John McTernans Insight Blog: January 27, 2021

2 Responses

  1. Rick Seale says:

    Bro. John – I believe you are one of this nations biggest voices for God. You truly have a heart for the Lord and the soon return of Jesus for His Bride. I have been following your teaching for over 15 years and the correlation you present between the judgment of God on America and this country forcing Israel to give up covenant land for false peace.This is where I believe America is at now.. God is pouring out His judgment on this nation through this election.
    I loved President Donald Trump and his policies for the most part. The greatest president this country has ever known for standing for the rights of the unborn. This I believe will be his greatest legacy. The fact he has put as many conservative judges on the bench as he has, Roe v Wade could be in jepordy for the first time since 1973.
    His stand for Judeo-Christian values stands tall too. Great economic president for America also.
    His downfall and what he could not recover from I believe was his push for , “The Deal Of The Century.”
    The deal was doa and Trump unlike other presidents did not put pressure on Israel to implement it. So what was so wrong ? The error I believe was his failure to understand the importance God places on Jerusalem. The city of God. The only place on this planet where God installed His Name at. Not Washington, London, Paris, Moscow, Bejing, Tokyo, Rome or New York City. Only Jerusalem!!! The most mentioned place in the bible, period. 814 times Jerusalem is mentioned, 160 times as Zion and 46 times as the City of David.
    It is not enough to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. It is not enough to move the US Embassy from TelAviv to Jerusalem. It is not enough to recognize the Golan Heights belonging to Israel.All of these are true facts. I believe if you concern yourself with Jerusalem, you need to publicaly state what the city is. THE CITY OF GOD and try to view it from a biblical perspective. Psalms 132:13-14; 1 Kings 9:3.
    Lets face the facts. Trump’s deal was for a two state solution. Eventhough most people believed the deal to be doa, Trump wanted it implemented. I believe his presidency was judged on Jan. 28,2020 when he unveiled the plan. At this time the US economy was booming and only one case of Covid in the US. The rest is history.
    Bro. John I am not a prophet or a son of one. I just love the Lord, try to follow His Word and keep His Commandents to the best of my ability.
    This is a post I sent you back on Feb.11,2020 :

    February 11, 2020 at 11:48 pm
    – What do you think about Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan – The Deal Of The Century? I have your book, “As America Has Done To Israel.” I have Bill Koenig’s book. Both describe the correlation between trying to divide the land of Israel, Jerusalem and God’s judgment accordingly.
    I think both books are correct on this matter.
    John do you think what Trump has proposed could bring judgment on America? I do.
    Trump on this issue is no better than Bush,Sr., Clinton, Bush,Jr., Obama or any other President. Genesis 3 makes this clear. Don’t mess with the land of Israel.
    Especially the city of Jerusalem.
    There can never be a real estate deal over this land or city, for the fake purpose of peace.
    This is God’s land. He gave it to the decendents of Jacob!
    God put His name on this city. This is God’s!
    Let’s face it. Trump’s plan is a two state solution. It is bad for America.
    Trump has been a very good President for America so far. The greatest pro life President for the unborn this nation has known. Great proponent for the church and godly issues. It was an awesome decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Great economic President for America. All of this does not make a proposed two state solution good. God gives a land the leaders it deserves.
    Remember George Bush, Sr. had the greatest approval rating any President has ever had and lost reelection.
    I support Trump now and will in November.
    His, “Deal of the Century, ” though is very wrong.

    Bro. John I believe God has allowed Satan and his demons to bring judgment on this country because of this. Satan’s mission is to kill, steal and destroy. He is the father of lies. There is no truth in him.
    What do I propose we do now?
    If you know the Lord as your personnal Saviour, draw as close to Him as you possibly can and stand on His promises. If you don’t then repent and call on Jesus to save you. Today is the day of salvation.


    • JohnMcTernan says:

      I thank you that my ministry is a blessing to you. The “Peace Plan” is complicated, but what I see is the danger spiritually is the plan allows Israel to recognize
      a Palestinian state!Both the USA and Israel suffered greatly in 2020 after the start of the “Peace Plan”. There is another danger and that is over Trump being soft
      on homosexuality. In my ministry, every week we interceded before the Lord for this.
      I do see the Peace Plan more as UAE and other Arab nations uniting with Israel for war against Iran. I don’t see it for dividing the land or Jerusalem, plus the Palestinians
      want no part of it, but remember the trouble in both USA and Israel started around the timing of this plan.