John McTernan’s Insights Posted: May 29,30, 2021
Verse of the Day
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
The truth is very clear that the American people are under a biological warfare attack from a totally malevolent medical institutions who lied, block and tried to intimidate anyone that promoted the cure for Covid-19, while at the same time promoting a dangerous genetic experiment as a vaccine! This action fits a Nazi war crime.
There is something diabolical about their fanatic zeal to get masses of people vaccinated and ignoring the cure! The death rate is very low for Covid-19, yet they use political pressure to force vaccinations on the people. Already severe side affects are manifesting, yet the Babylonians are actually trying to suppress this. What is going to happen one year from now to people who were vaccinated? The American people just can’t believe the medical institutions, politicians and media could be so evil, but they are.
I want to make sure everyone watches this video about what the government did to hide research about the cure for cancer. Please watch this documentary: you will never be the same after viewing it; but everyone needs to know this information: Episode 1 “The Sordid History of the Cancer Cartel: A Century of Suppression & Censorship”
Communist Joe was sworn in as the fraudulent president, and he is moving as fast as possible to destroy the nation. I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us. I may post articles through the day as I find them, so check a few times. The articles which I can’t post on FaceBook are here: cutting edge information you need to know.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, and this can get you through all trouble.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Posts and Commentary
Oregon Is Proof That Leftist Politics Ultimately Lead To Tyranny And Decay This is an excellent article, showing the conditions of Oregon causing so many to flee and counties want to seceded to Idaho. This is real Communism is action! They dems want to turn the entire nation into Oregon.
As Hamas Rain Down On Jews, NY Times Runs Jew-Hatred I’ve warned for years how the Hard Left/Communists would merge with Islam against America and Israel. These two are in agreement about hating America and hating God along with his word the Bible. The NY Times is the flag ship of the reprobates/Communists, so what you see printed in the times reflects the thinking of the Hard Left intelligentsia, which is in control of the Dems. It is just a matter of time before the entire dem party is the enemy of Israel, as it is now the enemy of America.
From article:”During World War 2, the New York Times suppressed information about the Holocaust. Today, the New York Times viciously slanders and blood libels Israel, while it defends itself against Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Anti-Israel Columnists such as Thomas Friedman, Michelle Goldberg, and Peter Beinart, use their position at the Times to spread vile propaganda and lies about the Jewish state. The New York Times’ bias, dishonest, and anti-Semitic coverage of Israel, has contributed mightily to the attacks on Jews we now see on our streets. Shame on this anti-Semitic rag.
The Future Cyborg Gates
Non Profits, Full of Radical Leftists, Are Setting National Sex Ed Standards There is absolutely no doubt in my mind the goal of these reprobates is to prepare the children for pedophiles. This is the goal of the homosexual agenda.
As Anti-Semitic Attacks Increase Across Country – Thousands of Red-Green Allies Gather in Washington DC for National March for Palestine This unity is extremely dangerous for the Jews and America. These groups hate America and God. I warned about the Muslims in America and the great danger they pose for the Jews. They will use each other to destroy America and then turn on each other.
How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine This gives excellent information about how defend yourself against the vaccine: Pass it on to others
First Propaganda, Then The Criminalization Of Dissent “Soft propaganda has been building for decades, but the next phase of globalization is fully engaged: that is, the criminalization of dissent. All revolutions end up at this stage. Cancelling, incarcerating and ultimately killing dissenters. The markers for Technocracy’s coup d’etat are clearly visible. ⁃ TN Editor”
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Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.