Foreign journalists in North Korea told to prepare for ‘big’ event

Verse of the Day
Matthew 24:29-30 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Something big is happening with North Korea. The capital is being evaculated. April 15 is a national holiday and it appears that Kim Jung Un might explode a nuclear weapon. The American fleet will be off the coast at that time. This event could ignite a war because North Korea is very close to a nuke that can reach the US mainland.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Philippines 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
World War 3/ North Korea
Foreign journalists in North Korea told to prepare for ‘big’ event 04/12/17 This article is just to keep you on the cutting edge of events.
“Foreign journalists visiting North Korea have been told to prepare for a “big and important event” on Thursday, although there were no indications it was directly linked to tensions in the region over the isolated state’s nuclear weapons program.
Around 200 foreign journalists are in Pyongyang as the country marks the 105th birth anniversary of its founding president Kim Il Sung on April 15, North Korea’s biggest national day called “Day of the Sun”.
Officials gave no details as to the nature of the event or where it would take place, and similar announcements in the past have been linked to relatively low-key set pieces.
In 2016, for example, foreign journalists underwent hours of investigation by North Korean officials ahead of what turned out to be a pop concert to mark the finale of a ruling Workers’ Party congress.
But tensions are running high, with a U.S. Navy strike group steaming toward the western Pacific in a show of force and North Korea warning of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of American aggression.”
World War 3 – Russia

Sean Spicer
White House: Future Syria strikes not out of the question 04/11/17 If Putin does not control Assad, this confrontation could ignite into WW3. I don’t think that Putin wants the war, but can he control Assad who is typical Middle East thug?
“White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Monday the U.S. could carry out future military strikes against Syria if its government uses chemical weapons on its own citizens again.
“If you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, I think you will see a response from this president,” Spicer told reporters, according to The Hill.
His declaration comes amid growing questions about President Donald Trump’s strategy in Syria, after the U.S. last week fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base where a government forces are believed to have launched a sarin gas attack on civilians.”
Russia threatens ‘real war’ with US in Syria as Boris Johnson calls for increased sanctions 04/11/17 Are we willing to go to war over Syria? It looks like the entire West wants war with Russia. Putin is a bad guy, but do we want to go to war with him over Syria? I don’t. It is the same old question: get rid of Assad, and then what? Look at what happened to Iraq and Libya!
Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
“Russia has warned of a “real war” with the US if they attempt to issue them with an ultimatum over their support for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.
British foreign secretary Boris Johnson will on Monday call for Western powers to impose sanctions on Russia if it fails to cut ties with Assad following his chemical weapons attack on his own civilians. However, the Russian embassy in London warned of a “real war” if the US and its allies impose any such ultimatum.
Any such threat by the G7 nations “brings us to real war” they warned, before questioning the leadership of US secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Johnson.
In a joint statement, Russian, Iranian and Assad-supporting forces said that the US attack on Syrian airbase last week had crossed a “red line” and warned that any further attacks would be responded to with force.”
Hard Left

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – APRIL 08: Armed police stand on guard at the scene of the terrorist truck attack in downtown Stockholm on April 8, 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden
‘Ban Cars to Stop Terror’ Says Sweden’s Best-Selling Newspaper After Stockholm Attack 04/12/17 After interacting with the Hard Left for decades and studying their actions, I knew that someone would propose banning trucks and cars to stop the terrorist attacks. This is shocking because the Muslim terrorists are not mentioned!
“Cars and other vehicles “have turned into deadly weapons”, and should be banished from cities to stop attacks like the one in Stockholm from happening in future, according to Aftonbladet editorialist Eva Franchell.
Crackdowns on immigration or extremist ideology are not the way forward when it comes to terror prevention, according to the veteran journalist, writing after Friday’s terror attack in Stockholm left four people dead.
Instead, it is cars — which she calls “effective murder machines” — that Franchell says “must simply be removed from city centres and places where people gather, if people are to be protected in future”.
Vehicles are “easy to steal, and so nothing has been able to stop their advance”, writes Ms. Franchell. “It just isn’t reasonable that a big truck can be driven right into one of Stockholm’s busiest streets on a Friday afternoon right before Easter.”
Hard Left/ Islam

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, author and human-rights activist
Why Does the West Keep Colluding with Terrorists? 04/11/17 It is truly amazing to watch the stupidity of these people and cowardliness of their character.
They are tough on attacking the Bible. The run to support abortion rights. They call Trump supporters fascists, when they are the fascists! But, when it comes to the Muslims, they collapse!
At the root they are like the Muslims, and they greatly fear them.
Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
“That this type of campaign can succeed — that speakers can be stopped from speaking in Western democracies because of the implicit or explicit threat of violence — is a problem our societies need to face. But in the meantime, we also have to face the reality that a shut-down of opinion has on our public policy as well as our public discourse.
What, after all, is the acceptable discourse — or “narrative” — on which we can agree to speak about the attacks in Stockholm, Berlin, Nice and elsewhere? Can the discussion be allowed to include the Islamic portion? Can anyone be allowed to say that the attackers act in the name of Islam, or must we continue to present all jihadist terrorists as people suffering from any affliction apart from that one?
In the middle of the week, at a memorial service in Westminster Abbey, the Very Reverend John Hall, Dean of Westminster, said that the UK was “bewildered” after the terrorist attacks of a fortnight earlier. He went on in his sermon to ask:
“What could possibly motivate a man to hire a car and take it from Birmingham to Brighton to London, and then drive it fast at people he had never met, couldn’t possibly know, against whom he had no personal grudge, no reason to hate them and then run at the gates of the Palace of Westminster to cause another death? It seems likely that we shall never know.”
American Politics

Robert Bentley & Rebekah Caldwell Mason
Corruption Rampant Among Republicans Who Control Alabama Elected Offices 04/12/17 Wow, look at the depth of corruption in Alabama. It is possible that this state is worse than Pennsylvania?
Proverbs 17:23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.
“With Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley earning international headlines by resigning Monday in the wake of a scandal involving sex, misreporting of campaign finances, and multiple allegations of misuse of state resources along with illegal intimidation tactics, all three branches of Alabama government have seen top officials evicted in the past year.
All three officials were Republicans, leaving the party’s officeholders in bad odor at a time, ironically, when the state party itself at the organizational and elective levels is seeing such record success that the entire, 22-member state Steering Committee was re-elected in March.
Bentley becomes the second Alabama Republican governor in a quarter-century to resign due to ethics violations, following Guy Hunt in 1993. More recently, former Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman was released in February from six years in a federal penitentiary for a bribery conviction after he lost a re-election bid in 2002.”
Hard Left/ Christianity

Progressive Democrats in Oregon are attempting to crucify Judge Vance Day because of his Faith
Oregon Judge Sued 5 Times His Yearly Salary, Ordered To Step Down From Bench…For Being Christian 04/12/17 This is the ungodly element in America, trying to destroy any righteous judges. They want them all to be either ungodly or wimps; they want cowards as judges.
This is really dangerous for us because it will become like having Nazis judges proceeding over Jews. Always remember, the reprobate mind hates us as much as the Nazis hated the Jews. If they get the chance, the reprobates will act on this hatred.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
“An Oregon circuit court judge is battling the war of his life as the predominately liberal Oregon Supreme Court prepares to hear his case of trumped up charges to remove him from the bench. Charges that directly violate his right to practice his religion as protected under the First Amendment. But that is not all he is facing, as it gets much worse for the embattled principled judge.
Marion County Judge Vance Day’s nightmare began when he refused to perform same-sex marriages, instead opting to have his staff refer couples to other judges in the county. As a result of Day standing up for his religious convictions he is now burdened with more than $600,000 in legal fees exceeding five times his salary of $124,628 a year. And to make matters worse, as of Nov. 2016 felony criminal charges has been brought against the Judge as well.”

An armed policeman secures the Coptic church that was bombed on Sunday in Tanta, Egypt
The 5 Attacks on Churches This Week No One Told You About 04/12/17 In the last few years, there has been a great increase in attacks against Christians in India. These attacks have gotten little attention, but it becoming more widespread and dangerous.
1 John 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
“The Evangelical Fellowship of India released a statement today (April 11), in which it criticized the “targeting of Christians on special days of worship, such as Palm Sunday” as “condemnable”.
“We urge the respective state governments and the central (federal) government to not only take note of these violations, but also to take action to curtail the non-state actors who function with impunity,” the statement read.
“It is important, especially now as we are in the Passion Week, for, going by the trends so far, it seems the incidents may escalate during Good Friday and Easter. It does not reflect well on the world’s largest democracy, if incidents like these continue to hound religious minorities.
“We also request that the state machinery be held accountable and responsible for enforcing the rule of law, so that minorities can live in peace and without fear,”Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Common sense and reason..these escape the liberal mindset.They go along with true islam because they share the same spirit,and have the same ‘papa’.I pray that the Christian judge in the above article gets to see God vindicate him because of his faithfulness.We need more men like him.God bless him.We really hear war drums beating,and,though we don’t hear it from many other sources..I must say,good news or bad..I’m glad you tell it.Truth is in such short supply.Father God,I pray for our persecuted brethren worldwide,that you give them peace,strength,wisdom,protection,and holy boldness..and make them bold witnesses for you,in Christ’s perfect name………Amen.
I agree that deposing Assad may bring in someone worse…that’s usually how it happens.The ‘snake’ has many head’s.No shortage of available wanna-be’s.We need to [buckle up].We may be in for a bumpy ride.God bless y’all.