Over 1,000 ‘Health Experts’ Sign Letter of Support for Black Lives Matter Mob: Conservative Protesters Racist Must Stay Home due to COVID-19

3 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    This is for all the liberals/communists,and God haters out there.It is politically correct that we all apologize…..O.K then….I’m sorry…..you are idiots. There,I feel much better.Thank you. P.S.and for all the statue topplers out there…whether you know it or not..most of those statues were democrats…and they still own you..keep going.While you try to erase our real history..you erase yours instead…idiots…oh,…one more thing.If it wasn’t for Christopher Columbus..you wouldn’t have an indian to rename.Most of the ‘non’ blacks out there doing damage..I would bet are college bred. …What a HUGE waste of money that was.

  2. dan.w says:

    I say if the police can’t defend themselves because of political correct cry babies,or the national guard either…then when the stuff hits the fan..just let me know when your coming to my house.I need a time because unlike the rioters and commies..I have to work for a living and I would hate to miss your house call…it would be rude.

  3. dan.w says:

    Father God..Wake Your saints to the lateness of the hour.Rouse the patriot…Bring real law over this land.Protect us from the globalists who are ‘all in’ to defeat us…in Christ name I ask..Amen.