MUST SEE VIDEO: California Doctors of Immunology: Only Sick and Elderly Should be Quarantined, Businesses Should Open, and State is Pressuring Drs. to Add COVID-19 Numbers

Verse of the Day
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
There is NO doubt this “pandemic” is about stripping Americans of our rights and destroying the economy. It is really out in the open what these Hard Left monsters are doing. They are not letting up but want to destroy and damage as much of America they can. The hate America and real Americans.
Looking for the Blessed Hope
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (2) In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
“Two California doctors of immunology and owners of a Bakersfield Urgent Care facility say only the sick and immuno-compromised individuals must be quarantined, not healthy people.
Via KIRO News 23 –Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi said their facilities have tested over 5,200 patients for the coronavirus throughout the county, making up for over half of all testing in Kern. According to their data, the death rate of the coronavirus is similar in prevalence to the flu.
Dr. Erickson says there is something much larger at play here: “ER doctors now, you know, the friends that I talk to are saying you know it’s interesting that when I’m writing up my death report I am being pressured to add COVID. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look worse than it actually is?… This is not about science and it’s not even about COVID. When they use the word “safe” the word safe is about controlling you. So when I talk to all of my ER doctors who work in a hospital with no stake in the game, same opinion.”
“PA Governor Tells Newly Unemployed and Starving Pennsylvanians to ‘Read a Book’” When the French peasants were revolting the queen said if there is no bread, then let them eat cake. With trouble in California, Pelosi showed off her $25,000 refrigerator system stuffed with ice cream, and now the governor of Pennsylvania tops them all by telling us to read a book!
How much more are We the People going to take from these utterly corrupt politicians. This could get out of hand real quickly now. They’re taking it to us.
Oh, I want everyone to know that the governor of Pennsylvania escorted women into abortion centers to kill their babies! And now this!
“Tens of thousands of Pennsylvania residents and business owners had their lives ruined in the past month by government enforced lockdowns. And that number will continue to grow as long as government officials continue to enforce their dangerous agenda.
On Monday freedom protesters rallied against the Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s draconian shutdown orders in Harrisburg. The Wolf administration and health officials responded by padding their coronavirus numbers with up to 269 fake deaths to the state totals on Tuesday.
On Friday Governor Wolf reached out to the starving and unemployed residents of his state. In a video he posted on his Facebook page, Governor Wolf tells the starving, out of work Pennsylvanians to “Read a Book”
“Andrew Cuomo’s coronavirus nursing home policy proves tragic: Goodwin” I have to think the worst when it comes to the reprobate mind. Did the governor allow this to inflate the number of deaths. NO one is this stupid. How can he get away with this!
““I am wondering who will hold Gov. Cuomo accountable for the deaths of so many older people due to his reckless decision to place covid19 patients in nursing and rehabilitation homes,” the letter began. “I am writing as a daughter who lost her beautiful 88 year old mother who was receiving physical therapy at one such facility.”
“NEW COURT FILING: Following Release of Brady Documents that Exonerate Gen. Flynn — MOTION FILED TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES” Finally a break through against the deep state swamp! I hope there is a 100 to follow. Now, whoever did this to General Flynn has to go to jail.
“Sidney Powell has been fighting to get her hands on the Brady Material since she took over the case. Powell also said that the documents produced found further misconduct by Mueller’s thug prosecutor Brandon Van Grack specifically.
“What else has the FBI buried,” said Powell to Sara Carter on Friday. “Where’s the original 302? And obviously some of the good agents are finally stepping up.”
“Yale psychiatrist claims Trump supporters like brainwashed ‘child soldiers'” She is part of a non stop Hard Left attack on us. Lying, slandering and false witnesses against the President is NO problem with her, but if we stand for the truth and as an American Patriot we then are “brainwashed child soldiers” of his. They are constantly taking the fight to us.
Remember and never forget, they hate us as much as the Nazi hated the Jews. She is extremely dangerous to us.
“A Yale psychiatrist who repeatedly has issued long-distance diagnoses of President Trump without having met him, now is going after Trump supporters.
Bandy Lee says they resemble “child soldiers” and easily could turn into “armed troops in the streets” if the president doesn’t win re-election in the fall. Salon reports Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine, claimed the “armed protests” are a natural evolution of the loyalty Trump “demands from his supporters.”
Meme: The Plans of the NWO for America
I hope President Trump can stop Gates and Soros. These are the two most evil men in the world with the NWO and trying to break America.
“College prof says GOP is a ‘death cult’ that must be tracked” This is an example of the constant drum beat of attacks against anyone who should dare speak out about the Hard Left policies. These are very dangerous people who are prone to violence.
“Contending the Republican Party is a “death cult,” an English professor is calling for the development of an app to track GOP members during the coronavirus pandemic.
Philip Nel of Kansas State University was objecting on Twitter to a vote by Republican lawmakers is his state to overturn a new stay-at-home order by Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly that added religious services to the list of banned gatherings.”
“Justice Clarence Thomas calls Roe v. Wade, gay ‘marriage’ ‘incorrect decisions’ in new opinion”The mere thought of the Supreme Court mentioning the possibility of overturning Roe v Wade has energized me!
This is so exciting. We a few more righteous judges on the Court to do it! This is a great object of prayer.
“During a recent Supreme Court ruling, Justice Clarence Thomas referred to Roe v. Wade as one of many “incorrect decisions” in relation to the Fourteenth Amendment. Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision, imposed abortion on demand across the United States.
In the same context of “incorrect decisions,” Thomas also mentioned the 2015 ruling Obergefell v. Hodges, which guaranteed a “right” to homosexual “marriage.”
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
Dear pastor Dave and John
I Greet you in the might name of Jesus and king of Glory The materials i received Last January has bared many fruits in churches and in evangelism missions in different areas, many are receiving Christ through the teaching, new coverts received Jesus from the samematerial, Jesus come to heart the heart broken and Russian, i have witnessed as people give testimonies in calling and writing back, Despite what is happening now in the world as well in kenya, there is house evengelism whereby reaching families in their homes and sharing with the, the Last trumphet work is on and we are making efforts to reach families and friends now in there homes the new life Jesus had given to them through your Materials, They are life transforming teachings and many are coming to Christ especial the heartbroken, RUSSIA AND JERUSALEM am attaching part of the pictures for the work happening for the Glory of God. also requesting you to sent me a box
Pst J N
I have heard it said,[second hand] doc to another…Unless it’s a car accident or a gunshot wound…lump it in with the ‘corona virus’.This is a massive brainwash operation straight from the illuminati via satan’s playbook.The evil one knows the majority of the worlds population believe ‘the lie’…spoonfed from the lying media.Just like Adolf Shickelgruber would do..say the lie often,and loudly.Keep repeating it until it becomes the ‘new truth’.Most of the world is on ‘volunteer lockdown because they heed their pied piper,satan.A psychology move,the major media repeat a ‘mantra’ to a suggestive audience.In reality…this fake pandemic is triggered by the word…..wait for it….pandemic.Which immobilizes the mind into a paralytic to the ‘next suggestion’.The world is waiting for it’s next orders.They want Trump out of the way and have stated as much,willing to crash the world economy if need be.They are almost there.America was a ‘sick man’ a dead man walking….Satan wants America out of the picture so he can try to destroy Israel.We are presently standing in the way…but for how long.This Plandemic is not yet done unfolding…..We will NEVER return to pre-plandemic days.I see many ministries have been co-opted using the terms the world doe’s.This IS NOT a pandemic people.Wake the heck up,please……….This is a bum rush to the NWO.Resist it at all costs.Do not carry the ball for the devil and his linebackers.Get the Gospel out there in your area of influence,before ‘they’ come to the door and silence you for good.See the signs…They are screaming at you….Wake up.Don’t believe the lie.Operate out of Faith and not fear.Most people are not afraid of dying without Jesus…but many people are terrified of dying by a ‘virus’.Gee…i wonder why? Perhaps because they were ‘programmed’.
I just read today that Bill Gates wants to vaccinate 7 billion people…or everyone in the world. Let that sink in.Just had to tell all of you.My take?…..No thanks.
Trump announces ‘Operation warp speed’… vaccinate every American.
This is not good.