Transgender “Woman” Breast-Feeds Baby After Hospital Induces Lactation

Verse of the Day
Hebrews 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Just to show how crazy things are getting with the reprobate minded. This is not a natural function of the male body, so I’m thinking that the “milk” is most like some form of poison with all the drugs in the body. Mankind now is intent on destroying every part of God’s creation. This is an all-out assault on many fronts against God’s creation to the point man is now the creator!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

The study’s authors, Zil Goldstein, left, a nurse practitioner, and Dr. Tamar Reisman of Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery in New York
Transgender Woman Breast-Feeds Baby After Hospital Induces Lactation 02/15/18
Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
“When a transgender woman told doctors at a hospital in New York that she wanted to breast-feed her pregnant partner’s baby, they put her on a regimen of drugs that included an anti-nausea medication licensed in Britain and Canada but banned in the United States.
Within a month, according to the journal Transgender Health, the woman, 30, who was born male, was producing droplets of milk. Within three months — two weeks before the baby’s due date — she had increased her production to eight ounces of milk a day.
In the end, the study showed, “she was able to achieve sufficient breast milk volume to be the sole source of nourishment for her child for six weeks,” according to the journal.
Dr. Tamar Reisman and Zil Goldstein, a nurse practitioner, of the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery in New York, say the case illustrates that, in some circumstances, modest but functional lactation can be induced in transgender women who did not give birth or undergo surgery.”
Hard Left/ American Politics
Democrats Are Not Running a Single Pro-Life Candidate in Any Targeted District in 2018 02/15/18 This party is a full blown, hard core, political death cult. It is closed to anything that interferes with killing babies in the womb. It resembles the worship of the pagan god Molech!
“Democrat leaders are pushing the party further into a radical ideology that demands full support for abortion for any reason up to birth
In a scathing but apt criticism of the current party, The Federalist’s Bre Payton described abortion on demand as DNC leaders’ new religion.
“Their objective is no longer to keep abortion ‘safe, legal, and rare,’ but to shout it, to be proud about it, and to kick and scream if their party does not expel pro-life defectors,” she wrote.
The upcoming midterm elections are a perfect example. Party leaders are abandoning a seven-term Illinois incumbent and supporting his challenger instead because of abortion.
U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, one of the last pro-life Democrats in Congress, accurately represents his constituents on the abortion issue. He votes to protect unborn babies from late-term abortions and opposes taxpayer funding of abortions, two issues that are widely popular among Democrats and Republicans alike.”
BUSTED: DOJ Official Bruce Ohr Caught Hiding Wife’s Payments From Fusion GPS 02/15/18 This article is just to keep you to top of what the DOJ and FBI did in an attempt to overthrow the US government. This is a grand conspiracy between the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the Obama Administration to overthrow the government. It was an attempted coup. This falls under sedition.
“Bruce Ohr, the Department of Justice official who brought opposition research on President Donald Trump to the FBI, did not disclose that Fusion GPS, which performed that research at the Democratic National Committee’s behest, was paying his wife, and did not obtain a conflict of interest waiver from his superiors at the Justice Department, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.
The omission may explain why Ohr was demoted from his post as associate deputy attorney general after the relationship between Fusion GPS and his wife emerged and Fusion founder Glenn Simpson acknowledged meeting with Ohr. Willfully falsifying government ethics forms can carry a penalty of jail time, if convicted.”
LIES! FBI Says They Could Not Identify “Nikolas Cruz” after YouTube Threats — BUT HIS PROFILE WAS ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA! 02/15/18 It seems that pathological liars gravitate to the FBI. The leadership is riddled with liars, and they even tried to overthrow President Trump’s election. Does anyone believe a word they said about the mass shootings in Las Vegas?
I’m watching a series about what happened at Waco in 1993 with the deaths of so many people, including children. This is an excellent and very accurate movie about what really happened. The federal agents including BATF and FBI did nothing but lie, which resulted in the deaths of so many women and children. They attacked a compound and supposedly one purpose was to save the children. In the end, many of the children were killed in the final assault!
I would like to make one thing very clear about Waco. The feds had the right to arrest David Koresh on gun charges. They also had the ability to arrest him alone because he ran every morning by himself. Instead, what they choose to do was make a direct assault on his compound with heavily armed agents. From all accounts the feds fired first for no reason. This started the standoff which resulted in the deaths of so many people, including four federal agents.
What kind of monsters reach the top of the FBI? Something has to be done about this, along with all federal law enforcement. I have no trouble with the US military, but federal law enforcement is now dangerous to Americans. Remember, my background is as a retired federal agent, but I can clearly see the danger of the FBI, DOJ, etc.
“During the Thursday morning briefing the local FBI chief made comments on the YouTube threat shooter Nikolas Cruz made online in 2017.
Nikolas Cruz, the suspect in Wednesday’s horrific massacre at a Florida high school, was allegedly reported to the FBI in September after he left a comment on a bail bondsman’s YouTube channel saying that he was going to be a “professional school shooter.” Chief Lasky then was asked about the threat by reporters.
Lasky: “We do not know if it was the same person. We, through our database checks, we could not positively identify him. We’re going back. We’re scrubbing the information. We’re looking at it again. I am not willing to say at this time that it was the same person.”
The YouTube comment was posted by “Nikolas Cruz” – spelled with a ‘K” – and yet the FBI now says they didn’t know if it was the same person?
THIS IS A LIE…. Killer Nikolas Cruz used his real name on YouTube. The threats were made in September.
Killer Nikolas Cruz ALSO used his real name on Instagram where his account is loaded with several photos of Cruz in a mask with a gun.”
Hard Left/ American Politics/ ProLife

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez
Democrat Party Chair Won’t Say If There’s Room for Pro-Life Democrats 02/14/18 Whatever is evil, the Democratic political death cult embraces! This is a great example that there is no room in this cult for someone who is pro-life. Killing babies and sexual perversion is at the heart of this cult.
I’ve come to see that the true believing Democrats have a cult mentality, and this is why so many of them live in delusions. They are like the followers of Jim Jones and drink the Kool-aid! There really are no hard core Republicans like there are Dems. It is a political cult, which is very dangerous because its devotees can be manipulated easily into mindless violence for their cause.
2 Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
“MSNBC host Kasie Hunt interviewed Perez on Sunday about the mid-term elections, specifically the race involving U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois, the Washington Free Beacon reports.
Lipinski is a pro-life Democrat who recently spoke at the March for Life. Even though he is an incumbent, many Democrat leaders are backing his primary challenger, Maria Newman, a radical pro-abortion Democrat who supports abortion for any reason up to birth.
Hunt asked Perez if pro-life Democrats like Lipinski still are welcome in the Democratic Party, a debate that has been raging for more than a year. Perez refused to say.”
The Coming Middle East War
Syria Developing ‘Deep-Rooted Foundations of Friendship’ with North Korea 02/15/18 This friendship shows what a monster Assad is. NK brutalizes its people, starving them to death, along with killing anyone who opposes the government. Christians, in particular, are brutally treated.
This is an enemy that Israel faces, and it is going to be a blessing when the Syrian government ceases to exist.
“The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) revealed that Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hammoudeh Sabbagh held a meeting with North Korean Ambassador to Syria Jang Myong Ho on Monday.
Sabbagh reportedly “pointed out to the deep-rooted friendly relations binding the two countries, saluting the DPRK’s leadership and people for their positions towards Syria,” and “stressed that the steadfastness of the Syrian people, army, and leadership has been the main factor to bringing down all the conspiracies and plots against Syria.”
Myong, in turn, “affirmed the need to develop the parliamentary relations between the two countries, adding that the bilateral relations are based on solid and deep-rooted foundations of friendship and cooperation,” and “expressed happiness over the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in confronting terrorist organizations.”
Syria and North Korea have maintained close diplomatic relations since the 1960s, keeping foreign embassies in both Damascus in Pyongyang. Fleeting reports went as far as to place North Korean troops alongside Assad’s Syrian Arab Army in the country’s civil war.”
WHO’S FIGHTING WHOM IN SYRIA? 02/14/18 If you are interested in trying to figure out what is happening in Syria, then this is a good article. My mind spins trying to keep up with what’s happening in this nation. One thing we know is that in the end, Syria and especially Damascus, are going to be totally destroyed.
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
“A new episode in the torturous saga of the Syrian civil war is emerging. Last year Russia, Iran and Turkey met in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, and agreed to set up a series of de-escalation zones in Syria that were supposed to reduce the violence between the anti-government insurgents and the pro-Assad regime forces.
Last week’s deadly attack carried out by Iranian backed militias on Turkish troops deep inside Syria cast doubt on the survival of the de-escalation agreement. Reuters reported (February 6, 2018) that, “A Turkish soldier was killed in a rocket and mortar attack in northwest Syria (Idlib Province) as Turkish forces were setting up a military post in the largest remaining stronghold of opposition to President Bashar al-Assad. It was the second attack in a week on Turkish soldiers trying to establish a position near the front line between rebels and pro-government forces, under a deal with Russia and Iran meant to reduce fighting in the area.
The deal largely collapsed in December when the Syrian army with Iran backed militias and heavy Russian air power launched a major offensive to take territory in Idlib province and surrounding areas.”
Iran/ Israel
Iran Unveils New Homemade Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missiles Amid Massive War Celebrations 02/14/18 There was a lull in the war talk for a while, but once again it is getting hot. You can feel that Iran wants war with Israel in the worst way. They are driven by pure hatred against Israel. This rage will blind them right into a meat grinder of war with Israel.
Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
“On the heels of an encounter between an Iranian drone and Israeli forces, Iranian leaders showcased their ballistic missile capabilities, which includes a nuclear-capable medium-range missile that appears to share similarities with North Korean technology, according to experts.
The nuclear-capable missile can strike Israel even when fired from Iranian territory, raising concerns about an impending conflict between Tehran and the Jewish state that could further inflame the region.
Iranian military leaders bragged the ballistic missile “can be launched from mobile platforms or silos in different positions and can escape missile defense shields due to their radar-evading capability,” according to reports in Iran’s state-controlled media.”

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman speaks in Tel Aviv
Israel Defense Minister: Iran declared war on us long ago 02/14/18 Iran is at war with Israel. A war it can’t win because it is allah vs the Holy God of Israel. The ultimate goal of Iran is Jerusalem, which will end up being the killing fields to end Islam. Watch many Muslims unite behind Iran in its war with Israel.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
“Israel will do everything necessary to prevent Iran from consolidating itself in Syria, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said Wednesday.
“Iran declared war on us. The highest echelons in Tehran want to erase the Zionist entity; they do not hide the fact that they want to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth,” Liberman said at the annual conference organized by the Federation of Local Authorities and Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, held at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.
“Iran is also fighting us through its proxies – Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and now Hamas, and of course the Syrian regime. Therefore, it is a daily war not only in the military aspect but also in the realm of international terrorism, and we do everything in order to preserve Israel’s security,” he continued, adding that Israel maintains absolute freedom of action. “Everything we need to do has been done.”

Figure skaters Alexa Scimeca Knierim and Chris Knierim
US Olympic Skating Couple Credits Their Christian Faith for Return From Serious Illness 02/14/18 This is a really nice article about how the Knierims give God the glory through their Olympic skating. This is so nice to read about, in contrast to sodomites getting in the face of the VP for his faith!
Psalm 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
“And even here at the Games, it’s no longer about me,” she added. “I have fans out there who know that I am a true believer in the Lord and I’m trying my best to shine His light and let people know that it’s okay to promote Him and do things for Him, because in the Christian life that’s kind of what we’re supposed to.”
Chris Knierim added that he shares the same beliefs as his wife. “I think it’s played out in her a little stronger than me because of the situation she was put in,” he explained.
Alexa Knierim assured that she believes that her purpose at the Olympics is to “glorify God.” “I’m here living my dream, and if that’s the way that I have to go about it, I’ll keep doing it,” she said.
Before each competition, the Knierims participate in a group prayer and also participate in prayer with athletes in Colorado, People reports.
Alexa Knierim believes that the only reason she was able to make it to the global stage is because of her faith. “So it’s taken a big kind of role in my life and Chris’ and I truly believe that’s why we were able to get here,” she said.”

Aaron Feis
High School Football Coach Who Shielded Students from Gunfire at Florida School, Dies 02/16/18 This man is a true hero. May the Lord bless his grieving family and friends and comfort them. May we all have such courage in times of crisis. God bless the family.
John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
“It is with Great sadness that our Football Family has learned about the death of Aaron Feis. He was our Assistant Football Coach and security guard. He selflessly shielded students from the shooter when he was shot. He died a hero and he will forever be in our hearts and memories”
Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.