Ann Coulter: Taxpayers Supporting Leftist ‘Thugs’ That Have Taken Over Universities

Verse of the Day
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
This is what happens when an institution is taken over by the reprobate mind. This mindset ALWAYS leads to destruction, including of nations.
The current condition of Europe is a great example of the reprobate mind in action. Europe is about 10-15 years ahead of America with the reprobate mind. Look at the state of the entire EU! Europe is collapsing under the control of the reprobate mind, along with Islam taking over. This is exactly what is happening to America and the current situation in Europe is just where America is heading. The only way to stop this is through a mighty move of God. If God’s people stop praying for America, then the nation will look just like Europe in a very short time.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
Hard Left
Ann Coulter: Taxpayers Supporting Leftist ‘Thugs’ That Have Taken Over Universities 04/30/17
“Coulter said, “Universities ought to be places where I’m not the only conservative most students will hear in four years of college. What this shows, this whole incident show, it shows again this radical insulated left on the college campus, and the entire left wing, including President Obama and Bill Maher on the other side and what useless institutions our universities are.
The prices have gone up 3,000% since the ’70s. is the education better? No. It’s worse. The lefties are on the side of the thugs. They have taken over the universities. I don’t think anyone learns anything about college anymore. It’s a four-year vacation. I think that is what people ought to be looking at that. The taxpayers are supporting the universities. Not just the University of California but with federal grants every university in America.”
Gun Control Fail: Baltimore Mayor Asks FBI to Stem Rising Murder Rate 05/01/17
If Baltimore has been under the control of the Democrats for decades, why isn’t it a utopia that everyone wants to live in? The Democratic agenda creates cities like this, and if they get a chance they will turn the USA into Baltimore.
This is not a gun a problem but a criminal problem. I live in Central Pennsylvania which is heavily armed, yet we have little crime. Baltimore is the resulte of being ruled by the reprobate mind.
“In the facing of gun-control’s failure to stem violence in Democrat-run Baltimore, Mayor Mayor Catherine Pugh (D) is asking the FBI to help stem the rising murder rate.
A total of 318 people were murdered in Baltimore last year. The Baltimore Sun put this into perspective by reporting that “one out of every 2,000 [Baltimore] residents was killed in 2016.”
And 2016 was not even the deadliest year on record. The deadliest year was 2015, when there were 344 homicides.
Now Mayor Pugh is begging for help. WJZ quoted Pugh saying, “I’m calling on all the assistance we can possibly get because I can’t imagine going into our summer months with our crime rate where it is today, what that’s going to look like by the end of the summer.” She added, “Murder is out of control.”
New York Times: When Communism Inspired Americans 05/01/17 There is no end to the evil in the hearts of these people. The Democratic Party is riddled with Communist supporters. There is no doubt that Obama is a combination of Communist and Muslim. Maybe we should call him Comrade Hussein!
Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
“This is the left. It returns, like a dog to its vomit, to the dream of the true radicalism of a totalitarian leftist state. It occasionally deals with uncomfortable truths. Circles around them. And then it lapses back into an opium dream of Marxists sitting around a kitchen table and debating whom to shoot first.
But the New York Times will run “When Communism Inspired Americans”. It will run it because while Communism didn’t inspire Americans, it did inspire the left to try and turn America into a totalitarian state. It still does. This is the dirty little secret that leaks out of the left.
When the media runs these evocative nostalgic pieces about Communism, it’s the equivalent of a pedophile sharing snapshots of summer camp. It’s the disgusting secret of truly vile people leaking out.
Here’s a quote from the second paragraph. “America was fortunate to have had the Communists here. They, more than most, prodded the country into becoming the democracy it always said it was.”
Here’s part of the third. “I understood nothing of what they said, but I was always excited by the richness of their rhetoric, the intensity of their arguments, the urgency and longing behind that hot river of words that came pouring ceaselessly from them.”

Mark Holden, a 22-year-old history major, was ordered to leave a lecture hall after his professor objected to him reading the Bible
Bible reading not allowed before class, professor tells student 05/01/17 Please read this entire article because it is loaded with details about how a Christian student was attacked by this Hard Left professor.
I want you to see how weak-minded the professor is because she can’t defend herself but instead needs to try and bully the man to shut him up. She is typical of the weak-mindedness of the reprobate mind. They can’t stand in front of the truth. Notice also how terrified she is of the Bible!
Philippians 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
“According to her biography, Professor Martel is a noted scholar who is working on an essay titled, “The Gender Amazon: Indigenous Female Masculinity in Early Modern European Representations of Contact.” She also teaches classes on Global Queer History and Feminist Theory.
It’s apparently okay to read history books at Northern Arizona University, but not the Good Book.
Mark Holden, a 22-year-old history major, tells me he was ordered to leave a lecture hall after his professor objected to him reading the Bible before the start of the class.
Holden alleges that Professor Heather Martel ordered him to put away the Good Book around six minutes before a scheduled history class. It’s unclear why she objected to the reading of God’s Word.”
Pedophilia/ Hard Left
Documents Tie Berkeley Riot Organizers To Pro-Pedophilia Group, NAMBLA 05/01/17 Look at how wicked, evil people flock together. Hard Left pedophiles are behind the groups which are attacking President Trump and Godly people! This is yet another example of pedophiles rising to the top of politics. So, it is clear that pedophile rings are operating within these Hard Left groups!
These are really hardcore reprobates that want to destroy anything from God. These people are going to love the antichrist because inside they are just like him. Remember the Nazis were full of homosexuals and pedophiles.
2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
“The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations.
The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary — more commonly referred to as By Any Means Necessary or BAMN — is one of the militant leftist groups waging a campaign against conservatives and Trump supporters in Berkeley. The group’s planned aggressive demonstrations against conservative commentator Ann Coulter and the students coming to hear her talk led to the cancellation of Coulter’s speech this week due to safety concerns.
BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents reviewed by The Daily Caller. In addition, a member of that parent organization said to have founded BAMN is an admitted member of NAMBLA, which she has described as the victim of a “witch-hunt.”
Rev. Graham: ‘Homosexuality is Defined by God as Sin’ — The ‘Conversion Therapy’ is Jesus 04/30/17 If you are interested in what the Bible states about homosexuality, please see my teaching: Homosexuality vs God’s Holiness
Colossians 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
“Commenting on legislation introduced by congressional Democrats to ban conversion therapy — even for homoseuxals who want the treatment — Reverend Franklin Graham said all persons are born with a fallen, sinful nature and that God defines homosexual behavior as a “sin,” an “abomination to Him.” The one “conversion therapy” that works for all sin, said Graham, is to ask “Jesus Christ to come into our hearts.”
This week, Democrats introduced the “Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2017,” which would allow the Federal Trade Commission to classify conversion therapy as fraudulent. House Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said, “LGBTQ people were born perfect; there is nothing to treat them for.”
Christian Apostasy/ Islam
In Hard-Hitting Egypt Address, Pope Francis Condemns ‘Barbarity’ of Violence in God’s Name 05/01/17 I feel that this speech by the Pope needs to be addressed.
First of all, at no time does he mention Jesus Christ as the Prince of peace. He is preaching a Christ-less religion, to appeal for what? He is just like a politician! So this is all the ideas of man, with nothing from God in it. This is the type of event that leads to a unity of religions without Christ in it, and thus it is not of God.
Secondly, he failed to address the violence both in the Koran and the in life of Muhammad. The problems are the Koran and Muhammad. He does not address the heart of problem, so he should just stay in Rome.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
“In his sternest address to date on the issue of violence perpetrated in the name of God, Pope Francis condemned all attempts to justify violence that “masquerades” as holiness.
Without mentioning radical Islam by name, Francis began his speech at the Al-Azhar Conference Centre in Cairo with the Arabic greeting “As-salamu alaykum!” and his words had evident overtones for his mostly Muslim audience. Egypt was rocked this month by two jihadist attacks on Christian churches on Palm Sunday, which left at least 45 dead and 126 injured.”
Australian Experts warn Muslim child bride cases ‘tip of the iceberg’ 05/02/17 What is it with the Muslims and pedophilia? No matter where they go they bring it with them. I really can see them uniting with the Hard Left on this issue and promoting it. Islam is evil to its core along with its Hard Left brothers.
“Federal police have investigated dozens of child bride allegations in Victoria amid more than 100 cases nationwide since the practice was criminalised in 2013.
But experts say many more cases go unreported because young girls fear retribution for speaking out.
Anti-Slavery Australia director Professor Jennifer Burn said young people facing forced marriage were often hesitant to seek help.
“Some young people believe they will be cut off from their families, their parents, siblings and communities,” Professor Burn said.
“Others facing forced marriage wish to protect their family from the shame that could result from a rebuttal of a planned, forced marriage.”
Concealed Carry Instructor Has Firearm Classes for Church Members, Incorporates Scripture 05/02/17 I am very adamant about Christians defending themselves, especially churches. Every church should have a safety plan in case they are attacked by Muslim terrorists. Churches are soft targets and it’s easy to kill a lot of people quickly.
It is the responsibility of the pastor to make sure that his church has a self defense plan in place. If the church is attacked and there is no defense plan, then the blood is on the hands of the pastor. God has given Americans the ability to defend ourselves. This is a precious blessing because few people throughout the world have this blessing. It is up to you to defend yourself and your family.
“Concealed carry instructor Roy Jones teaches church members across Oklahoma the ins-and-outs of gun safety and usage while weaving in scripture, like
Psalm 144:1 “Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.”
Jones estimates he has taught over 5,000 people across Oklahoma.
According to Fox News, the course Jones teaches “takes eight hours and includes lectures that cover handling a weapon, Oklahoma laws regarding gun ownership, and shooting in self-defense.” The course also includes “practice at the instructor’s private range and a 15-question exam.”
When asked about the often-state Christian maxim of turning the other cheek, Jones intimated that Christians are called to turn the other cheek if attacked while preaching the gospel. However, a Christian is not called to turn the other cheek when their loved ones’ lives are in jeopardy or even when their own lives are exposed to peril via a home invader, public attacker, or murderer. In that situation, a Christian’s duty is to fight to defend life.”

Home invasion suspect Joe Sotello
Tennessee woman beats home invasion suspect with baseball bat 05/02/17 I’ve posted this because the good gal won! We read horror stories all the time about what the criminals do, but this time some street justice was applied to the bad guy. The home owner is 4’11” but really packed power as she belted him with the baseball bat!
“A home invasion went horribly wrong for a man who tried to rob a woman. Police say the diminutive 52-year-old woman who lives there grabbed a bat and started hitting him in the face.
It happened in Kingsport, Tenn. Police say on Saturday night the woman answered a knock at her door to find a woman holding a flyer about a lost dog. As soon as she opened the door, a masked man stepped into the doorway, grabbed her arm, and attempted to pull her outside. When that failed, police say the masked man pushed the resident back inside the home and shouted, “This is a robbery!”
A struggle ensued, during which time the 4’11” tall victim was able to partially remove the mask from the suspect’s face. In doing so, she immediately recognized the man as Joe Sotello, a longtime family friend. She says she also noticed what appeared to be a handgun tucked in Sotello’s waistband.
She grabbed a baseball bat from behind the door and fought back in what police described as a “clearly justifiable self-defense.”2 Samuel 22:48-50 It is God that avengeth me, and that bringeth down the people under me. And that bringeth me forth from mine enemies: thou also hast lifted me up on high above them that rose up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man. Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
God bless the little lady with the great batting average!As far as institutions of ‘higher learning’ so many cases,all public and many [Christian U’s] have been taken over by change agent’s who know how to effect a different outcome than a Biblical one.The indoctrinator’s are there not to teach one how to learn,but told what to say,think and do to be a ‘good’ little America hating communist.If you love your country,are a patriot,a nationalist believing in border’s,a traditionalist believing in real morality,in God and a regular mom and dad family,you then are hated,maligned,encircled and targeted as an enemy.I believe America only has time as real Christian’s reach out as the Lord lead’s.When we fail in that duty,the God timeclock will march on,and if we survive Russia’s future attack on us…remember ..they are to our uttermost north as well..and as of yet,we are a city of unwalled village’s,I would of all people be most amazed.I believe in my heart,that all the rumbling’s around the world are staged to keep us occupied and distracted,as while we cave in from the inside,we might be taken out from the outside.N.K.,though really dangerous,pale’s in comparison to Russia.Putin is no one’s fool,Kim ,on the other hand,is open for debate.We need to draw close to Jesus,now,more than ever.
Father God..with all that is going on worldwide,I thank You that you not only saved us,;Through Christ’,but keep us.Eternal security is only found in Our Lord Jesus.He went the distance for us,something religions cannot do.Eternal life is found only in Jesus Christ.He alone bore our sin debt in full.Thank You a million times over,Amen.
Amen, Dan!