URGENT UPDATE: ELECTION 2020: December 19, 2020

6 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    Freedoms aren’t lost…they are given away.The phony mask mandate..will be eternal..until we say enough.This is global enslavement and is a slow march to death.All the protocols scream fraud.The timing is the key.Someone once said..when something comes from nowhere..and is suddenly everywhere..there is an agenda.Count on it.Global enslavement/elimination is their goal.

  2. Taco bell says:

    Well said. Can you organize something so we can all take off our masks a d walk into stores st the same time. That way they can’t bully individuals. And I feel the lord wants us all to go dc in January. And I’m just a mom with teen boys but we are going.

  3. dan.w says:

    If we wait for someone else to start something,[good of course]..it may not get done.Ask the Lord how to be a light in the darkness.He will show you.Most people only wear masks because they fear reprisal..not because they believe they work.Try to reach people so they see they have an alterative to being a slave.You are a child of God..walking in faith..not responding in fear.Once we give other people the ‘authority’ to lord over us stupid nonsensical mandates..they will not relent.It will be eternal until we either fight back or die trying.Where is our ‘fighting spirit’ of independence from dictators and evil despots,rulers,and godless regimes.We can as individuals..take stands everyday that get us noticed,and perhaps wake up the sleepy sheep.Notice in Revelation..it say’s He causeth ALL to recieve the mark.It dosn’t say force.Causeth could be people mass shamed into doing what they know is wrong…This all makes me sick when I see it..but I cannot not do something.Ask God for wisdom and opportunity.He will not dissapoint.God bless. P.S. We are NOT in the great tribulation..but are quickly leading up to it.

  4. dan.w says:

    As an addendum to my last post..Be fearless for Jesus.He was the ultimate ‘boat rocker’. If you cannot reach the lost with [common sense]..reach them with Jesus.We may not have alot of time here before Christ calls us up,[the rapture],so reaching the lost anywhere you find them is the most important thing.Lost people are why Jesus came..and why [He] left us here in this time period…to reach them.The Holy Spirit lives in each believer and He will give you the words to say,to the person who needs to here it.

  5. dan.w says:

    To the dear ‘taco bell’ lady with two boys…I realize it may be hard to shop without your mask.Here’s an idea..I do my usual store travels..[mask required].I ALWAYS start a conversation,small talk,asking questions.If you can get people to ask questions,or question authories dictates,or the ‘science’ behind it..you may free some enslaved people.Sometimes I use a little humor.In other words..I [re-humanize] whom I talk to.Give them something to ponder,let them know I care about them,give them Jesus in a tract or DVD format.Most recieve it very well if you show true compassion to them.If you love them like Jesus would..they can see or feel it.Perhaps..you may have made someone think about truth,hope,eternity..or you may have made a new brother/sister in the Lord.Good luck fishin….We can ‘wring our hankies’..or we can go forth in the Lord’s power and direction.P.S. I prayed for you and your boys..Merry Christ filled Christmas.