Why Benjamin Franklin Wanted to Partner With Great Awakening Preacher George Whitefield

Verse of the Day
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
This is a wonderful article showing the tie between Franklin and the great evangelist George Whitefield. Whitefield was one of the greatest evangelists in history. He was one of evangelists who the Lord used to start in America, what is known, as the Great Awakening. He had a tremendous influence on Franklin who in turn was instrumental in the founding of America.
Franklin was the one who called for prayer when the Continental Congress was hopelessly deadlocked!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
American Christian History

George Whitefield preaching
“Why Benjamin Franklin Wanted to Partner With Great Awakening Preacher George Whitefield”
“Franklin had become friends with Whitefield 18 years prior to this when Whitefield visited Philadelphia and preached to massive outdoor crowds. Franklin attended the meetings and was attracted to this young, fiery revivalist who was nine years his junior. It proved to be the beginning of a close, life-long friendship.
Franklin and Whitefield became business partners with Franklin printing and distributing Whitefield’s journals and sermons and advising him in business matters. Whitefield stayed in Franklin’s home on at least one of his visits to Philadelphia and Franklin wrote to his brother in Boston, “Whitefield is a good man and I love him.”
For the next 30 years, they carried on a lively and open correspondence. Whitefield often spoke about faith in Christ and admonished Franklin to make sure he was prepared for the next world. When Whitefield passed away in Newburyport, Connecticut, on Sept. 30, 1770, Franklin was in London. Obviously feeling a deep sense of loss, he wrote,”
Islam: US Navy Defeats the Barbary Pirates

US Navy fighting Muslim Pirates
“Barbary: Islamic Terrorism and America’s First Military Victory” This is a great article about the the US Navy defeating the Muslim pirates on June 10, 1805. It really is the best I’ve read about this war against Islam. These pirates were especially vicious and were stealing American ships and enslaving the crews.
The United States built its first Navy of five frigates to defeat these Muslim pirates, so we can thank the Muslims for the USA first navy! The frigates were of tremendous quality and took the fight to pirates.
One of the frigates was the USS Constitution which also defeated the British Frigate HMS Guerriere during the War of 1812. These frigates were perhaps the finest ships of their era.
The USS Constitution is still afloat and docked in Boston. It is the oldest warship afloat!
USS Constitution vs HMS Guerriere: August 19, 1812
“Centuries before that, the Barbary States of Muslim North Africa—specifically Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis—had been thriving on the slave trade of Europeans abducted from virtually every corner of coastal Europe—including Britain, Ireland, Denmark, and Iceland. These raids were so successful that, “between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly a million and quite possibly as many as a million and a quarter white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast,” to quote American historian, Robert Davis.
The treatment of these European slaves was exacerbated by the fact that they were “infidels” and their owners Muslims. As Robert Playfair (b.1828), who served for years as a consul in Barbary, explained, “In almost every case they [European slaves] were hated on account of their religion.” Three centuries earlier, John Foxe (b.1516) had written in his Book of Martyrs that, “In no part of the globe are Christians so hated, or treated with such severity, as at Algiers.”
Israel vs Syria
“US Air Force flies 24/7 over Syrian battlefield with Israeli overflights” This is a very interesting article about the USA and Israel teaming up against Russia, Syria and Hezbollah. This confrontation is very tense.
What is interesting is the US planes come the aircraft carrier Harry Truman, who as President, first helped Israel, while the one authorizing it is President Trump!
Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
“A double layer of US and Israeli warplanes is cruising 24/7 over the southwestern Syrian battlefields ready to go into action if shared red lines are crossed. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that US F/A-18E and F/A-18F Super Hornets are monitoring the fighting around Daraa and the Jordanian and Israeli Golan border regions. They have flown in to support Israel’s overflights from the USS Harry Truman, which is deployed in the eastern Mediterranean.
The IDF has prepared for three scenarios in the event of Russian-backed Syrian and Hizballah forces seizing control of the Daraa region and the Jordanian border – whether by force or in negotiation with the rebel defenders:”
Hard Left: Delusions Getting Stronger by the Day
“40 schools in England ban girls from wearing skirts to accommodate transgender students” The reprobate mind will do all it can to promote and protect anything that is against God and his word. Now girls can’t wear skirts to school because it might make transgendered students uncomfortable!
There is not much left to the Western mind. It is dead in sin and easily can be taken over by Islam. The West stands for nothing, so Islam is filling this void. This is happening so fast.
Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
“Some 40 secondary schools in England have banned girls from wearing skirts, one month after a school in Oxfordshire recommended it’s male students wear them to deal with soaring temperatures. According to the Sunday Times, schools are opting for gender-neutral uniforms to encompass transgender students, with others consulting on a ban.
Priory School, a secondary in Lewes, East Sussex enforced a ban on skirts and ordered girls to wear trousers instead in an effort to accommodate transgender pupils, after students had asked why girls and boys had to wear different clothes. Headteacher Tony Smith said in September, “We have a small but increasing number of transgender students and therefore having the same uniform is important for them.”
Hard Left Delusions
“If America Is So Bad, Why Do They Keep Coming Here?” This is a very good article showing how the Hard Left tries to paint the picture that America is some evil racist country, yet millions of people from all over the world want to come here!
The people wanting to come here are proof of the lies from the Hard Left Democrats. These Dems simply hate America and want to destroy it.
“As Americans celebrate the country’s 242nd birthday, clamoring left-wing progressives loudly and incessantly paint the republic as a very dark place. The United States under President Donald Trump is routinely described as something out of “The Handmaid’s Tale” and in the grips of white supremacists, or — in less incendiary terms — “white nationalists.”
Trump himself is regularly compared to Adolf Hitler and called a Nazi. Liberals complain that Trump is “kidnapping” illegal immigrant children and throwing them in “cages.” Those “cages” — which actually are care facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) — have alternately been characterized as “internment camps,” “black sites” and “concentration camps.”
What’s more, activists on the Left contend that America is so thoroughly racist that individual acts of kindness and respect are insufficient to overcome “institutional racism,” innate bias and “white privilege.”
Hard Left Destruction of Civilization
“Only two thirds of Generation Z identify as ‘exclusively heterosexual'”
We are watching huge sections of Western society being turned over to a reprobate mind. As the nations turn from the Lord and reject his word, he turns them over to a reprobate mind. When God is mocked, there is no escaping his judgment. These people haven under God’s judgment and have no idea!
Romans 1:26,27 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. (28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
“Homosexuality is no longer the taboo it once was. But figures suggest that young people are even more open to experimentation than previously thought. Only two thirds of Generation Z identify as solely heterosexual, in stark contrast to previous generations, a study has found. Research by Ipsos Mori found that 66 per cent of young people, aged between 16 and 22, are “exclusively heterosexual” – the lowest figure of any generation. Among millennials, 71 per cent say they are exclusively heterosexual, as do 85 per cent of those in “Gen X”, and 88 per cent of baby boomers.”
Hard Left Devouring Itself !
“Rep. Maxine Waters owed an apology from top Dems for not protecting her against ‘uwarranted’ Trump verbal attacks, nearly 200 black female leaders say” We are watching the Dems turn on each other. They are so full of hate that they can’t control themselves! If they stand with Waters, they alienate themselves from mainline America, but if they don’t stand with her, they alienate themselves from their base!
Mark 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
“Black female leaders and allies are blasting House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for what they see as their “failure” to protect Rep. Maxine Waters from “unwarranted attacks from the Trump administration and others in the GOP.” “We write to share our profound indignation and deep disappointment over your recent failure to protect Congresswoman Waters from unwarranted attacks from the Trump Administration and others in the GOP,” the group of nearly 200 women wrote in a letter sent Tuesday. “That failure was further compounded by your decision to unfairly deride her as being ‘uncivil’ and ‘un-American.’”
Hard Left Merging with China
“China’s Censorship Ideals Take Root on the American Left” Look how the Hard Left is lining up with the Communist Chinese. They are both totalitarians and hate freedom. Whatever is evil the Hard Left Democrats gravitates to.
These people are just evil to the core. Just as we would not compromise our freedoms with the Chinese Communists, so we can’t compromise with the Hard Left Democrats in America.
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
“What are you “independent” from, and how will you assert your independence? Free speech is under attack in America and all around the world.
It is not merely a matter of blatant authoritarian oppression and mob violence, but an insidious belief that free speech must be sacrificed in the name of social harmony. Now that the Internet has given everyone a megaphone, the people can no longer be trusted to express themselves without stern supervision.
The latest broadside against free speech was delivered in a June 30 New York Times article entitled “How Conservatives Weaponized the First Amendment.” The article explores how “liberals” fell out of love with the freedom of expression, driven in no small part by opportunistic revulsion for a string of big conservative speech victories.”
Hard Left: Muslim Mayor
“Muslim Mayor of London Sadiq Khan Approves ‘Angry Baby’ Trump Blimp During the President’s UK Visit” I think this is both sad and funny at the same time. It is sad because Britain has degenerated to this level, and funny because it is so childish! The President should read out loud to the mayor of London the crime statistics, which are now frightening. The crime of choice now is Muslims spraying acid into the face of people!
“The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, approved an ‘angry baby’ Trump blimp to fly near the Parliament for two hours on July 13th during the President’s visit to the United Kingdom. Ironically, the group behind this angry baby Trump blimp refer to themselves as ‘anti-fascists.’
Sadiq Khan’s spokesman said the Mayor approved the blimp because he supports the right to peaceful protest. So the Muslim Mayor would also approve a ‘Mohammad’ blimp in protest of Jihadists running wild in the streets in London going on record stabbing sprees?”
American Justice
“Victim of Norwalk assault gets 18 months for not retreating” In Florida he goes free, but in Connecticut in goes to jail for 18 months. The governor has to set him in free. This is what happens in Europe. You can’t defend yourself!
“A Bridgeport man who was assaulted by three juveniles while he was at work in Norwalk will have to spend 18 months in jail for stabbing one of the attackers. “I was defending myself,” Jeffrey Sumpter, 21, told Judge John Blawie on Monday morning at the Stamford courthouse when he was sentenced for stabbing one of the males in the leg last October. Blawie told Sumpter that he understood and believed his version of events, but he said he had to follow the letter of the law.
Sumpter, dressed in a white prison jumpsuit with short sleeves, did not reply. His public defender Howard Ehring said unlike a state like Florida, which has a law allowing its residents to stand their ground, Connecticut law requires Sumpter to retreat from the beating he was given at the Dunkin’ Donuts where he worked. After being assaulted inside the coffee shop, Sumpter ran outside and stabbed one of the men.”
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Our U.S Navy was founded because we were not going to be extorted by islam,[small i]…The sun is fast setting on [great britain]..[small g and b]….because they turned from God.Lord God..please bring an outpouring on Britain,it’s people,on Europe and the far east.Bring Your Word to every corner and give a shout of Salvation through the person of Jesus Christ.Strengthen and enlarge and embolden Your Church..the Body of true believers,irrespective of denomination,those called out by You to reach the lost with undiluted Truth….for it is late.God bless you brother John…Lord I pray a special out pouring of Your grace,mercy,favor and power over brother John,his family and the ministry You have entrusted to his charge.Make it count favorably for Your kingdom,Amen.