Sunday Night Livestream: End Times Weekly Prophecy Update
All the shows begin at 9:00PM EST. If you want to listen, you need to call 717 409-5553.
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All the shows begin at 9:00PM EST. If you want to listen, you need to call 717 409-5553.
I will be teaching on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as found in Acts 2:16-21 and show that the real outpouring is for today. The reality is power to preach the gospel, win souls and make disciples. This outpouring is NOT limited to a few, but it is for everyone.
The teaching and prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST and ends around 11:00 PM.
This blog posts articles with very important information about end times events and especially important to the United States.
This blog is to keep you on the cutting edge of information about Israel which I believe this war has triggered “The Day of the Lord is Near”!
On October 7, 2023, 7000 Hamas terrorists attacked Israel. Hamas attacked because of the claim the Jews were defiling the Al-Aqsa Mosque which sits on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The teaching starts at 9:00 PM EST.
The prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST. The prayer is scheduled for one hour, but I will continue the show if needed. To watch, go to John McTernans Insights at FaceBook or YouTube
All the shows begin at 9:00PM EST. If you want to listen, you need to call 717 409-5553.
I will be teaching on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as found in Acts 2:16-21 and show that the real outpouring is for today. The reality is power to preach the gospel, win souls and make disciples. This outpouring is NOT limited to a few, but it is for everyone.
The teaching and prayer time starts at 9:00 PM EST and ends around 11:00 PM.