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US, Canada have funded Chinese lab eyed as likely source of coronavirus outbreak

4 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    There was a ‘quote’ from a statesman long ago…It went something like this…Those who would trade liberty for security are neither worthy or deserving of either.This was..[in my opinion],an engineered crisis…on all levels.We cannot in a million years win this battle with fleshly tools or worldly wisdom,smart as some really are.This is a battle of the spiritual realm..and can only be won when done by the Book,[Bible].This can only be done and won…on our knee’s in true heartbreaking repentance..crying out to the Lord.Of course,as in other area’s of life..we cannot put God in a box and tell Him the result’s.He doe’s however hear and answer the prayer of His people,[us].Notice the progression of evil..and the regressing of our right’s.We do have a part to play in all of this.We need to be salt and light.If we are that…many thing’s will rectify themselves..if but for a while longer.God bless y’all.

  2. dan.w says:

    The hulkster is correct.I believe all false gods are being judged right now..as a stern warning that we all are one breath away from our judgement as a nation.We are all one moment away from our eternal destination and of an accounting of ourselves to a Holy God.Everything is being sifted and shaken to show us we are not temporal beings having a spiritual experience..but we are eternal beings having a temporal experience.Time is a parenthesis between eternity past and eternity future.Use it wisely…because..it could almost be up.

  3. Robert Beal says:

    Felt led of the Spirit to write this poem
    The End or The Beginning

    The end draweth nigh, it matters not what you have got set aside
    For tomorrow will come and find you where you are
    Will you want to shrink from His coming or will you run into His Presence?
    He is the alpha and the omega, He looked forward to this day from the very beginning
    When He would gather His chicks under His wings
    And dwell with them
    He is El Shaddai, the great provider, defender
    He is the source of Life, Light, Truth and Love
    Will you welcome Him or will you reject Him?
    That is the question for this hour, the clock is ticking, the minute approaches
    Oh, what will you do when darkness covers the land?
    Who will you call upon?
    He alone is the Way, the Truth and the Light – His name is JESUS

    A day later He confirmed it with Psalm 46 in The Passion Translation
    God is going to get the worlds attention on way or another. He is coming!