The Dems Haven’t Been This Angry Since

4 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    We don’t have a shortage of ‘lay people’ in the Church…We have a shortage of people who would stand up!!!! Can I get a witness??? Jesus came to comfort the afflicted….I come to ‘afflict the comforted’…Trust me..I need it too…..Get off dem pews..put on dem shoes…you need to walk,you need to talk…about Jesus.No time to run,no place to hide…we had our ‘free ride’..lets tell them of Jesus…He has the power to save,to free the slave..of sin,and deceit..we fall at His feet…the only place to be…at the feet of King Jesus.

  2. dan.w says:


  3. Sherri says:

    The truth is like a cool drink of water, everlasting water that is