to “punish” their faith. The case, Alvarado v. Austin, how is pending before U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and concerns the decision by the Department of Defense to continue defying the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act that rescinded the military’s COVID shot mandate. “The DOD continues to violate the law by failing to rescind its punishments of conscientious objectors such as denied training and deployments required for promotions,” the report explains the petition charges.”
Canada Links Citizens’ Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score
From article:”In a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is radicalizing its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit score. The Canadian banking system will soon be transformed by a so-called “open banking” framework. Proponents are framing this as a more “inclusive” way for banks to easily share information and access user data.”
‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ Is Just One of 50+ LGBTQIA2S+ Celebrations The federal government now is completely given over to sin and rebellion against God!
From article:”March Bisexual Health Awareness Month
- Week varies in March: National LGBT Health Awareness Week
- March 1: Zero Discrimination Day
- March 10: National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility
- April 6: International Asexuality Day
- April 10: National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- Third Friday of April: Day of Silence
- April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
- April 18: Nonbinary Parents Day
- April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day (also International Lesbian Visibility Week, through May 2)”
From article:”But now the globalists are taking their war against the truth to a new level. They are going for the kill shots by having journalists and citizen truthtellers actually arrested and removed from society altogether. Globalist politicians and judges are colluding with big corporations throughout the formerly free Western world to remove certain bedrock rights and God-given freedoms and replace them with government-issued privileges. They will tell you that you still have a right to free speech and freedom of the press, until you do what journalists have always done in the past and challenge the government narrative. If you do this, you lose your status and free-speech protections as a journalist and the government rebrands you as a conspiracy theorist, making you vulnerable to arrest. In short, real journalists, people who question the facts and narratives provided by those in positions of power and authority, are being banned.”
Is There A Plan To Conduct A Red Heifer Sacrifice In 2024?
From article:”All of a sudden, people all over the world are talking about the possibility that there could be a red heifer sacrifice in Israel in 2024. Those that are Jewish are talking about the possibility of a red heifer sacrifice because many of them believe that it would be a giant step toward reinstituting their ancient sacrificial system for the first time in nearly 2,000 years. Christians are talking about the possibility of a red heifer sacrifice because many of them believe that it would be a giant step toward the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. And Muslims are talking about the possibility of a red heifer sacrifice because many of them believe that there is a plot to take over the Temple Mount and remove the Al-Aqsa mosque. In fact, once a red heifer sacrifice actually takes place Muslims all over the globe are likely to go absolutely nuts.”
CERN Will Test Powerful Particle Accelerator During Upcoming Solar Eclipse in April I remember in the past when they started to run the accelerator that earthquakes would happen in various places in the world. Lets see what happens when it is done in conjunction with the eclipse.
From article:”In a concerning development, it has come to light that New York City’s public school system is introducing HIV education to children as young as 4 years old. According to a report by The New York Post, this revamped curriculum, implemented in September, includes lessons centered around a controversial book titled “These are My Eyes, This is My Nose, This is My Vulva, These are My Toes” by Lexx “The Sex Doc” Brown-James, a black female sex educator and therapist from St. Louis.”