Evangelicals wield voting power across Latin America, including Brazil

Verse of the Day
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
This article is a real opener to the move of the Lord in the Americas. The real Christians are surging in power and starting to change the course of many nations. Just like in America, the real Christians in Guatemala pressured the government to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel!
This is a wonderful article, and I highly recommend you read it because this is exactly what we need in America. In fact, President Trump’s election would fit right in this article along with what is happening in America!
We need revival for survival!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
Real Christianity in Central and South America
“Evangelicals wield voting power across Latin America, including Brazil”
“Evangelical churches are flourishing across traditionally Catholic Latin America and as the religious movement grows, its influence — including in this weekend’s elections in Brazil — is transforming the region and swinging its politics to the right, analysts say.
Sharply opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage, the legalization of marijuana, and leftist ideology in general, the evangelical movement has boosted conservatives and helped unseat a slew of left-leaning governments across the region.
Powerful evangelical churches are now helping tip the balance in Brazil, where far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro is riding high in the polls ahead of Sunday’s presidential election first round.”
Israel vs Hamas
“Netanyahu: Hamas should expect a ‘very painful’ response from Israel”
There is constant tension with Hamas, and Netanyahu just warned Hamas that Israel is going to take the warfare to a new level. This is not going to end well for Hamas.
“If Hamas does not stop its violent attacks against Israel, then Israel will stop them through forceful actions, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned at Sunday’s cabinet meeting.
Commenting on the increase in violence along the border fence with Gaza, Netanyahu said that “Hamas has apparently not internalized the message – if they don’t stop the violent attacks against us, they will be stopped in a different way and it will be painful, very painful.”
Netanyahu said that Israel is “very close to a different type of action, action that will include very forceful blows.” He said that if Hamas were smart, “they would stop the fire and the violent riots – now.”
Hard Left Protecting Sin
“Switzerland votes overwhelmingly to jail citizens for ‘homophobia,’ ‘transphobia’” There is something special about homosexuality to the reprobate mind. The connection must be spiritual because of rebellion against God. Abortion and homosexuality are the two sins they flock to defend and promote.
1 Corinthians 6:9,10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
“Councilor Yves Nidegger challenged the measure, however. He warned that the categories being criminalized are “legally problematic and indefinable” and questioning whether “pedophilia, bisexuality, gerontophilia, necrophilia, fetishism, zoophilia, and so on – creativity in this area being inexhaustible – are sexual orientations that must be protected or not protected.”
Notably, this crackdown on so-called “hate speech” critical of homosexuality or transgenderism precedes same-sex “marriage” in Switzerland. Homosexual unions aren’t currently recognized, but Reynard says he wants to tackle that fight next.”
Confronting the Hard Left in the Streets
“BREAKING: MASSIVE BLOODY STREET BRAWL IN PORTLAND! Antifa Leftists, Proud Boys/Patriot Prayer Protesters Battle in Street (WILD VIDEO)” What’s happening in Portland is the mayor is letting the Communist group Antifa run wild and takeover downtown. A group of patriots called the Proud Boys are confronting them.
Saturday night there was a major confrontation. It appears the Proud Boys drove Antifa off the streets. There was much violence and fights. The police let the fighting go until Antifa was run off.
I am not advocating violence, but we can’t let Antifa rule the streets and terrorize people. It is the job of the police to stop Antifa, but they are not doing it; therefore, it is up to We the People to stop Antifa.
Where are the feds to stop Antifa? This is a domestic terrorist organization and Home Land security should be all over this group!
Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
“Police were called in to break up the fighting that spread from the sidewalk into the street. Right-wingers and Antifa leftists brawled outside of Kelly’s Olympian. This was way worse than New York City fights last night. Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer members and and Antifa had a huge wild fight.
The Patriot Prayer Rally scheduled a prayer meeting for Saturday night. Antifa leftists showed up with weapons and started a brawl. This got really ugly, really fast. Hundreds of people were out on the street.”
Confronting the Hard Left at HS
“PRINCIPAL FIRED After Forcing Student to Remove Trump Jersey at Patriot-Themed Football Game (Video)” This is a great day. Antifa was cleared off the street by Patriots, and then a Hard Left HS principal was fired for forcing a boy with a Trump shirt to leave a football game!
This is a very good day.
“According to WTVD, ABC 11 in Durham, an 18-year-old student was ordered to change a jersey he wore with the name “Trump” and the number “45” for a football game Friday night, then marched off the premises by the school’s principal.
And his father isn’t happy about it at all. “I think any mother or father would feel like I feel,” Mike Collins told the news station. “We don’t want any kids violated. We don’t want to see kids embarrassed over something like this,” Collins said. “He was not disrespectful. He was not acting in a manner that would cause attention to him.”
Now this…The principal was fired.
A North Carolina high school principal was replaced after she asked a student to take off his Trump jersey at a patriotic-themed football game.Cindy Gordon, the former principal at Harnett Central High School, asked Matthew Collins, 18, to remove the jersey because it was political, according to WRAL Friday. The front of the jersey read “USA” in red, white and blue and the back of the shirt had the word “Trump” with the number “45” written below.”
This Meme Really Shows What is Happening in the Democrat Party.
That is why the second ammendment must stand.Not long ago,Christians,conservatives,and veterans were labeled potential terrorists by homeland security.It won’t be the govt. helping you fight off islam,antifa,raging homo’s,marxists.America has been in large part over many years,infiltrated by all of the above.They are in lock step to do us in.If they hate each other,it’s not as much as they hate us.Be prayed up……..