Critically Important Information: March 19, 2023

1 Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
This blog’s focus is on current events which keep you on the cutting edge of critical information about the end times.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all the coming troubles.
Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
If you like and are blessed by this ministry, please consider making a donation to help keep it going. May the Holy God of Israel bless you!
Focus on NWO. Some of these posts overlap with my other blogs. Outstanding posts are highlighted in red. (The * before the post indicates it’s new.)
*Warren Buffet Brought in to Solve Banking Crisis – OVER 20 PRIVATE JETS LAND IN OMAHA ON SATURDAY
*What a Day! The “Non-Systemic” Collapse Deepened Systemically as the Fed’s Balance Sheet Suddenly Skyrocketed with “Not-QE”
From article:”Wow! What a day. What an upside-down world! Eleven megabanks joined hands to rescue their flailing competitor, of all things. Either they are especially nice banks — all of them — or that is how systemic they see the failure of these recent mid-sized and smaller regional banks. Each megabank made deposits in the billions into First Republic Bank. These deposits were pledged to remain there for 120 days to reassure the public and businesses there is sufficient cash in the bank to meet any deposit demands. Those were NOT purchases of shares or ownership conglomerations, but just unsecured deposits (we were told) by the nation’s largest banks to save one of the “little guys” that is apparently not so little or non-threatening as we were told.
*Nearly 200 banks at risk for same fate as SVB
*Archbishop Viganò: Reject Soros, Schwab, and Gates, ‘We Need an Anti-Globalist Alliance’
From article:”Archbishop Viganò addressed the event in Moscow in a live video and took sharp aim at Globalists such as George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. “We need an Anti-Globalist Alliance that returns to citizens the power that has been taken from them and to nations the sovereignty eroded and ceded to the Davos lobby.” Meanwhile, he warns against Globalists’ schemes, such as their woke ideology, Great Reset, and Agenda 2030, which constitute an enormous threat to the survival of mankind. He reminds listeners that “victory belongs to Christ and to those who choose to align themselves under the holy banner of the Cross.”
Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’
From article:”An undated video has surfaced of a public school teacher saying that her goal is to confuse kids about gender. The teacher, whom parents have identified as a Mounds View Public Schools teacher, explains in the video that some of her students can’t tell if she’s a boy or a girl.
From article:”A middle school in Utah’s Nebo School District gave sixth-grade students “disgusting” insects to eat last week as part of an English assignment on climate change, claiming it would save the environment from cows which were “killing the world,” according to a mom who spoke with Fox News Digital. “Middle schoolers loved the ‘ewww’ factor, many of them gave bugs a try (and even a few staff members!). Many thanks to our English teachers for creating fun and engaging lessons,” the Spring Canyon Middle school said about the March 7 assignment. Bugs were purchased from a commercial site that is “safe for consumption,” the district said. The mother of one of the students – Amanda Wright – told Fox News she believed the kids were being subjected to “indoctrination” into a “dark climate change religion.” She challenged the school’s principal Alison Hansen on the assignment after her daughter found it uncomfortable.
Louisiana Tent Revival Enters Its 19th Week: ‘It’s Only Gaining Momentum’ We need tens of thousands events like this across America and NOW!
Get Woke, Go Broke? It’s Time To Talk About SVB’s Ties To The World Economic Forum
From article:”One of the “big three” rating services, Moody’s is setting the stage for the final and inevitable collapse of America’s banking sector. One might even say that the banking sector has already collapsed, even though the powers that be are still hiding the wreckage from public view as much as possible. “We have changed to negative from stable our outlook on the U.S. banking system to reflect the rapid deterioration in the operating environment following deposit runs at Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Silvergate Bank, and Signature Bank (SNY) and the failures of SVB and SNY,” Moody’s said in a report
Accidental Banking System Failure? Don’t Believe It What is planned by the NWO is to collapse smaller banks into a few national banks. Then to federalize the national bank under the federal government. Next, they call in all cash and issue digital “money”. Once the economy is digitalized they completely control the economy and destroy anyone who is opposed to their agenda to takeover the world and destroy it. Always remember, the core of the NWO loathes, hates and despises us because believe in God and the Bible. They are murdering-psychopaths will move to kill everyone of who believe in Jesus Christ.
From article:”The collapse of SVB, and there will be others, creates a “fire sale” opportunity for the major banks. Not a single major bank stepped in to save SVB because now this collapse presents them with a MAJOR opportunity to now be able to acquire assets from this collapse for next to nothing, pennies on the dollar. Moreover, the big banks by design will now become even larger as more regional bank collapses occur, allowing for more fire sales. I fully expect that the overnight collapse of SVB will be followed by more, smaller/regional bank failures, AND THAT MEANS MORE FIRE SALES of assets and opportunities for the major banks. In my opinion, we are about to see a consolidation of the entire banking system accelerate, with more power, and more assets concentrated in the Wall Street Super Banks. ANY “contagion” regarding regional/smaller bank failures will of course allow for the Too Big To Fail institutions to get MUCH bigger. Do you really believe that any of this is by accident? And no one saw this coming? EXPECT MORE REGIONAL/SMALLER BANKS TO FAIL.
Peter Schiff: The 2023 Financial Crisis Has Begun! When it comes to economics, I have 100 percent trust in Schiff.
Disney Sponsored Paris Gay Pride Event Featuring Transgender Prostitute, Drag Shows
Credit Suisse shares tumble to new record low as European banking sector reels The entire world banking system is starting to break apart, exactly as the NWO wants.
“We Were Wrong” – Evidence Shows “Puberty Blockers are Neither Safe Nor Reversible” Says Canadian Doctor Who Helped Pioneered Puberty Blocker Drugs Everything this totally corrupt medical institution touches is lies and destroys health. We can’t trust them for anything! They are part of the NWO trying destroy the population in every way they can. They are just like the Nazi doctors but on steroids!
“THEY LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING” – 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL With the totally corrupt FBI and DOJ, will this make a difference. This crime cartel poising as a government will just ignore and the criminal courts will do the same!
*Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash What the NWO is going to do is drain the small banks dry and create regional banks. When is completed nationalize the regional banks under the federal government and then digitalize the currency. This will give the NWO order complete control over the American people. No one will be able to buy or sell without the NWO’s permission! This is right at the door unless God slows it down. The end times, Tribulation now is very, very close. No matter what happens stay focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his bride!
Huge numbers of Americans say climate change is a religion
Outrage over NY Attorney General Letitia James hosting ‘Drag Story Hour’ for children: ‘This is not the way’ NY State is fast becoming just an open portal from hell. The woke will turn against God’s people with murder in their hearts. NY is now dangerous for Christians.
The Trans Agenda is About Getting Rid of Women What an article: this is a must read, wow! It explains the end game of woke sinful mind, and it is to destroy womanhood! Remember, it is seed of the woman who destroys satan, so he is out to destroy women through the woke!!!
From article:”Johnson and Wellesley gave in by allowing men who play dress up and no longer have a leg to stand on. So they’re trying to die on the hill of women as an idea in a man’s head rather than the objective reality that women exist. Their opponents want to dump the women part entirely. That was always the agenda here. Transgender, drag, is just a way to ridicule the concept of a gender binary, sex differences, out of existence. Much as any effort by the sexual identity crowd to copy the aspects of sex and the nuclear family are ways to destroy them even as they claim that they only want love and acceptance.
“They Lied To Us All”: Tucker Exposes January 6 Fraud And Kangaroo-Court Cover-Up
At San Francisco expo, AI ‘sorry’ for destroying humanity
Day of reckoning for Christian fired after refusing LGBT training This is an on going trend that New York State is heading towards unlivable for real Christians.
The Big List of U.S. companies going crazy woke for LGBT
‘Breathtaking step’: Ex-Treasury official says U.S. banks on verge of ‘nationalization’ Yes! First nationalization of the banking system which would be under the NWO, then digitalizing the entire system; this would bring entire American economy under the total control of the NWO. They can move at full speed to destroy the world economy and anyone who stands in their way. I just hope that Americans don’t roll over and die.
This Is How Bank Runs Lead To The ‘New World Order’ And The ‘Great Financial Reset’ And How This Latest Banking Fiasco Is Tied To The Ongoing COVID/Vax Genocide And ‘Depopulation’ I believe the entire economic meltdown is the direct result of NWO’s agenda to destroy the economy and mankind on earth. This is directly connected to the Covid 19 scam along with the war in Ukraine to destabilize the food base. The world system is now under the control of murdering psychopaths, who want to kill billions of people. Their agenda is unfolding before our eyes. At the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, this evil system will be totally destroyed!!!
Principals go nuclear on Christian school for refusing trans insanity
From article:”The Vermont Principals Association for education bureaucrats has launched a war against the students of a Christian school after officials there forfeited a girls state basketball tournament game to an opponent that featured a male player. The decision offended the transgender ideology of the principals because the male student identified as female.
‘F*cking angry’ Marxist teacher calls for urgent war against capitalism: ‘Revolutions involve violence’ Notice how the school went along with what she was saying! What she said runs deep with many of the Communists who now have infiltrated the schools.
Former baseball star Darryl Strawberry is now an evangelical preacher focused on promoting Israel
Fatal Distraction? Senior SVB Risk Manager Oversaw Woke LGBT Programs
Professor Reveals Why Asbury ‘Revival’ Is Now Being Called ‘Outpouring’ and What That Really Means
WEF Insider Admits Silicon Valley Bank Crash Is a ‘Great Reset Scam’ (Video)
Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party” This has been known for years: it is not a surprise. This big surprise is if Biden goes to jail along with the rest of the Biden crime cartel!
“Emergency All-Senators Briefing” Underway from White House – Banking Crisis Grows
SVB Fallout Spreads Around World From London to Singapore
From article:”The co-founder of Home Depot, Bernie Marcus (pictured left), says Americans need to ‘wake up’ to the reality that the US economy is facing tough times following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Marcus also laid some of the blame for the bank’s failure with the Biden administration over prioritizing ‘global warming’ instead of shareholder returns. He argued that the collapse of the bank shows the US economy is not as strong as President Biden has suggested. Marcus criticized the bank’s officials for selling off their stock before the collapse, and lamented the fact that many Americans lost their money in what he called a ‘woke bank.'”
California Regulators CLOSE Silicon Valley Bank – FDIC Named Receiver – CEO Allegedly Sold $3.5 Million in Stock in Last Two Weeks This is a large bank and therefore very dangerous in the credit and banking system.
Jane Fonda Says Pro-Lifers Need to Be Murdered for Their Beliefs on Abortion (VIDEO) There is murder in the hard hearts of the pro abortion Communists and pay attention when you hear when people say to murder us. They will kill us if they gain control of the nation.
MTG’s ‘National Divorce’ May Be the Only Way to Prevent Bloodshed
AGENDA 2030 – Dutch Farmers, Train Derailments, and EPA Land Grabs (Video)
Transgender Veneration: Jill Biden, Antony Blinken Give Argentinian Man a ‘Woman of Courage’ Award The continuing assault on womanhood. This is really weird as to the depth of the delusion the woke mind is in. God is preparing them for the greatest delusion and that is to believe the antichrist/beast is God.
WEF Says US Must Implement ‘One Child Policy’ For White Families (Video) In this video, Schwab is talking about reducing the white people! He is a pure racist and out in the open about what the NWO’s plans are!!!
Arizona school board faces inferno for terminating contract with Christian university: ‘Religious prejudice’ In the sin-sick woke mind, there is no place for Christianity. The woke reprobate mind is the enemy of God in every way. They want want to destroy everything God stands for including us!
“They Lied To Us All”: Tucker Exposes January 6 Fraud And Kangaroo-Court Cover-Up Just about everything coming for DC is a lie. Even the Republicans were in on this lie. Innocent people were sent to jail to promote a soviet type lie against the people. America is in the hands of an evil government which is against the people. It is a lying monster of the NWO. This is right before our eyes.
Carlson on Democrat, Media Reaction to January 6 Videos: ‘It’s Not Outrage — It’s Fear, It’s Panic’
‘Just a lie’: Senate Republicans blast Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 narrative
From article:”It’s no secret that Philadelphia’s voters elected a mayor and district attorney so incompetent that the city has experienced its worst violent crime surge in three centuries of its history. This is mainly because of the radical (and incompetent) left-wing criminal justice policies and reforms that were put into effect during their terms. Nor is it a secret that Philadelphia is one of the worst poverty-stricken cities in the nation. It is consistently ranked as the “poorest” of the country’s biggest cities.
The steamrolling of America: Satan and the consensus establishments (pt 1)
From article:”One particularly disturbing trend is the rise in self-generated child sexual abuse material (SG-CSAM), that is, pictures or videos underage children are taking of themselves and sharing with their peers or adults. In just one year’s time, from 2019 to 2020, the number of children ages 9-12 years old who perceive it as normal to share nude pictures and videos with each other jumped from 13% to 21%.
Footage shows Jan. 6 committee and media ‘lied’
Elon Musk: Jan. 6 prosecutions ‘legally and morally’ wrong The truth about what happened on January 6 is now out in the open for everyone to see. The American government is now under the control of a criminal organization.
South Africa Faces Collapse – Warnings of “Civil War” Conditions Amid Possibility of Total Power Grid Failure When you see a nation going down like, I’m 100 percent sure it is the NWO who is behind it. This is yet another nation that is being destroyed by the NWO in their plan to takeover the world. They are destroying nations but when their is world chaos they will step forward with the plan to “save” the world.
State Attorney General Pushing “Ministry of Truth” Bill Which Targets Conservatives – Opposing Election Fraud and Vaccine Mandates Could Become Crimes They must control speech because the Communists are based on lies which the truth destroys. This shows these tyrants are just like Hitler and Stalin in the making.
Satanic Temple’s ‘Weekend of Blasphemy’ Sells Out in Boston The one interesting thing about this event is every must provide proof they took the death shot to get in! The death shot is fitting for them.
From article:”The theme of this year’s convention is “Hexennacht in Boston” or “Witches Night,” an ancient Bavarian holiday celebrated on April 30, the eve of the Christian feast day of Saint Walpurga, on which revelers dress as witches and demons. The SatanCon 2023 event will include a “Satanic Ball” on the opening night, April 28, and will also feature a Satanic Marketplace. SatanCon attendees must be 18 or older and have proof of the coronavirus vaccination, according to the website. Attendees are obliged to wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask. Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks are not allowed. The Satanic Temple has made abortion rights its flagship project, arguing that abortions must be allowed, even where illegal, as part of a “religious ritual.”
Woke: The insane new religion that has taken over America
From article:”This new “woke” consciousness is manifesting in dramatic ways – from the nationwide Antifa and Black Lives Matter race riots that decimated countless major U.S. cities during the summer of 2020, to the desecration of long-cherished historic monuments. From insisting on multi-million-dollar reparation payments for every black person in America, to appointing men who claim they’re women as top officials in the Biden administration. From Disney producers gleefully boasting on camera how they’re secretly “injecting queerness” into children’s programming, to the U.S. military imposing mandatory “diversity training” and transgender pronoun use on all personnel, causing recruitment to disastrously plummet. From top college and professional athletic organizations permitting and encouraging biological men to compete in women’s athletics – essentially destroying women’s sports – to incarcerating convicted men who suddenly claim they’re women in women’s prisons, resulting unsurprisingly in a rape epidemic in those correctional facilities.”
Biden’s ‘woke’ agenda for American military puts bull’s-eye on one group
Satanic Video Game Allows Players to “Activate Blood Alters” and ‘Sacrifice Friends to Demons’ It is very apparent that satan now is out in the open and showing who he owns.
Second City Shambles Why Chicago’s teacher union-controlled school system is a catastrophic failure.
CDC says teen girls are caught in an extreme wave of sadness and violence
From article:”Results from the CDC’s 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey show startling trends. Nearly 3 in 5 teen girls (57%) said they felt “persistently sad or hopeless.” That’s the highest rate in a decade. And 30% said they have seriously considered dying by suicide — a percentage that’s risen by nearly 60% over the past 10 years.
These 51 big businesses target conservatives. Here’s what you can do to stop them
Court rules killing an unborn baby capable of living outside mother is murder
Court Gives Conservative ‘Mama Bears’ the Last Laugh, Brutally Punishes School Board Trying to Keep Porn Stash Hidden This is a great victory for the parents; however, it is the depravity of the school board to corrupt children with pornography. They truly have reprobates minds.
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán: LGBT propaganda is ‘the greatest threat stalking our children’
Pope Francis Declares ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’ (Video)
U.N. Demands ‘Global Guidelines’ on Internet Speech to Silence ‘Insects Thriving in the Dark’
Pandemics, Famine and War – Globalists are AT WAR with humanity – Feat. Michael Yon (Video)