President Trump Prays For the Nation, Participates in Easter Blessing From Oval Office

Verse of the Day
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
The President gave a wonderful prayer/speech. He clearly identified as a believer in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I think this was his best speech about the Lord.
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
“President Trump Prays For the Nation, Participates in Easter Blessing From Oval Office (VIDEO)”
“President Trump prayed for the nation and participated in an Easter blessing from the Oval Office on this Good Friday. Trump prayed and cited scripture to offer hope to the American people during these uncertain times.
“On this Good Friday, Christians from all around the world remember the suffering and death upon the Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Easter Sunday we will celebrate His glorious resurrection,” said Trump.
“I ask all Americans to pray that God will heal our nation to bring comfort to those who are grieving, to give strength to the doctors, nurses and healthcare workers, to restore health to the sick and to renew the hope in every person who is suffering. Our nation will come through like never before,” Trump said.”
“President Trump Asks Americans to Pray for Our Nation: “With the Grace of God, We Will Overcome” He is giving leadership for Americans to turn to the Lord! He is doing it all for America. Please respond to his call for prayer.
“During yesterday’s White House press briefing, President Trump asked Americans to pray for our nation, those grieving loved ones and those most impacted by the crisis. Here are excerpts of the president’s remarks:
“While we may be apart from one another . . . we can use this time to turn in prayer in our own personal relationship with God. I would ask that all Americans pray for the heroic doctors and nurses, for the truck drivers and grocery store workers, and for everyone fighting this battle.”
“TRUMP’S MIRACLE DRUG: French Study of 1,000+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen” Watch both the Hard Left medical establishment (I call them the Babylonians) and the MSM ignore or mock this study. With your eyes, you can see how ruthless and vicious these people are. They rather see people die and the US economy collapse, then see the agenda fail.
There is in the midst of America and around the world a horrible evil manifesting like it did in the 1930s. The Hard Left reprobates are a real special evil that we can’t let win. If they win, it is just like Hitler winning. We need to stand in the name of Jesus against this evil with no compromise! Always remember, they hate us with the same hatred the Nazis had for the Jews! They will take the fight to us because of this loathing for us.
“In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study.
Since that time Dr. Roult has continued his study and now has over 1,000 coronavirus patients. 98% of his COVID-19 patients have survived and improved using the drug combination.”
“Selective Hydroxychloroquine reporting is proof positive mainstream media hates us” This is a great article about how demented these Hard Left people are. They rather let Americans die and suffer then tell the truth about the cure for the Wuhan Virus, because it would make President Truth look good. Remember, they hate us as much as they do him. They truly are the enemy of the Americans and all the Hard Left that think like them.
“As unhinged as they’ve been since President Trump won in 2016, their most heinous universal act has come during the coronavirus crisis. They are generally against the hope and potential life-saving benefits of Hydroxychloroquine despite many clear indicators of its efficacy. Why are they against it? Because President Trump was the first public figure to tout it, and the last thing they want is for him to be proven right.
Think about that. Here’s a drug that has been proven to be safe for most people, having been used as a malaria-fighting drug for decades. It is a known quantity with known side-effects and risk factors. The vast majority of studies have determined it seems to have a positive effect on those who have contracted the coronavirus. Despite this information, mainstream media still refuses to publish anything positive about it.”
“AG BARR: “No Basis” For FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation… More Concerning is a ‘Whole Pattern of Events to Sabotage the Presidency’ (VIDEO)” This is encouraging, but all we can do is wait until the investigation is finish and if there is justice. He sounds like the investigation in near completion.
“US Attorney General Bill Barr told Fox News host Laura Ingraham there was ‘no basis’ for the FBI’s ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ investigation into then-candidate Donald Trump.
“I think what happened to him [Trump] was one of the greatest travesties in American history, and without any basis they started this investigation of his campaign, and even more concerning, actually is what happened after the campaign, a whole pattern of events while he was president to sabotage the presidency,” said Barr.”
“World Health Organization: Abortion is ‘essential’ during coronavirus pandemic” According to the Hard Left, nothing is to stop killing babies! Their reprobate minds are out in the open for all of us to see. This pandemic is shinning a bright light on the darkness in their minds. God’s judgment is clear as this coronavirus pestilence outbreak has made the connection with abortion very clear. God is starting to move in judgment against killing babies in the womb. Remember, America has “legally” killed about 60 millions babies. Think of this number as you read the following verse.
Numbers 35:33 So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.
“Abortion is considered an essential service during the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization said in a statement Saturday.
“Women’s choices and rights to sexual and reproductive health care should be respected, irrespective of whether or not she has a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection,” WHO said in the statement. The statement also said that “sexual and reproductive health care is integral to universal health coverage and achieving the right to health.”
“Dem Lawmaker Who Credited Trump For Saving Her Life Says She Had to Beg For Hydroxychloroquine After Michigan Gov Barred the Drug (VIDEO)” This is a wonderful testimony and lets hope there are many more like this!
“A Democrat state lawmaker from Michigan credited hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for saving her life in her battle with the Coronavirus.
Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit) was diagnosed with Coronavirus and said she began to feel relief from her symptoms less than two hours after taking the anti-malaria drugs touted by President Trump. Whitsett not only gave President Trump credit for saving her life, she thanked him.”
“”All The Jobs Are Gone” – Africa Facing ‘Complete Economic Collapse’ As Virus Spreads” Events in Africa are very serious. Many national are totally shut down! We know the Coronavirus has a very low death rate and that Hydroxychloroquine is the cure, so shutting down entire nations? Is this stupidity or is part of a diabolical plan to destroy the world economy.
“The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns across the African continent could trigger an economic collapse, according to one United Nations (UN) official, who spoke with Associated Press (AP).
Ahunna Eziakonwa, the UN Development Program regional director for Africa, warned that the pandemic would likely result in job losses for millions of people, many of whom are already low-income, have no savings, and have no access to proper healthcare.
“We’ve been through a lot on the continent. Ebola, yes, African governments took a hit, but we have not seen anything like this before,” Eziakonwa said. “The African labor market is driven by imports and exports and with the lockdown everywhere in the world, it means basically that the economy is frozen in place. And with that, of course, all the jobs are gone.”
“Cuomo Will Ask Trump For More Hydroxychloroquine Supply After Promising Results”
Great news regarding cure for Coronavirus. NY Governor admitted that the treatment has been successful and he is giving the go ahead for the hospitals to use. He also the federal government to send more doses. This is great news and could put a soon end to this pandemic!
Once again, President Trump is correct. He is great instincts for misgoverning.
“President Trump has been vindicated once again as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has been “effective” in treating Coronavirus patients. In fact, the results have been so positive that Cuomo said he is going to call President Trump and ask for additional supply this afternoon.
“There has been anecdotal evidence that it is promising; that’s why we’re going ahead,” Cuomo said. “And if we get an additional supply – which the Federal Government says they’re going to send – I’m going to mention it to the President when I call him this afternoon – we can lift the 14 day limit ban,” Cuomo added.”
Bible Teaching: 2 Peter Chapter 2 (False Teachers)
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
My brother David and John;
Our God has been so good to us and we have seen His love, care and Grace when we have been serving Him. The Lord helped me to preach the Word and thought people all things and Prophecy that is in the Last Trumpet. Many people in our area has given their lives to Christ, and the Materials are in high demand, every person needs them. By the Grace of God we got 71 new converts who came to Christ as a results of what is written on the Materials and we praise the Name of God. I have attached pictures and may the Lord bless you as you prepare to
send more Materials to us In Christ. Pastor W, Shalom
If you like our ministry, please consider making a donation to keep us going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Wow..I literally cried as I watched the president give his Easter speech/prayer/blessing….He seems like a changed and humble man who the Lord has touched.We need to be in continual and earnest prayer for him.For a while the ‘fog’of the deep state surrounded if he would be overtaken by it.I see the Hand of God in his life as I have never seen it…and believe..if we lift him up in rock solid prayer..we could see one more repentance/revival in this land..and why not?The fields ARE white unto harvest.Lord God…..make our president..a real believer in You.Let Your heart be his heart.Let his thoughts and desires follow You Lord Jesus.He has not only tasted true humility..but has been bathed in it.His response is one of a person who can and will be used by You to perform great things for Your glory and namesake.I pray blessings on all his Godly plans..that they be plans You give to him.Make him unbeatable by the evil left and globalists.Make him win another term in full health and capability and You define it.Protect him,his family,and prayerful staff as they go about Heavens Jesus wonderful risen Name,Amen.