What if the cure for the coronavirus were as simple as taking zinc?

Verse of the Day
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
I hope this helps you about zinc and how powerful it is against the Wuhan Virus. The deep state is trying to hide this from us. Please act this information.
Psalm 91:9,10 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
“What if the cure for the coronavirus were as simple as taking zinc?”
“It’s now looking increasingly clear that zinc may truly be the “silver bullet” for stopping coronavirus infections and ending this global pandemic. This mineral is incredibly affordable, safe and widely available, yet no one in government or media is recommending that people take zinc, since it can’t generate the billions in profits found in prescription drugs and vaccines.
This article isn’t a self-serving promotion, by the way. We don’t have any zinc products to sell. Rather, this article is about helping save lives using nutritional solutions that are available right now.
While nothing is yet clinically proven to cure coronavirus — although chloroquine seems promising in several small trials — zinc now appears to be the most promising nutritional substance that could help end this global pandemic and get people back to work so that the economic collapse can be halted.”
“This is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic” – Dr. Stephen Smith Announces Hydroxy-Choloroquine Study that is “Game Changer” in Battle Against Coronavirus (VIDEO)” The cure is right before us, lets see what the Hard Left system does with it.
“Dr. Stephen Smith: More person has received five days or more of the hydroxychoroquine-azithro combination has been intibated. The chance of that occurring by chance according to my sons Elan and Hunter who did some stats for me are .000 something. It’s ridiculously low. It’s ridiculously low however you look at it.
We were looking at selection bias in this situation. But I cannot think of a reason why. If all else is equal why people that received 5 days or more or even four days or more of this hydroxychloroquine-azithro regimen wouldn’t get intibated… It’s a game-changer. An absolute game-changer. I think this data goes to really support the French data… Laura, I think this is the beginning of the end of the pandemic.”
“REVEALED: Soros Invested Heavily in Chinese Biotech Research Company with Facility in Wuhan that Researches Respiratory Models and Infectious Disease” This sure makes sense that George Soros is involved with the bio-center in Wuhan! Wherever there is evil, his name comes up as the funding backing the evil.
“Documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Soros Fund Management LLC invested heavily into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc.
WuXi AppTec, as it is now called, has a facility in Wuhan, China. The company provides validated research including in vitro (HTS, SAR screening support) and in vivo disease models in cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and infectious diseases. From a trusted source… You can’t do virology research and development in any country unless you have a government (most of the time DoD or CDC) contract.
This is even more so the case in China. The reason for this is that you can’t get viral specimens, have a secure facility, and transport specimens and conduct the experiments on live animals without the clearance. In the specific case of WuXi AppTec, it is almost certain that their work was supervised by the Chinese Intelligence services because of the company’s tight business connections to the US.”
“Nine States Refuse to Issue Stay-At-Home Orders, South Dakota’s Governor Says They’re ‘Draconian Measures’ Like the ‘Chinese Government Has Done'” The problem is what draconian measures will these governors keep in place when the emergency is over. The Hard Left governors are power hungry to advance their God hating agenda, and there is no doubt in my mind they will try and grab as much power as possible. There are trying times ahead.
“There are now only nine states in America that are not under stay-at-home orders by their governors. Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas and South Carolina are now the only states where residents are not under orders to only leave their homes for “essential” purposes.
“The contrast is the starkest in five states — Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota — where there are no such orders in place, either in major cities or statewide. Another four had partial restrictions issued locally in certain cities or counties,”
“Sean Hannity: Gov. Cuomo, stop denying New Yorkers hydroxychloroquine” I don’t give Gov. Cuomo the benefit of doubt, but believe he is doing on purpose to create as much death and misery as possible. No one can be this stupid, to act the way he is, with this drug!
By what he has done is to drag on this medical emergency until the New York and national economy is destroyed. Anyone who advocates the killing of babies right up to birth, is capable of all types of evil. Remember, this man functions under a full Hard Left reprobate mind. I believe this is yet another manifestation of a reprobate mind.
“Enough is enough. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo needs to IMMEDIATELY lift his pharmacy ban that is forcing New Yorkers stricken by the coronavirus into an already overburdened hospital system to get the potentially life-saving drug hydroxychloroquine.
Because of an executive order issued by the Democratic governor, any new prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine must go through the already overrun hospital system. This makes no sense. Sources tell me that Cuomo has access to MILLIONS of doses of hydroxychloroquine right now. The federal government has tens of millions of doses and has made millions of doses available to the New York governor.”
NOTE: Gov Cuomo just came out and admitted the drug was very effective and for it to be used.
“Outrageous! Dr. Birx Went All-In on Bill Gates-Funded Coronavirus Model – Sits on Gates-Funded Foundation Board” The President is surrounded by the Deep State swamp in all area of the government. They have boxed him in, but in the end, I believe he is going to defeat them. He has tremendous political instincts and makes great decisions.
Our job is to continually pray for him and especially for his safety because he is such a threat to deep state.
“Dr. Birx decided to throw away several proposed models for the Coronavirus outbreak and went all-in on a single model funded by Bill Gates. As TGP reported Thursday, the IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) model for the Coronavirus the White House is relying on is complete garbage.
The US economy has been virtually shut down, unemployment spiked and small businesses are on the verge of shuttering based on faulty projections. The IHME model, which is funded by Bill Gates, is using New York and New Jersey data and applying it to the rest of the US. It predicted that over 121,000 Americans would be hospitalized Wednesday over the Coronavirus. The actual number? 31,142.”
“Catholic group slams de Blasio for questioning Christian charity’s New York coronavirus field hospital” This is an excellent article about the mind of the Hard Left reprobates and how they think about us. It is so clear they loath us and absolutely love and protect the homosexuals and their agenda.
“Samaritan’s Purse has been applauded worldwide for its humanitarian efforts but has come under scrutiny for recruiting “Christian” volunteers — a policy that adheres to its 11-point Statement of Faith. That 11-point statement also singles out homosexuality and same-sex marriage.
“We believe God’s plan for human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage, that God created man and woman as unique biological persons made to complete each other,” the statement reads. “God instituted monogamous marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family and the basic nature of human society. For this reason, we believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female.”
“Gavin Newsom: We Will Use Pandemic to Usher In Progressive Era” No matter what havoc the Hard Left brings upon California, they want to do more! The worse it gets the better they think the state is getting! They California to look just like Mexico. A small percentage rich and ruling with the rest of the state in poverty. The Middle Class is fleeing California while no one seems to care!
“If anyone is taking this outbreak seriously, it’s definitely not the Democrats. As Republicans and many Americans are focusing on rebuilding our economy while trying to figure out when that will be, the Democrats are focusing on two things: using the crisis to hurt President Donald Trump and do a lot of social engineering.
California Governor Gavin Newsom is definitely going to utilize the Democrat motto of “never let a crisis go to waste” to, as he says, to usher in a “new progressive era.”
“Coronavirus: China Floods Europe With Defective Medical Equipment” Communist China is getting worse since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. This is a rogue nation trying to wreck havoc throughout the world. This is not going to end good for China.
“”The brutal truth is that China seems to flout the normal rules of behavior in every area of life — from healthcare to trade and from currency manipulation to internal repression. For too long, nations have lamely kowtowed to China in the desperate hope of winning trade deals. But once we get clear of this terrible pandemic, it is imperative that we all rethink that relationship and put it on a much more balanced and honest basis.”
“United Nations wants 10% global tax and wants it now” If the UN wants the funds, let them get if from China and leave us alone.
You can see the NWO was ready to jump on the Coronavirus to advance it agenda for world take over.
“The United Nations is calling for an international response to the coronavirus outbreak that will spend “at least 10% of global gross domestic product.”
“There is no time to lose in mounting the most robust, cooperative health response the world has ever seen,” the global body states. The U.N., known for its left-leaning, anti-Israel policies and massive money demands, says its “COVID-19 plan” could “defeat the virus and build a better world.” Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “The new coronavirus disease is attacking societies at their core, claiming lives and people’s livelihoods.”
Prophecy Update
Prophecy Update: Coronavirus 4/5/20
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
Dear pastor Dave and John. praise the name of the most high God
I honor you in the Lord’s name, am much glad to reach you once more and thanking you for such an effort in the Lord vineyard and for the extra-wonderfully kingdom work that please God and that touches souls for the lord, Am blessed to be working with this kingdom family, and the last trumpet team in your nation, your ministry and teachings are live transformations kingdom, it so good and great to be in cooperation with your ministry and the teachings of this ministry in expanding the kingdom, you LAST REUMOHET PROHESY IS WHAT IS HAPPEING NOW. ministry to expand the kingdom of the Lord. am hearing and receiving great testimonial of the Work of the teachings as we continue distributing the Teaching material in to different areas
Am seeing lives being touched by the Gospel among and within the community and the lost souls receiving Jesus, speaking and praying for the people. Healing and deliverance of Setting the Lost and Abandoned in the community, the one that lost hope in life have been reached, great testimonies coming
from all the directions, DESPITE BEING A HOME TO HAME DISTRIBUTION many are accepting Jesus especial at this time that things are operating well due to this pendemic global i have been able to reach homes and believers at there homes and be able to share out the teachings am kindly requesting for the more materials to be sent to be so i may
continue with distributions am attaching the pictures of the updates and distributions. allow another Package to be send to me immidiatly In Christ the King
Pastor C W
Thanks for the good info! Here in WA State, our governor just announced that we will be on lock down till everyone is vaccinated for the C virus. Bill Gates said” that the whole country should be shut down till everyone is vaccinated with his vaccine and THEN they can go back to work, and buy and sell. All the vaccinated people will have to wear a star on their clothing so that they can buy and sell.” This virus was all about a NWO agenda! The people are demanding that the governors open up their states again, but the governors on the Left Coast refuse. I’m so thankful that my citizenship is in Heaven…Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Linn
Wow, a battle is brewing.
Mister Gates has a vaccine that has sugar protein spikes in it so an ultra violet dye fills in ewhere the spike put the holes in the skin..which can or will be seen under special light,last up to 5 years,and will not only contain data on you,but you will not be allowed to function in society without it.Sounds like ‘The Mark’to me.Uh…he also is spending his gazzilions to created 7 new vaccine labs to get on line quickly.His generousness is overwhelming.I don’t believe we will be here for this ‘shot of wonderment!’…but,then again..whoda thunk this would be here NOW?Pray for Trump..and each other.
President Trump…Get rid of the deep state that is ALL around you..tripping you up.Get us back to work.Fauci…bad.Birx….bad.Our country is almost done….over a virus.