FINALLY! Trump Admin Working to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization

1 Response

  1. dan.w says:

    Father God…Thank You for Jesus,our only hope,in this life and the one to come.Thank You for hearing/answering my prayer’s…Please Father God..Embolden and protect Trump and all who are on his side and are faithful to You Lord.Shut down the left,the commie,the muslim,the America hater.Close them in and shut them down.As they have tried to silence us..silence them..As they have tried to,by any mean’s make unjust law and decree,put real law,[with full penalty],and Your decree,[with full effect]..on them.Give them 10 fold what they planned for us.Crank up the heat on satan..and remind him of Your sore displeasure and wrath.Confound his idiot’s with total blindness in thought,word and deed.Make them of no effect.Pour on this planet..Your Spirit of peace,so that the world could experience one more chance at receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior…let them lay down their weapon’s of war for a while longer.Bring in the full harvest of soul’s Jesus died and live’s for…in His wonderful Name…Amen.