Too Few Pastors Spoke Up. It’s the Real Reason We’re in This Mess Today

Verse of the Day
Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
This is article states exactly what I have been saying since 1987. For the most part, the pastors and church leaders let the country go to the devil’s crowd. The majority of the pastors lost the fear of God a long time ago. I confronted many of them, and I’m amazed how dead the water they are. They don’t live in reality but a religious bubble. They won’t even stand for marriage between a man and woman and the babies in the womb! I can never sit under a pastor who does not live with courage.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
American Christianity
“Too Few Pastors Spoke Up. It’s the Real Reason We’re in This Mess Today”
“I don’t want to sound critical, and I’m not bitter or angry. But I am grieved. And burdened. So I will raise my voice like a trumpet and say it plainly and clearly: The relative silence of our pulpits has helped plunged us into our current moral morass. Do we have the courage and integrity to face this? I’m not talking about pastors and leaders becoming political. That’s the farthest thing from my mind.
But I am talking about pastors and leaders becoming prophetic. I am talking about us speaking the truth in love, regardless of cost or consequence. Confronting sin in the church as well as in the society. Conforming to the image of God rather than the image of the world. Concentrating on obedience more than relevance, on pleasing God more than entertaining people.”
Hard Left Delusions Deepen
“CNN Highlights Breastfeeding Transgender ‘Dad’ for Father’s Day” The Left’s delusions are deepening. They are sealed in and turned over to a reprobate mind by the Lord heading to the ultimate deception: worshiping the antichrist.
We are seeing with our very eyes the Lord turning millions over to a reprobate mind. Many of them are sealed into the delusion for judgment.
Genesis 5:1,2 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them
“CNN commemorated Father’s Day weekend with an inside look at a transgender woman’s hardship of being a “father” with breasts.
Sabastion Sparks, a transgender “man” who breast fed her son, recently had surgery to remove her breasts so that her toddler son can “see him as a man” before Father’s Day, the left-leaning news outlet reported Saturday.
Sparks, who “would sit on the school bus and think how much he hated having breasts” as a child, conceived her now 20 month-old son Jaxen with her wife, Angel, who is biologically male.”
Liberal Mind and Psychopaths
Study: Liberal States – Conn., NY, Calif – Have Most Psychopaths The real big news in this article is the highest concentration of psychopaths is in Washington, DC! One of the main reasons America is in such trouble because the nation is being led by ruthless psychopaths. These people gravitate to positions of power, so they can use this power to advance their evil lust to destroy people. At the very core of the psychopath is a tremendous desire for ruthlessness, and what better place to do this than DC!
The DC swamp is loaded with psychopaths.
2 Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
“A new study ranking U.S. states in order of psychopathy found the “northeast of the US is the most psychopathic region,” namely a number of blue states earning the “dubious” distinction of the most psychopathic, according to a Quartz report.
A Southern Methodist University study by Ryan Murphy found Connecticut to be the most psychopathic state, followed by California, New Jersey, and New York (tied for fourth with Wyoming). Added in the study was Washington, D.C., which “had a psychopathy level far higher” than any state, according to the report – albeit because it is a small, entirely urban area and not as geographically diverse as a state.
“The presence of psychopaths in District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture found in Murphy [2016] that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere,” Murphy concluded in his study.”
Trump Defending America
“Trump Warns U.S. Could Follow Path of Germany on Immigration”This is astonishing to hear the President speak such truth! He warning America not to go down the same road as Germany and Europeans when it comes to taking in Muslim refugees! He understands the great danger America is in!
Finally, a real American President who stands up for the nation and has not sold us out! God has greatly blessed us, while we can see the Lord’s judgment all over the Europeans.
“The U.S. president appeared to stoke political tensions in Germany, saying German citizens are “turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition,” also saying there was a “Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
Angela Merkel’s German government faces an uncertain fate. She has been criticized for her policy of allowing in refugees.
Trump also used that tweet to claim crime is “way up” in Germany, implying it is because of Merkel’s immigration policies. But German government data suggests the opposite is true. (My Note: Trump is 100% correct about Germany as he was about Sweden!”)
Hard Left and Love of Islam
“Massachusetts: Anti-Semitic All-Day Event at Newton North High” We are watching the Hard Left in America slowly turning against the Jews and Israel and linking with Islam and even subtle support for the terrorists. The Left is fast making up ground with their European brothers like in Sweden.
The slide towards Islam is accelerating. It won’t be long until the Left tries to get America to submit to Sharia law like the Europeans are doing.
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
“Charles Jacobs, president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, reminded the board that Mayor Ruthanne Fuller had promised the Jewish community “transparency” in what is being taught at the schools, but she has not delivered.
This, after the school system was forced to remove from its curriculum the Arab World Studies Notebook, which falsely taught students that Jews torture and murder Arab women in Israeli prisons; and after the School Superintendent David Fleishman had promised Jewish community leaders this past October that he would remove the schools’ entire World History section on the Middle East until scholarly, vetted material was found to replace it. Instead, Jacobs said, Fleishman broke that promise and continued to use material that was pro-Arab, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic.
Most of the anger was directed at a May 2 all-day event at Newton North High School called Middle East Day, during which Electronic Intifada proprietor Ali Abunimah’s non-profit group screened several anti-Semitic films for the Newton North students.
One film, Ismail, grotesquely aped the opening scene of Schindler’s List, except with actors playing Jewish soldiers as the Nazis, and Palestinians as the Jews. “This blood libel,” said Jacobs, “the ‘Jew-as-Nazi’ lie is the ‘narrative’ that drives Jew-hatred around the world and here you are teaching this to our children.”
Hard Left Merged with Islam
“Non-Muslim police officers take part in 18-hour Ramadan fast to ‘gain a better understanding’ of the local community” This shows how fast Great Britain is being turned over to Islam. They seem to love Islam and no acts of violence by the Muslims can deter this “love.”
How long before this “love” reaches deep into America?
“Non-Muslim police officers have taken part in an 18-hour fast for Ramadan to help boost relations with the Islamic community. Northamptonshire Police said the move was to ‘show unity’ and ‘gain a better understanding’ of the local community during the Muslim holy month.
PSCO’s were this week pictured at the Headlands Mosque in Northampton, joining in with the evening iftar meal having fasted from sunrise to sunset. Officers, police staff and their families joined the local Headlands Mosque in Northampton for the evening iftar meal, after some of them took part in fasting Northamptonshire Police said the move was to ‘show unity’ and ‘gain a better understanding’ of the local community during the Muslim holy month”
Trump vs Kim
“The Donald Trump Negotiations Academy” This is a great article which appraises President Trump’s negotiating skills. He is the exact opposite of a regular politician, which is a breath of fresh air!
Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. (12) His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. (13) And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
“We didn’t learn this week whether North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons. Only time will tell. But we did learn that US President Donald Trump knows how to negotiate.
All of the negotiations experts insist the opposite is true. “How could they agree to a presidential summit without first guaranteeing its end product?” they sigh, knowingly.”
Update: Attacking the DC Swamp
“Trump lawyer calls for inquiry on Mueller’s Russia probe” This is yet more great news about attacking the swamp and hopefully bagging some of these critters. If Mueller is investigated, I think we will find him just like Comey. They are best buddies.
This is all leading to Hillary and B. Hussein, along with most of his administration. What a swamp draining this would be!
2 Thess 1:7,8 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
“Donald Trump’s personal lawyer on Sunday called for an investigation into special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, claiming it was tainted from the outset under former FBI director James Comey.
“We want the Mueller probe to be investigated the way the Trump administration has been investigated,” Rudy Giuliani said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “This is a case where it’s crying out for someone to investigate the investigators,” he later told CBS.
Giuliani’s comments were the latest in a barrage of attacks on the probe by the president and his lawyers as Mueller appears to be nearing a conclusion to his investigation into possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.”
Update: DC Swamp Fight
“GOP will hit FBI, DOJ with ‘constitutional weapons’ if they don’t comply with subpoena: Gowdy”
This is very exciting and long awaited news. Congress is usually gutless, so the potential of an open fight with the criminals in the DOJ and FBI is very exciting. If the House follows through with the threat, it will break the corrupt leaders of the DOJ and FBI. It also also give President Trump an ironclad reason to fire both of them, without the Hard Left going hysterical.
Revelation 6:16,17 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
“House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy told “Fox News Sunday” that House Speaker Paul Ryan led a meeting Friday night with senior members of the DOJ and FBI, and made it clear that “there’s going to be action on the floor of the House this week if FBI and DOJ do not comply with our subpoena request.”
The House Judiciary Committee has requested more than a million documents from the FBI and DOJ relating to the Hillary Clinton email probe, the firing of former top FBI official Andrew McCabe, and reported surveillance of a Trump aide during the 2016 presidential election.
But Republicans have accused the DOJ and FBI of stonewalling and intentionally impeding their investigation, despite the agencies’ claims that fulfilling the request requires a careful review of the sensitive documents.
Gowdy, R-S.C., said the GOP’s action could involve “the full panoply of constitutional weapons available to the people’s house.”
Israel vs Iran
“Israel has bombed Iranian-backed militias in Syria: Netanyahu” This is just an update of what is happening between Israel and Iran.
“Israel has attacked Iranian-backed Shi’ite Muslim militias in Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday, casting such actions as potentially helping to stem a Syrian Sunni Muslim refugee exodus to Europe.
Israeli officials have previously disclosed scores of air strikes within Syria to prevent suspected arms transfers to Lebanon’s Shi’ite Hezbollah guerrillas or Iranian military deployments. But they have rarely given detail on the operations, or described non-Lebanese militiamen as having been targeted.”
Revelation 22:20He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
We are where we are because in large part,the Christian has abandoned his post.In the late 1800’s,’higher criticism from the Frankfurt schools in Germany laid waste to the Scripture’s,as we know them…They…[fallen men],overode God and His Holy Word,the Bible.They reinterpreted much of it,tossed most of the truth aside,cut and pasted the rest.Most pastor’s of the time,with few exception’s ‘bought the big lie’.Liberalism now had a huge foothold here in America…which we are reaping the sick/unholy crop from.Jesus used to be first and front and center…now,man,in his infinite stupidity,has put God in the closet where all sort’s of vermin used to be held.We need to be a living Body of Christ again..Brick/mortar may look pretty,but salvation is found only in the person of Jesus Christ.That message,has gotten lost to many.Carpet and furniture have their place,but in the end will burn like all other superficial stuff.Christ,and Him alone is our only hope.Many ‘churches’ are filled with lost people on their way to Hell…including..many…many pastor’s.We need to reach out to them and tell them,one by one..their need of the real Christ.Do it wherever you can…because…time is short.God Bless.