Special Apologetic Teaching Proving only Jesus of Nazareth Can be Israel’s King Messiah

Jude 1:3
…it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
By Chaplain P McTernan

The teaching will be from my book: Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Sit on the Throne of David.
and from my debate with Rabbi Tovia Singer. This debate was transcribed and offered with a DVD: Rabbi vs Chaplain
There is also a special brochure titled: Who is Israel’s King Messiah?
To see all my brochures go to: Abba Father’s Brochures.
I’ve spent thousands of hours debating and defending the faith against Rabbis and Judaism’s anti missionaries.
I have very unique ways to defend and proclaim the faith, and you will have all the Bible knowledge needed to both defend
and proclaim the faith that Jesus of Nazareth can only be Israel’s Messiah.
You will be greatly blessed by these scriptures. The heart of the proof is found in Ezekiel 40-48, but the most
important is Ezekiel 43.
This is a two part series.

Part 1: Conclusive Proof: Only Jesus of Nazareth Can be Israel’s King Messiah
To watch Part 1, go to the 45 minute mark: https://boxcast.tv/channel/uw0vvpcbnzgsjcuqak2a?b=zxe5zk89tea1skbdbhfq
Part 2: Conclusive Proof: Only Jesus of Nazareth Can be The High Priest After the Order of Melchizedek
To watch Part 2, go to the 1:05 mark: https://boxcast.tv/channel/uw0vvpcbnzgsjcuqak2a?b=sqvwv04glilrddn8u7fj
God bless you.
For my website, go to: USAProphecy.com