Latest posts
Tuesday Night Livestream: Bible Teaching – Introduction to 1John
The teaching starts at 9:00 PM EST.
Monday Night Livestream: Watch and Pray
The prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST. The prayer is scheduled for one hour, but I will continue the show if needed. To watch, go to John McTernans Insights at FaceBook or YouTube
Sunday Night Livestream: End Times Weekly Prophecy Update
All the shows begin at 9:00PM EST. If you want to listen, you need to call 717 409-5553.
Saturday Night Livestream: Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
I will be teaching on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as found in Acts 2:16-21 and show that the real outpouring is for today. The reality is power to preach the gospel, win souls and make disciples. This outpouring is NOT limited to a few, but it is for everyone.
Thursday Night Livestream: Prayer, Testimony, and Prayer
The teaching and prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST and ends around 11:00 PM.
Monday Night Livestream: Watch and Pray
The prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST. The prayer is scheduled for one hour, but I will continue the show if needed. To watch, go to John McTernans Insights at FaceBook or YouTube
Sunday Night Livestream: End Times Weekly Prophecy Update
All the shows begin at 9:00PM EST. If you want to listen, you need to call 717 409-5553.
Saturday Night Livestream: Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
I will be teaching on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as found in Acts 2:16-21 and show that the real outpouring is for today. The reality is power to preach the gospel, win souls and make disciples. This outpouring is NOT limited to a few, but it is for everyone.
Thursday Night Livestream: Bible Teaching – Kingdom of Heaven
The teaching and prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST and ends around 11:00 PM.
Tuesday Night Livestream: Bible Teaching – Revelation: The Beast and the Whore
The teaching starts at 9:00 PM EST.
Monday Night Livestream: Watch and Pray
The prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST. The prayer is scheduled for one hour, but I will continue the show if needed. To watch, go to John McTernans Insights at FaceBook or YouTube