John McTernan’s Daily Insights Blog Post: November 29, 2021
Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Regular update of people who died from the death shot until November 12, 2021: The latest results of deaths for Covid 19 “vaccinations” are 18,853 while the total for all other vaccine deaths since 1990 are 9,249. In Europe, there were 31,014 deaths related to the Covid 19 “vaccines” as of November 20.
The truth is very clear that the American people are under a biological warfare attack from a totally malevolent medical institutions who lied, blocked and tried to intimidate anyone that promoted the cure for Covid-19, while at the same time promoting a dangerous genetic experiment as a vaccine! This action fits a Nazi war crime.
There is something diabolical about their fanatic zeal to get masses of people vaccinated while ignoring the cure! The death rate is very low for Covid-19, yet they use political pressure to force vaccinations on the people. Already severe side affects are manifesting, yet the Babylonians are actually trying to suppress this. What is going to happen one year from now to people who were vaccinated? The American people just can’t believe the medical institutions, politicians and media could be so evil, but they are.
New Addition: I’ve come to realize these death shots are staged, so some kill or seriously injure right away while others are more long term. The long term death shots slowly reduce the immune system until it is the same as AIDS. Then disease can finish off the weakened person. We are really dealing with monsters who want to exterminate the human race. What the next move will be is mass starvation and war which really kill in super mass numbers. The world will soon be heading into the Tribulation Period with the incredible mass deaths as recorded in the Bible.
Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Revelation 9:18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us. I may post articles through the day as I find them, so check a few times. The articles which I can’t post on FaceBook are here: cutting edge information you need to know.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all trouble.
Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Posts and Commentary especially the NWO (Real outstanding articles are in red)
The NWO take down the world economy is now in progress (Video) This is excellent. It is amazing we watch the NWO moving step by step to take down the entire world system, but there seems no way to stop it. Like Hitler, when they obtain the power anyone who is against them will be destroyed. These are ruthless psychopaths who real cold blooded murderers.
‘Get the shot or get shot’: Some push ‘mass genocide’ for the unvaccinated Those whose minds are taken over by the NWO are so full of fear and submitted to lying authority that they are right on verge of violence against us. They rejected God and now look who easy it is to control them. satan is gaining complete control because they rejected the truth of God and his word, so now they are given over to delusions and lies. This is pure spiritual warfare out in the open for everyone to see.
Australian army begins relocating covid-“positive” cases to quarantine (concentration) camps Remember, the first lock down was for two weeks just to flatten the curve, but look what it has turned into! If they get their way, what will it look like a year from now. It is now or never to stop the NWO.
Fake News Media Claims 5X Increase in Healthy World-Class Athletes Who Suddenly Collapse Holding Their Chest is Just a “Coincidence” and Nothing to “Panic” Over These athletes are collapsing and/or dying right in front of huge crowds, yet the media still denies it it is connected to the death shot. I don’t think this event is going to letup but increase until a huge amount have died.
They Are Purging Humanity – There Is Nothing Left To Lose (Video)
What Is The Relationship Between The Political Left And Globalism?
This Pivotal Moment, vaccine passports (Video) This is an excellent sobering video that I highly recommend you watch.
America Is Under Attack By Marxist Globalists
Gates Foundation Sent Over $54 Million to China Since COVID – What’s Going On? This is the NWO in action. It is probably payback for making a few billion for them.
High school student sues school over suspension for believing in gender binary
Rand Paul blasts Fauci: ‘Astounding and alarming’ to declare ‘I represent science’ What a lying megalomaniac psychopath who represents the NWO and its attempt to conquer the world through medical tyranny!
1 Million Australians March For Freedom Against COVID-19 Restrictions And Mandatory Vaccination
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
If you like our ministry, please consider making a donation to keep us going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
The Following is a list of doctors to contact for Covid 19 related medicine and to stay out of hospitals.
FRONTLINE MDs with Dr. Stella Immanuel We are swamped with patients and doing our best to take care of the American people. We are adding providers daily. Please bear with us. We will get to you. God bless you. ~DR. IMMANUEL.
Welcome to This link is to a real doctor group which will prescribe the real medicine for the cure. Please don’t go the hospital for anything which could be connected to Covid 19 or the death shot. The hospitals have become heartless death camps where the “doctors” give medicine which destroys the kidneys, thus sending fluid into the lungs. The next stage is the ventilator to destroy the lungs and kill the person.
Speak With A MD This another medical group of real doctors who can assist you obtaining the medicine needed to heal from Covid.
Medici (When all your doctors are a text away) This another medical group of real doctors who can assist you obtaining the medicine needed to heal from Covid.
I want to make sure everyone watches this video about what the government did to hide research about the cure for cancer. Please watch this documentary: you will never be the same after viewing it; but everyone needs to know this information: Episode 1 “The Sordid History of the Cancer Cartel: A Century of Suppression & Censorship”