Brazil’s new president to eliminate transgender, pro-gay ideology from schools

8 Responses

  1. dan.w says:

    Great testimonies,brother John….

  2. dan.w says:

    Cory Booker is lying…If he’s for abortion..he is in a very real sense…eating meat…another commie hypocrite.Cory..make America a better place…go overseas.

  3. dan.w says:

    Thank you president Trump for defunding P.P….I pray you will turn the tables on Mueller/the clinton cartel..and all the assorted creatures of the night.Also,..may God use you to help bring down Deep State….You are a blessing Mr.president.

  4. dan.w says:

    A letter is going out to you brother John on should have it by the end of next week…God bless you and your ministry,Dan.w

  5. dan.w says:

    Letter went out today.I have enclosed some ‘cards’…I hope that you can use them.God bless,brother John.