Critically Important Information: March 9, 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
This blog’s focus is on current events which keep you on the cutting edge of critical information about the end times.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all the coming troubles until Jesus comes for us. What really hate is the nation was founded on Christianity and there are so many believers in the Bible. They hate this like the Nazis hated the Jews. It is so obvious they are forcing a civil war and they are not going to stop until they are forced. The hardcore demon-dem mindset must be destroy, like
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
If you like and are blessed by this ministry, please consider making a donation to help keep it going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Focus on NWO. Some of these posts overlap with my other blogs. Outstanding posts are highlighted in red. (The * before the post indicates it’s new.)
From article:”Though we often think about mental health as a personal issue, it has broader societal implications. Mental illness reduces social trust and behaviors that promote societal flourishing such as labor force participation and entrepreneurship. Mental health may also influence people’s visions of the future of the nation and human progress. For instance, in our survey, the percentage of Americans who are hopeful for the future of the country drops from 62% among those who say their mental health is good to 32% among those who say their mental health is poor.
This relationship between mental health and hope also explains the differences we observed across age groups. According to our survey, adults under the age of 30 are generally less hopeful than older Americans. However, this decline appears to be driven by worse mental health among younger cohorts. When we only look at the responses of Americans who say their mental health is good, young adults are just as hopeful as older generations. In fact, mentally healthy young adults are actually the most hopeful group when it comes to the future of the nation–71% are hopeful for the future of the U.S., compared to around 60% in every other age group.
Thousands Demand University Take Down Satanic Abortion Statue
From article:”The University of Houston is facing backlash from pro-life organizations over a pro-abortion statue on campus grounds. The university canceled the exhibit’s official presentation ceremony, but the pro-life groups also called for the school to remove the statue outright. The monument, a golden woman with two thick braids resembling ram’s horns, stands about 18 feet tall. The traveling exhibit was transported from New York, where it debuted last year, to Houston, where it’s supposed to remain until Oct. 31. Texas Right to Life is claiming credit for the event’s cancellation. After the pro-life organization urged supporters to contact the university’s chancellor, word spread. “Tens of thousands of people contacted the university to remove it,”
From article:”Their main idea is that words do not have objective meanings. Words mean what those in power say they mean. Words are used to construct narratives, basically stories that define reality. The “truth” of the narrative is irrelevant. What matters is the power of the narrative to influence perception and behavior. So those in power define words, construct narratives and control perceptions. This is the real purpose of taking over universities, foundations, media and corporations. You get to control the narrative. All of this philosophy has its roots in the German philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger (neither liked democracy very much). They are not to blame for the results, but they are indispensable to understanding the outcome. The practical implications of controlling the narrative are all around us: climate alarmism, pandemic, DEI, ESG, BLM, insurrection and more. This redefinition of words and reconstruction of culture were implemented at the elementary and secondary school levels. The program was to eliminate critical thinking, SATs and merit-based admissions. One imperative was to stop teaching history.What’s left is an ideologically brainwashed generation (or two) who know what they have been programmed to believe but lack the ability to challenge their own views, listen to opposing views or process facts.”
From article:”You might be wondering at this point whose side the Democrats are on? Colorado Democrats reportedly argued that they oppose the harsher minimum sentences in part because offenders might “also be victims,” a narrative which has been spreading among leftist activists often in relation to LGBT issues and trans rights issues. The purpose? They assert that pedophilia is a form of sexual orientation, and once something is labeled an orientation it suddenly becomes a protected group status.
But not all behaviors should be tolerated in a civilized society and just because someone might be a “victim” that does not justify their victimization of others. Leftist states have increasingly targeted children with sexualized propaganda including unproven gender fluid theories, to drag shows and trans indoctrination, to sex change hormones and operations on minors without parental consent, to pornographic content in school libraries. Not long ago Democrats denied any of these activities were real and accused conservatives of “conspiracy theory.” Now that they have been thoroughly exposed, the leftist response is to defend the sexualization of children rather than admit they are wrong. One could chalk it all up to the progressive tendency to care more about “winning” than caring about what is actually right, or perhaps there is a more nefarious motive behind their consistent defense of such reprehensible criminal behaviors.”
Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON This was amazing to read as the citizens are trying to removed city official for treason over the 2020 election!
From article:”The entire Maricopa County, Ariz., Board of Supervisors was driven out of a recent meeting by a cohort of We the People who served them for treason. Michelle “Miki” Klann, who spoke directly to the board, reported that every last scoundrel on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors fled the room and “vacated their post” after citizens stormed the room and informed them about their personal liability in the 2020 election heist they oversaw.”
WEF Pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to ‘Fight Climate Change’
From article:”The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments to ban the general public from growing their own food at home by arguing that they are causing “climate change.” According to so-called “experts” behind a recent WEF study, researchers apparently discovered that the “carbon footprint” of home-grown food is “destroying the planet.” As a result, the WEF and other globalist climate zealots are now demanding that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing their own food in order to “save the planet” from “global warming.” The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms.”
‘National Outrage’ Over Murder of Laken Riley – Family Grieves Her Death, Honors Her Faith in Christ
From article:””We wish to thank the public for their prayers and thoughts during this tragic time. We thank the University of GA Police Department, Athens-Clarke County Police Department, the Clarke County District Attorney’s Office, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for their quick response, and diligent effort in the investigation and arrest of those individual(s) responsible for our daughter’s death,” the statement said. “Laken was an amazing daughter, sister, friend, and overall person in general. Her love for the Lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life. She will be missed every day, but we promise to honor her life moving forward in a very big way,” the family’s statement continued.”
Pride flags would be largely banned in Tennessee classrooms in bill advanced by GOP lawmakers
Study: Female psychopaths are surprisingly common The Hard Left and woke are full of female psychopaths. This is an excellent article because it exposes just what female psychopaths are
From article:”Referencing research pertaining to corporate psychopaths and how they operate in high-achieving roles in workplaces, Dr. Boddy explains female psychopaths tend to be more manipulative than males, use different techniques to create good impressions, and use deceit and sexually seductive behavior to gain social and financial advantages more often than male psychopaths. “People generally attribute psychopathic characteristics to males rather than to females. So even when females display some of the key traits associated with psychopathy – such as being insincere, deceitful, antagonistic, unempathetic and lacking in emotional depth – because these are seen as male characteristics they may not be labeled as such, even when they should be,” Boddy says in a media release.
“Also, female psychopaths tend to use words, rather than violence, to achieve their aims, differing from how male psychopaths tend to operate. If female psychopathy expresses differently, then measures designed to capture and identify male, criminal, psychopaths may be inadequate at identifying female non-criminal, psychopaths,” he continues. “Female psychopaths, while not as severely psychopathic or as psychopathic as often as males are, have nevertheless been underestimated in their incidence levels and are therefore more of a potential threat to business and society than anyone previously suspected.”
From article:”Bar-Yoshafat went on to say that he saw about 40 student protesters upon entering the room in which his speaking event was supposed to be held, and that there were hundreds more outside the building. “I just felt really bad for these kids because they were scared,” he said. “Girls were crying from being attacked and I think the kid that was spat on was just so shocked. I don’t think the students anticipated so many people being violent, they thought they would just chant outside.” Bar-Yoshafat also claimed that UC Berkeley allowing the event to be shut down was the school basically saying that “those banging on doors and spitting on Jews are allowed to continue, but I had to leave even though I was just peacefully speaking.” “Instead of giving more security to us, they gave a prize to those who were violent,” he said.”
“You’re a Liar…You Have Blood on Your Hands!” – Athens, Georgia Residents Rip Apart Woke Mayor After He Lies About Role in Illegal Alien Murderer of Beloved College Student (VIDEO) I could not get the strength to watch the mayor lie and blame others. We need an uprising of the people to purge America of these woke minds or they will totally destroy America. This uprising has to coincide with a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
From article:”In an effort to normalize bioweapon development and predatory vaccine experiments, the World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing every nation to sign a “Pandemic Treaty” that would require each nation to participate in bioweapons development, gain-of-function data sharing and DNA surveillance. Critics of the treaty warn that this global pact is nothing but a power grab that incentivizes the creation of a biomedical police state. Critics also warn, that by centralizing gain-of-function data, it would be impossible to trace the source of future biolab leaks. The treaty would enable perpetual experimentation on human populations, through pandemic propaganda campaigns or through new vaccine and testing programs that are mandated into existence.”
‘Skyrocketing’: Number of Attacks on Christians and Churches Explodes
From article:”“If you believe anti-Christian attacks have skyrocketed over the last decade, you’re right. Attacks on churches have increased 800% in less than six years — and more than doubled over the last year, according to a new report released today by Family Research Council. Documented acts of anti-church hostility include attempted bombings, shootings, satanic vandalism, and numerous attacks based on anti-Christian bias due to support for abortion or extreme transgender ideology. Some constituted unpunished election interference,”
From article:”“Under my leadership, the Republican Party will always support the creation of strong, thriving, healthy American families. We want to make it easier for mothers and fathers to have babies, not harder!” Trump said in a Truth Social post on Friday. “That includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like IVF in every State in America,” he continued. “Like the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Americans, including the VAST MAJORITY of Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, and Pro-Life Americans, I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious baby,” Trump said, calling on the Alabama Legislature to “act quickly to find an immediate solution to preserve the availability of IVF in Alabama.” “The Republican Party should always be on the side of the Miracle of Life – and the side of Mothers, Fathers, and their Beautiful Babies. IVF is an important part of that, and our Great Republican Party will always be with you, in your quest, for the ULTIMATE JOY IN LIFE!”
Trump pledges to defend Christianity against the left, which he says wants ‘to tear down crosses’
From article:”“Remember, every communist regime throughout history has tried to stamp out the churches, just like every fascist regime has tried to co-opt them and control them. And, in America, the radical left is trying to do both,” Trump told hundreds of cheering attendees at the National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention in Nashville. “They want to tear down crosses where they can, and cover them up with social justice flags,” Trump added. “But no one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration, I swear to you.”
GOP advances bill opponents say would pave the way for discrimination of LGBTQ Kentuckians
From article:”Rep. Steve Rawlings, R-Burlington, told the House Judiciary Committee that House Bill 47 would codify into the existing Religious Freedom Restoration Act that a government cannot “substantially burden” an individual’s freedom of religion, and assure that Kentuckians are “free to live and work according to their faith without fear of being unjustly punished by their government.” In short, his bill would formalize definitions of what it means to have one’s religious liberty substantially burdened by government, and add private right of action steps an individual can take to seek damages should this happen. The definition of “substantially burden” would include “any action that directly or indirectly constrains, inhibits, curtails or denies the exercise of religion by any person, or compels any action contrary to a person’s exercise of religion,”
Pro-life group’s fetal development video could soon be shown in classrooms across several US states Notice the wicked’s reaction to this video. They can’t stand the thought that this video might save a baby from abortion.
From article:”Video of an animated fetus could soon work its way into sex education classes in public schools across several U.S. states., and the idea has pro-choice activists and groups concerned. The video, created by pro-life group Live Action, follows the development of Baby Olivia, seeking to give students a sense of where they came from, as well as an appreciation for human life. “From a single-celled human to a baby with a beating heart, brainwaves, fingers, and toes, Olivia shows the remarkable beauty of a unique life within the womb,” a Live Action webpage detailing the project reads. Lawmakers in Kentucky, Iowa, West Virginia and Missouri are eyeing legislation that would require public school students to watch a video like Baby Olivia
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional association of physicians in the gynecological field, for instance, alleged the video is “designed to manipulate the emotions of viewers,” according to the AP report. AP reported that Iowa doctors and educators have penned a letter to state lawmakers concerning the video, alleging it indicates major developmental milestones happening two weeks earlier than the accurate time. One practicing OB-GYN from the Hawkeye State is referenced for accusing the video of assigning human traits to a fetus by describing its actions in terms of “sighing,” “playing,” making “speaking movements,” etc.”
From article:”Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill Wednesday allowing public officials to decline to perform marriages based on their “conscience or religious beliefs.”The measure, known as SB 596 – HB 878, stated that a person, “shall not be required to solemnize a marriage if the person has an objection to solemnizing the marriage based on the person’s conscience or religious beliefs.”
Trump Lawyer Alina Habba on NY Ruling: I Will Respond in Appeal and ‘You Can Read It and Weep’
Corporate Christianity Replaces God With “Science” and Spirituality With “Mental Health” Most of the people Dobson is treating are brokenhearted. Only Jesus Christ can heal the brokenhearted. What Dobson and others like him are doing is a fraud as their drugs don’t work and cause great problems. Jesus Christ is the healer, the Great Physician!
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
From article:”Joined at the hip with the government, Christianity as it predominantly exists today is Big Pharma’s best kept secret. Modern churches, so-called, are infested with corrupt psychiatrists, doctors and other medical professionals who instead of directing congregants to Jesus Christ, push mainstream “mental health” dogmas and tell people to trust modern medicine, vaccines and all, to treat life’s woes. One of the most predominant Christian organizations herding the sheep into the pharmaceutical and mental health slaughterhouse is Focus on the Family, founded by psychiatrist Dr. James Dobson. Broadcast on more than 5,000 stations in more than 150 languages, Focus on the Family programming reaches an estimated 200 million people globally.
This past week, Focus on the Family published a two-part broadcast on “mental health” that instead of discussing anything from the Bible focused on mental health as the cure for depression. The broadcast featured Dr. Gregory Jantz, a leading authority on mental and behavioral health, who told “success” stories about patients who have found hope and healing for mind, soul and body not by trusting and relying on Jesus Christ and His Word but by taking prescribed pharmaceutical medications. It turns out that the medications Jantz pushed are not only dangerous but they also do not work as claimed. They also constitute the pharmakeia concept that the Holy Scriptures tells followers of Christ to flee from in order to save their souls from the spiritual and physical destruction they inflict.”
Govt. Scientist Warns Chemicals In Cheerios Sterilizing/Bending Gender Of Children (Video)
White Skin Privilege A weapon of war.
Alabama Supreme Court Rules Frozen Embryos Are Children
From article:”The Alabama Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that an embryo created through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a “minor child” and is no different under the law from an unborn child in the womb. Due to the 2018 Sanctity of Unborn Life Amendment in the state’s constitution, which declares it is “public policy” in Alabama to recognize “the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children,” the Court held that the law protects “‘the rights of the unborn child’ equally with the rights of born children.”
Campus religious groups report greater interest from students trying to find meaning in ‘crumbling’ culture This condition is just like what happened in 1968 to trigger the Jesus Revolution throughout America and then the world!
From Censorship To Criminalizing Dissent
From article:”A major battle is brewing throughout the Western world over the basic principle of free speech. Is it going to be protected by law? It’s not entirely clear what the outcome will be. We seem to be on the precipice of a potential calamity if the courts don’t decide the right way. Even if we squeak out a victory, the question is already in play. Our free speech rights have never been more fragile. Turn your attention to France right now. In the dead of night, a new law slipped through the General Assembly that would make it a crime to criticize mRNA shots. Critics call it the Pfizer law. It calls for fines up to 45,000 euros and possibly three years in prison for debunking an approved medical treatment.”
Leading Black Church Pours Salt on Jewish Wounds with ‘Mass Genocide’ Claim
From article:”The statement also refers to Jesus Christ as a “Palestinian Jew” — reflecting the false claim of Palestinian nationalists that Jesus identified as “Palestinian.” The term “Palestine” was not used until a century later, after a failed revolt by Jews against Romans.
Immigrant Invasion of America (Video)
Texas To Build Military “Base Camp” On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers There are more states sending the National Guard to assist Texas to defend the border from Biden who opened it to the world! This is coming down to the states vs federal government.
From article:”In the latest signal of his resolve to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday announced that the Lone Star State will build a military base along the Rio Grand at the border city of Eagle Pass. Spanning 80-acres, “Forward Operating Base Eagle” will house upwards of 1,800 Texas National Guard soldiers supporting Operation Lone Star, and will be expandable to house 2,300. Texas Maj. Gen. Thomas Suelzer said the camp will have 300 beds by mid-April, and will add another 300 beds every month after that.”
Scientists Try Risky Air And Water Experiments Hoping To Stop Climate Change
From article:”Dumping chemicals in the ocean? Spraying saltwater into clouds? Injecting reflective particles into the sky? Scientists are resorting to once unthinkable techniques to cool the planet because global efforts to check greenhouse gas emissions are failing. These geoengineering approaches were once considered taboo by scientists and regulators who feared that tinkering with the environment could have unintended consequences, but now researchers are receiving taxpayer funds and private investments to get out of the lab and test these methods outdoors.”
Revelation 11:18…and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
“Whites Are Psychopathic”: UC Speaker Uses Black History Month To Launch Into Racist Attacks
From article:”As we have previously discussed, professors have advocated “detonating white people,” denouncing police, calling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservatives, calling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters, and other outrageous statements. University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis defended the murder of a conservative protester and said he saw “nothing wrong” with such acts of violence.
Top Cardinal: Vatican Must Stop Bowing to ‘LGBT and Woke Ideology’ It is easy to see the RCC dividing into two sections with the Pope leading his faction in the Whore of Babylon.
From article”Indeed, the release of a Peter Schweizer book has become somewhat of an event on Capitol Hill, as staffers brace to see whether the names of their senator or member of Congress appear in the index—and whether Schweizer’s famous follow-the-money revelations will lead to their boss’s resignation or investigation. “We’re used to politicians behaving badly and getting away with it; a Schweizer book is one of those rare occasions where corruption revelations actually turn into results with real consequences,” said Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow. “We are just getting started.”
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner Sounds Alarm: We Have Access to Information on a “Serious National Security Threat” This comes from the FBI so who could possibly believe the report. If this threat is real, the FBI is behind it and trying to get out in front of what they plan on unleashing on America. Remember, the FBI was behind what happened on January 6, so they are a danger to America.
AUDIO: Senator Ron Johnson Exposes How Mitch McConnell Single-Handily Blew Up a Sensible Border Plan with Widespread GOP Senate Support and Betrayed Americans on Immigration McConnell is a real traitor and hard-core RINO. The problem is the Republic Senator keep electing him as the Leader of the Senate! They are corrupt!
Speaker Johnson Shuts Down Senate Bill, Blasts Biden in Fiery Presser: “A Man Too Incapable of Being Held Accountable For Mishandling Classified Information is Certainly Unfit for the Oval Office (VIDEO) The more watch Speaker Johnson the more I like him!
DOJ Releases Photos From Hunter Biden’s iPhone Showing Crack Cocaine, Drug Paraphernalia This would not happen unless the DOJ was putting pressure on Joe Biden. The Deep State wants Joe out of office, and they are using Hunter going to jail as pressure. If Joe resigns, then the charges against Hunter will go away. It is so obvious what DOJ is doing to get Biden out of office. Last year Hunter was being protected, but now they are seriously looking to send him to jail!
Seven More States to Send National Guard to Texas Border Notice none of the democrat states moved to defend the border.
Female Church Shooter Formerly Identified as ‘Jeffery’ After reading the article, Texas is becoming Portland and allowing crime to run rampant and ignoring the complaints of the citizens.
Young Evangelical support for Israel plummets
From article:”Other findings: As of late 2021, only 33.6% of young Evangelicals under 30 support Israel, compared to 67.9% in 2018. At the same time, in 2021, 24.3% of young Evangelicals said they support the Palestinians, compared to only 5% three years before.