DNC Speaker Shouts Her Abortion and the Crowd Cheers

Verse of the Day
Numbers 35:33 So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.
Once again killing children in the womb will be a major issue in the election. Since abortion was legalized in 1972, Americans have killed about 60 million babies in the womb with no end in sight. It would be wonderful if abortion was once again made illegal and abortionists became the felons they truly are.
Please read Numbers 35:33 carefully because when God moves to judge a nation, the ones that shed the innocent blood must pray the price. This means millions of Americans will fall under God’s judgment of death. This is what happened to ancient Israel. I don’t think that this judgment is very far away unless legal abortion is stopped.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
American Politics/ Hard Left/ ProLife

Ilyse Hogue
DNC Speaker Shouts Her Abortion and the Crowd Cheers 07/28/16 The very heart of the Democratic Party is killing children in the womb. To date, Americans have legally killed 60,000 million babies.
They are bringing a curse on America for killing God’s babies.
“When talking about abortion, Democratic politicians and activists usually prefer to speak euphemistically: The dismemberment or lethal poisoning of a baby who hasn’t been born yet is almost always referred to as “reproductive health care” or “a woman’s choice.”
The group NARAL, once known as the National Abortion Rights Action League, went so far as to change its name to NARAL Pro-Choice America so its supporters and allies could avoid saying the a-word.
But there’s been a growing push on the left to not only defend abortion as a necessary evil that should be “safe, legal, and rare” but to celebrate it as a positive good. (See the #ShoutYourAbortion Twitter campaign of 2015.) And so on Wednesday evening, Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, took the stage at the Democratic National Convention and told the story of the time she aborted her first child because it was an inconvenient time to become a parent.”
American Politics/ ProLife

Mike Pence
Pence: Roe v. Wade Will Be Overturned After Trump Elected 07/29/16 This is an exciting thought, that the law would protect babies in the womb. This alone is a great reason to stand with Trump/Pence.
“Mike Pence said Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, will be overturned after Donald Trump is elected president in November, Mlive.com reported.
“(I) couldn’t be more proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with the next pro-life president of the USA,” Pence told the southwest Michigan audience. “I believe we’ll see Roe v. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.”
Tell your neighbors and your friends, for the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of sanctity of life, for the sake of our Second Amendment, for the sake of all our other God-given liberties, we must insure the next president appointing justices to the Supreme Court is Donald Trump.”
Pence has been a long-time abortion foe, offering an amendment in 2011 while a member of the U.S. House to defund Planned Parenthood because it provides abortions, noted the Post.
As governor, Pence signed a new abortion ban in March denying the procedure to women who wanted to end her pregnancy because the fetus had an abnormality.”
American Politics

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi: Hillary Struggling With White Men Because of ‘Guns, Gays and God’ 07/28/16 This is one of the most incredible statements to come out of a Democratic mouth yet. Notice how she equates God with “a woman’s right to choose” (to kill her unborn child) and attributes Hillary’s lack of support among white men to their position on three issues!
She is condemning a large part of the population for their desire to uphold the Second Amendment, stand by marriage and biblical values and put God over the profit and convenience sought by the abortion industry. This is a clear statement of the values of the Hard Left. She fails to mention the lack of trust in Hillary, her scandal-ridden past or her current policies as reasons for falling poll numbers.. Instead it’s all condemnation of traditional American values – and white American men.
“Wednesday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said white males voters do not support Hillary and Democrats in general because of their views on guns, gays and God.
Pelosi said, “It’s about the economy. That is not a cliche its a fact. I think that, so many times, white, non-college educated white males have voted Republican. They voted against their own economic interests because of guns, because of gays, and because of God, the three G’s, God being the woman’s right to choose. That is softening. Some of those people were never going to be voting Democratic anyway. But I believe that, with the turnout that we expect to have, we will draw some of them in with our message, and enough other people to win the election.”
Hard Left/ American Politics

Leon Panetta
Democrats Boo Leon Panetta for Saying Islamic State ‘Must Be Stopped’ 07/28/16 The reaction to Panetta’s call to stop ISIS reveals the delusion of the hard left mindset and shows why they will bring disaster upon themselves, and on the country if they continue in power. We need to pray for God’s hand on this election.
“On the third night of the Democratic convention, a speaker finally brought up defeating ISIS and other terrorists — only to be met with boos from the crowd.
“These murderers must be stopped,” declared former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta. Cue the deafening chorus of boos, plus chants of “No more war!” from convention delegates.
Mind you, Panetta’s speech was offering yet another broadside against Donald Trump’s inexperience. “This is no time to gamble with our future. America faces flash points and threats from around the globe,” the ex-SecDef warned.
“Lies, lies, lies,” the delegates replied.
Yes, it was a minority of the hall, but definitely a loud one. And when convention managers resorted to dousing the lights over the delegations doing the most jeering, the delegates started flashing their cellphone lights and continued to drown out Panetta.
Which helps explain why no speaker brought up the terrorist threat — or groups like Boko Haram and ISIS — on the first two nights.”
History/ Judgment
Until we take anti-Semitism seriously, the scourge will only get uglier 07/28/16 We’re seeing history replay itself in Europe – the same hatred of the Jews that took place in Nazi Germany is beginning across Europe, and it’s getting fiercer by the day. This article also has a video about a debate in the British Parliament on the increase of anti-Semitism, even in the political world, with classic double-speak on the issue by a certain MP. The Europeans are bringing judgment on themselves with this hatred, just as they did before World War 2.
“Nobody faces abuse like a Jewish woman in the public eye. I found this out for myself some years ago when I was a dating columnist. In one light-hearted column I made mention of a trip to Tel Aviv, and the attractive men of the city. The next day I had an email from someone called Ibrahim X, who informed me I was a “Zionist slut” and that he’d “be coming after me, my family and all my loved ones”.
But while attacks on Jewish women have always reeked of sexualised hatred, the current plague transcends gender. Once the domain of the skinhead, European anti-Semitism has expanded its base to angry men across the spectrum, from Islamists to white supremacist to compulsive cyber bullyers to leftwing students. Not all attacks are physically violent, but far too many are, such as the Jewish Museum shooting in Brussels in 2014 and the murders in the kosher supermarket in Eastern Paris in 2015. It’s worth remembering that while France’s 450,000 Jews represent less than one per cent of the country’s population, they receive over 50 per cent of racist attacks in the country.
The problem – as it was in the 1930s – is discursive as well as physical. A “day of rage” march in Paris in January 2014 saw far-right Catholics marching alongside young Muslim north African men from the banlieues. They were united with the chant: “Juif, la France n’est pas à toi” (Jews: France is not for you).”
Hard Left/ Homosexuality

Canadian Oil Sands Community ad
SJWs Force Canadian Oil Group To Apologize For Saudi-Mocking ‘Hot Lesbians’ Ad 07/28/16 This shows the problem that the hard left is having since it has supported both Islam and homosexuality. Eventually a showdown is coming because they are incompatible, except in their hatred for the God of the Bible.
“A Canadian oil sands group has apologized for an attention-grabbing ad after being subjected to the SJW [social justice warrior] outrage machine.
The tongue-in-cheek, yet attention-grabbing advert depicted two attractive women kissing one another. Its slogan urged the public to support the oil industry of Canada, where “lesbians are considered hot” as opposed to Saudi Arabia, where lesbians are executed.
It thus used humour and sex appeal to convey a serious message to the public. Its effectiveness in grabbing attention also can’t be denied — the picture has already gone viral on social media.
Despite the challenge to Saudi Arabia and its patriarchal, homophobic values, social justice warriors still found something to complain about.
“That poster was disgusting,” said one user, according to Global News. “Fetishizing queer women and reducing the existence of lesbians to something for men’s pleasure – for something for men to find ‘hot’.”
“Queen relationships between women may be beautiful but they don’t exist for men.”
Robbie Picard, founder of Canada Oil Sands Community, the group that posted the ad, was initially resilient in the face of the pearl-clutching brigade.
“If this draws attention that we are getting fuel from countries that butcher gays and lesbians — I mean, butcher them, hang them, publicly beat them — then I’m OK to take a few shots if that means it draws attention to the bigger issue,” said Picard, according to the CBC.”
Financial Armageddon

Venezuelan border crossing
Real Hunger Games: This Country Is Sliding into a Socialist Black Hole 07/29/16 I’m keeping you posted on what is happening; this nation mocked Israel and helped Iran. Now look at the condition of it. There is no end in sight to this meltdown because it is a failed state. This is a warning to all the nations that come against Israel.
“Civil unrest in Venezuela is mounting as the country continues its slide into a socialist black hole.
Low oil prices and rampant corruption combine to cause acute shortages of almost everything. The nation’s capital, Caracas, is now the most violent city in the world, with more murders last year in this one city than in all the countries of the European Union put together.
Reports are surfacing from around the country of people hunting dogs, cats and pigeons for food, and demonstrations are cropping up to protest the harsh conditions.
On the country’s western border with Colombia sits Cucuta, a city of 600,000. Almost a year ago, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro closed the border with Colombia after an attack by alleged Colombian paramilitaries.
But the severe shortages are changing that. The people are defying the border closures en masse, with up to 100,000 people crossing this bridge into Cucuta in the space of one weekend.”
World War 3

Kim Jong Un
North Korea Says U.S. Has ‘Crossed the Red Line’ to War 07/29/16 Just an update about what is happening with potential war with North Korea.
“The Obama administration went so far to have the impudence to challenge the supreme dignity of the DPRK in order to get rid of its unfavorable position during the political and military showdown with the DPRK,” Han declared.
“The United States has crossed the red line in our showdown. We regard this thrice-cursed crime as a declaration of war,” he added.
North Korea has been sanctioned repeatedly for its nuclear and long-range missile programs, but this is the first time Kim himself was put on a sanctions list. The action was taken in response to U.N. reports of human rights abuses, including “a network of political prisons and harsh treatment of any kind of political dissent in the authoritarian state.”
Pyongyang denies these allegations, claiming they are lies fabricated by defectors. Also, the North Koreans cited “such things as police shootings of black Americans and poverty in even the richest democracies,” and the “questionable human-rights records” of some U.S. allies, to claim the West has no moral right to criticize its practices.
As for North Korea’s illegal pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles, Han thundered that the U.S. was conducting “military blackmail” against his country.”
The Coming Middle East War

Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses his supporters in Ankara, Turkey
Turkey’s Erdogan Moves to Put Army Under His Total Control 07/28/16 This is a huge step toward war in the Middle East. Very soon Turkey is going to be an Islamist state aligned with ISIS or another terrorist group. In the end, Turkey might lead an Islamic caliphate to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem for its capital.
I can see Turkey immediately helping ISIS to defeat Iran in Iraq. Turkey as a Sunni state can’t let Iran win because it is a Shiite state!
“Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan wants the armed forces and national intelligence agency brought under the control of the presidency, a parliamentary official said on Thursday, part of a major overhaul of the military after a failed coup.
Erdogan’s comments came after a five-hour meeting of Turkey’s Supreme Military Council (YAS) – chaired by Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and including the top brass – and the dishonourable discharge of nearly 1,700 military personnel over their alleged role in the abortive putsch on July 15-16.
After the meeting, Erdogan approved the council’s decisions to keep armed forces chief Hulusi Akar and the army, navy and air force commanders in their posts, making few changes to the top brass, Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told reporters.”Luke 18:15-16 And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them.
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Regarding one DNC Speaker and her proud rant of abortion, human sacrifice / murder.
The count regarding abortion is a fictitious number. With the morning after pill among others of the same, Illegal drugs, self afflicted abortion and abortion by physical abuse, the actual count would be more than doubled.
We Are Living In The Last Days. Are You Saved? Jesus IS The Only Way.
Numbers 35:33 So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
There is more to the Word than meets the eye and, the truth will set you free…
The 60,000,000 count is legal abortions under the law.
Amen Brother. I understand the 60,000,000 count fully. However, abortion is abortion and the true count is much higher. Hope you are well. I am still praying for you, your family and your ministry. Also praying for Pastor Jamil.
Thanks for the prayer and God bless you.