Dems Murdering Elderly Out in the Open for the nation to see!

Verse of the Day
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
This was not misguided policies, but rather cold blooded murder by these Democrat governors! There is the blood of the elderly on them, and they all of they have to go to jail for their crimes. They murdered the elderly by the bureaucracy rather than with a gun, but it is still murder.
Notice how they are all hardened baby killers, especially Cuomo from New York. The killing of the babies really hardened their hearts, so the killing of the elderly became easy to them. With their power, these are extremely dangerous sociopaths.
Looking for the Blessed Hope, the coming of Jesus Christ for his bride!
Revelation 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
“Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) said that Democrat governors’ policies to put coronavirus patients in nursing homes “wreaked havoc” on America’s long-term care facilities, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.
Loeffler sent a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar and CMS administrator Seema Verma regarding the disproportionate rate of coronavirus deaths in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.Citing data from the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, Loeffler noted that 43 percent of all coronavirus “deaths have occurred in long-term care facilities, despite representing only .6% of the US population.”Loeffler noted that many Democrat governors, such as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, implemented “policies mandating that nursing homes take in patients who tested positive for the coronavirus, regardless of whether or not these facilities were adequately prepared to care for these individuals.” Loeffler said these “misguided policies have wreaked havoc.”CMS administrator Verma told Breitbart News’s Matthew Boyle in an exclusive interview that these Democrat governors contradicted federal guidelines discouraging public officials from putting coronavirus patients in nursing homes.Verma told Boyle, “In the states that you mentioned, they have some of the highest nursing home deaths in the nation. I think they’re in the top ten: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Michigan. They’re all in the top ten. If there was a policy that required a nursing home to take a COVID-positive patient that they weren’t prepared to take care of, then that is a gross misinterpretation of our policies—of federal policies.”

“Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo referred to the COVID crisis in his state’s nursing homes as a “shiny object,” chalking criticisms aimed at him up to politics.
Cuomo was one of five Democratic governors who ordered nursing homes to accept patients regardless of their COVID status — the others being Phil Murphy (New Jersey), Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan), Tom Wolf (Pennsylvania) and Gavin Newsom (California) — despite federal recommendations advising against that.The New York Governor was asked Thursday during a radio interview with WAMC’s Alan Chartock whether he would change the way he had handled the nursing home situation if he had the chance to do so, given the thousands of nursing home residents who had died due to the coronavirus pandemic and the criticism he has received since.“Is there anything you could point to in which you say okay, they really sort of have convinced me that I’m on the wrong track here?” Chartock asked (at the 21:35 mark).Cuomo responded by saying that the focus on nursing homes was “pure politics” on the part of Republicans, saying, “They think there’s a vulnerability. The Republicans in Congress just sent letters just to Democratic states about the nursing homes.”

Look what has happened to America since January when the land dead first had set dates! America has been shaken by one disaster after another!
“Around July 1st, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may ask parliament to declare sovereignty over 30 percent of the West Bank, part of Israel’s biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.
David Parsons, an attorney and VP of the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem, argues that the term “annexation” used by Israeli leaders and others is misleading because Israel is not seizing land.“They are essentially just asserting their title to something that they already have a right and claim to. The international community recognized 100 years ago at the San Remo Conference in 1920, the League of Nations mandate in 1922 that the Jewish people have a claim to this entire land,” Parsons told CBN News.”

From article:”CHINA has released footage of live-fire military drills on the Tibetan Plateau as tensions with India continue to rage.
The world is holding its breath amid fears a decades-long border row could explode into all-out war after Chinese troops killed 20 Indian soldiers in a clash on Monday

“The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has a long history rooted in terror. However, recently the group has been giving out food, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Can a few bags of fruits and vegetables remove ICNA’s horrors of the past and threat to the present?
Two lawmakers, US Congressman Lou Correa and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, seem to think so, as they have showered ICNA with praise and commendations, while ignoring the organization’s extremism and bigotry. Correa and Whitmer should rescind their unwarranted words and awards immediately.”

“Turkey’s top religious official vowed over the weekend to continue Islam’s struggle “until Jerusalem is completely free” and called on the Muslim world to rally against Israel.
“It is never possible for Muslims to give up on the blessed city” of Jerusalem, President of Religious Affairs Ali Erbas said in Turkish-language. According to Erbas, Jerusalem has “universal value” for the Islamic world.
His views echo those of Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu who recently said, “The ummah [Islamic community] will never give up on a sovereign Palestinian state with Quds al-Sharif as its capital.”

“The official Twitter account of the United Nations Office at Geneva tweeted an Antifa flag on Friday and “expressed concern” about the violent anarchist movement being branded terrorists by U.S. Attorney General William Barr.
“UN #HumanRights experts express profound concern over a recent statement by the US Attorney-General describing #Antifa and other anti-fascist activists as domestic terrorists, saying it undermines the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly in the country,” the UN Geneva office tweeted.”

What we need is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit or America does not have long to live. The nation is dying right before our eyes. America is dying from a fatal dose of sin. We have killed too many babies: mocked God with “homosexual” marriage and then promoted the delusion of more than two sexes. The list of sin can go on and on.
We have been praying every Saturday night on FaceBook for eight years for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You are welcome to join us. I will promote the show later.
“President Donald Trump took to social media to respond after Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted the Republican Party and its leaders for allowing civil unrest to continue so long without consequence on his Friday night broadcast.
After Carlson’s Friday night monologue and several interviews were deeply critical of the Republican Party’s response to the civil unrest, President Trump took to Twitter to assuage Carlson’s concerns.Carlson explained that, in his view, the current state of civil unrest, started as a response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, happened because Republican leaders allowed a vacuum of power to be formed when they did not respond.”

“Zimbabwe’s president on Thursday declared June 15 as Presidential Day of Prayer and Fasting to seek divine intervention in tackling the coronavirus outbreak, state-run media reported.Emmerson Mnangagwa urged Zimbabweans to come together, pray, fast and continue to observe precautions necessary to prevent the virus spread.
“I urge you all on this day, to join us giving up one, two or all meals and fasting,” the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) quoted him as saying. “It will be best to arrange to participate in this service as families, small groups of church services not exceeding 50 people, and observing the precautions we have been taking to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.”
If you like our ministry, please consider making a donation to keep us going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Andy Cuomo…reminds me of the mafia..or the hells angels…even more wicked as they are..little ‘Andy’ has them beat.How?..He has NO respect for the elderly.He is a merchant of death.He IS one of satan’s ‘lackeys’.I see NWO all over this goon.He is performing a population reduction task by offing them in large numbers like in the movie soylent green..just as the ‘blacks’ are given a ‘pass’ protest closely..meant to kill them with the scamdemic virus as they are more prone to it.Planned murderhood is running full steam,the ‘pill’ is available to anyone who wants to chemically snuff out God’s little living blessings…Billy Gates and his witch with the upside down cross,Fauci ‘the fake Dr.’,Birx the smirk,Oh’Bumma and his husband,Hellery and Zipper Bill….Tons of large corporations and sports teams,major media,stars,music peeps..all have a hand in this.Big tech,medicine,govt’s all working together to push prophecy ahead at warp speed.We need to keep Jesus front and center of all we do.Father God..please bring a massive outpouring of true Christians to brother Johns prayer meetings..and to other real prayer meetings sanctioned by You.Open the hearts and minds of the lost before their fate is Jesus Name.Amen.
I don’t understand why all real Christians don’t see this danger and are crying out to God for an outpouring of the holy Spirit?
Cuomo gives killing someone with kindness a new meaning…no pun intended.He needs to fall on his face and meet the Living God. As re;saturdays prayer meeting…I will be out of town but will be praying in accord with all of you,my brothers and sisters in Christ for God’s ultimate will to be done.I pray that even though our prayers were heard regarding evil being exposed..that evil will also be disposed.Please..Father God..set the NWO and all it’s henchmen back 50 years.Stop them cold Father.Turn their minds off.Let their plans all halt,with no start up switch.Cover the world instead with calm from you.Give all of us an appreciation for You and Your blessings.Amen.
We are looking right at Nazi evil rising in America before our eyes.
They slaughter babies in womb right up to birth and now the elderly in nursing homes!
They are ruthless and trust me they have Christians in their sights.
Yes,I know after all the statues are toppled…we are next.Biden has said as much that if elected..he will’deal’ with us Christians.I too cannot believe the passivity at which Christians at large,and Americans who supposedly love this country have.It is like,I don’t want to hear it..or some kind of cognitive which all ability to clearly reason and think are totally gone.I try to sound the alarm….no one wants to heed my warnings.There are FEMA camps and guillotines waiting for us should Christ tarry.With the tribulation so close,it just opens my eyes to the soberness of the occasion.We are at war…yet all we hear is crickets and yawns.People are disconnected from not only reality…but what is just up ahead.I pray God raise up real warriors,Christians/patriots.Cops will stand down and let it burn.If this was the ‘old west’ would be over already.Just days ago,in milwaukee,I watched city people gather in a vengeful mob..and on hersay..they totalled a house,smashing windows.then torching the residence.That is whats coming and is already at America’s door right now.Satan stirs the pot..then the globalists will just walk in via China,Russia,U.N…and just take the place…Watch for black panther justice,or ‘blue helmet’ death squads.
Agreed! Thanks for these articles, brother John, and your comments along with brother Dan. Here in WA, Many towns are standing up to antifa and BLM, successfully. Usually the ex-military give the call to the people and When they show up (because they will), at least 1000 people come fully armed! Antifa always leaves without a fight…because they’re just the “paid” resistance; they Know we will use our guns if necessary. You’ll never hear about it in the news, because we’re a Democrat state. In our town, we heard of BLM coming(to spy out the town), so we got over 100 people to gather at the last minute…to wave flags, pray, sing patriotic songs…one woman was walking up and down the street saying “Jesus saves”. The BLM people did not want to talk to us. They left peacefully…but we’re ready should antifa show up. That’s when everyone will show up open carrying! The true believers See and Pray! I know that the Lord Jesus is coming quickly, but I wonder if we’ll have to ride some “rough times” first, for a short time. Under His wings we will find Refuge. Hold fast to the Word and draw as close as possible to the Lord…Maranatha!
This is such a powerful comment that I want to post it on FaceBook and the blog. I will post it under anonymous. Thanks
Every family in WA has guns (not in Seattle or Tacoma)…and the state paid the local shooting ranges to teach teens to shoot. My boys participated in it (2x@week for 1-2 years) and they received their distinguished expert award in marksmanship- we did it as part of homeschool. So most people know how to shoot. The ex-military who organize their towns for defense are usually pleasantly surprised at how many Patriots there really are. I think our attitude towards guns is one reason. On the East coast(where I’m from) most of the people who had guns were hunters. And most people didn’t know how to shoot. I sure hope that that’s changed! July 4th looks to be a big test for the Patriots this year!
I’m thinking about going to Gettysburg on July 4.
I’d like to clarify/correct a part of my last post…Biden didn’t say ‘deal’ with us Christians..but we will be ‘taken care of’…..I have an idea!!.Let us all hope for Biden to be safe as well.
Be John.God bless you.