TRUTH SEEKERS TV: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for Today

2 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    So much for the ‘free thinkers’..right brother John?.You get censured because you speak truth…and satans minions cannot fight they shut us down..or try to…just like the nazi’s did…We have already..those in all area’s of our society…mainly in media ans [education]..’LAUGH’….who have no answer.Just like the other side that cannot take the president head on..their answer..beat him.Father God..I pray that You Lord continue to bless and expand brother John’s outreach..and to his detractor’s…may they shrivel a discarded piece of rotten decaying fruit.Amen.The media is worse than a virus…because Jesus is the cure..and it’s free…but they would rather follow the snake into the abbyss…because pride is a seducer of the mind’s of lost men.Being blind…they think they see……