Debater At Harvard Says White People Should Kill Themselves Because Of Their White Privilege

Verse of the Day
Isa 57:20,21 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
I posted several good article about the Hard Left as their advance to takeover America continues. The clash between the reprobate mind and reality is not far off. These are very angry people, who hate God with a loathing and everyone that stands with Him. With this years political climate, the clash of civilization could start this year.
I believe that once the reprobates become fully engaged against people living in reality, there will be no turning back. Remember, the reprobates have an angry destructive mind, and once their revolution starts there will be no stopping it.
God gave the American church ample time to repent and cry out to Him for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to heal the nation, but the vast majority of the pastors and people seemed to have lost the fear of God and failed. How the church is about to face a howling reprobate mob that is going to resemble the French Revolution.
It really does appear that the America that we knew is coming to end and real soon.
No matter what happens, we are keep our eyes fixed on the coming of the Lord Jesus for His bride!
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Hard Left
Debater At Harvard Says White People Should Kill Themselves Because Of Their White Privilege 03/17/16 I am keeping you on the cutting edge of the Hard Left concerning where it is going and how dangerous it is. This is not empty rhetoric on their part, in fact, their hatred and dangerous rhetoric is rapidly escalating.
These are DANGEROUS people and they will act on their delusions. The Hard Left reprobate college system is feeding into this. They are energized and what they need is a trigger to set it off. That could be the Trump candidacy and protests this summer.
Always, always, always, remember that the reprobates hate us as much as the Nazis did the Jews, and when they are able they will act on their hatred.
Where is the church crying out to God!
“According to the video’s description the “pro-genocide activists” are Damiyr Davis and Miguel Feliciano, from the University of West Georgia. Though the publishers of the video claimed that the debate coaches at Harvard and Stanford University, Brian Manuel, Sherry Hall, and Dallas Perkins, attempted to suppress the footage, they’ve published it for all to see.
The topic of the debate was supposed to be renewable energy — not race. The subject was: “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on and/or substantially increase financial incentives for energy production in the United States of one or more of the following: coal, crude oil, natural gas, nuclear power, solar power, wind power.”
The white team chose to advocate wind turbines. Instead of addressing that issue, the black debaters began arguing that all whites should kill themselves and that their white opponents should die.
This was NOT a position that was assigned to them in class. They claimed that their pro-genocide movement was *REAL POLITICAL ACTIVISM.*
The West Georgia website proudly touts David and Feliciano and they’ve won national recognition for their debate prowess.
According to video’s posters, the openly violent anti-white rhetoric falls in line with the “Black Liberation Collective,” which calls for “armed self-defense” against “white supremacist suppressive violence,” and apparently is fully on board with exterminating whites.
The unedited recording of the Harvard debate was allegedly pulled from Vimeo after the above video went viral.
The only question left is, are the two white debaters committing a racist act by not immediately killing themselves because of their inherited white privilege? Spoiler: It’s a trick question. Everything they do is racist because they are white.”
THE MIND OF THE LEFT FROM AN INSIDER 03/16/16 This is a good article with a look behind the scenes into the Hard Left mind. I learned from this article how depressed so many of the Hard Left are. This might be one reason for the huge increase in Americans taking drugs.
As the nation abandons God and turns left, depression follows and drugs are an attempt to fill the void from God’s Holy Spirit departing and the turning of the nation over to its sin.
“With such a parade of negative emotions, it is no surprise that so many leftists suffer from chronic depression, often from a young age. Even if they lose the anger, they still retain the attitude: that the government must fix everyone’s problems, regardless of cost and that there is an enormous right-wing conspiracy that is just around the corner.
The victim narrative of the Left is very infectious. You are always the victim and you are always owed something. The wealthy are always evil, while you are always good and wholesome. Converts are often more intense than those born into it.
My father, raised a leftist, eventually mellowed and began to question some leftist beliefs. My mother, not raised a leftist, but having become one, never mellowed.
The victim narrative was in every conversation.The class struggle/oppressed victim narrative is part of daily life on the Left.”
ABA scolded on plan to punish attorneys for religious beliefs 03/17/16 Chief Justice Moore from Alabama is great man and almost single-handedly is destroying the legal and thought structure of the reprobates. I know of no other in state judicial power like him.
What you need to understand from this article is that those who are judged by the Lord and have a reprobate mind will destroy all who do not agree with their orthodoxy. They have a seething hatred for God and His holiness and whoever does not submit will be destroyed.
These people are ruthless and will stop at nothing. There is no live-and-let-live with this mindset. It is the most destructive force on earth, and as I said many times, it is worse than Islam. They must be confronted at every turn. We cannot compromise with them and must never back down from them.
In the long run the only way to stop them is by an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit over the nation. The reprobate mind is filling the void of God’s Holy Spirit, who vacates the nation as it rejects God and turns to sin.
Romans 1:28-31 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
“Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court, which recently ruled in opposition to the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage decision, blasted the American Bar Association for elevating “sexual behavior, appetites, and self-styled identity to the level of unchanging characteristics such as race, sex, ethnicity and national origin.”
“I am under no illusions that the ABA is a conservative or even an apolitical organization, but I would expect it to defend the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship rather than punish attorneys who have sincerely held religious or traditional beliefs and wish to obey God and their conscience,” Moore wrote to members of the ABA Ethics Committee, care of ethics counsel Dennis Rendleman.
The ABA has proposed a change in its rules that would make it ethical “misconduct” for a lawyer to consider “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in the attorney-client relationship.”
Israel and the Middle East War
Senior Arab Diplomat: Saudis See Putin, Not Obama, as Key to Syria’s Future 03/17/16 As America goes deeper and deeper into sin and rebellion against the Holy God of Israel, the Lord is stripping the power away from the nation in every facet. Our allies no longer trust us since Obama promotes Iran.
“Russia’s decision to withdraw some of its forces from Syria was made thanks to reassurances provided by Saudi Arabia, the main sponsor of militias fighting President Bashar Assad’s regime, a senior Arab diplomat told Breitbart Jerusalem.
After the radical jihadi organizations Al-Nusra Front and Islamic State excluded themselves from last month’s ceasefire agreement, and Russia and other international forces retaliated, “it became clear that a Russian-Saudi pact would be the key to the survival of the cease-fire,” the diplomat said. “Unless Riyadh, on the one hand, and Moscow, on the other, told their respective allies to honor the ceasefire, it wouldn’t have lasted.”
The official also said that Saudi Arabia is in the process of negotiating a massive arms deal with Russia and the two countries are coordinating future positions on oil trade.
Despite their differences on Assad’s potential fate, Russia and Saudi Arabia are working toward an agreed-upon diplomatic solution to the Syria conflict, he said.”
Financial Armageddon
Central banks beat Bitcoin at own game with rival supercurrency 03/17/16 This could end up as the money system under the world government.
Revelation 13:16,17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
“Computer scientists have devised a digital crypto-currency in league with the Bank of England that could pose a devastating threat to large tranches of the financial industry, and profoundly change the management of monetary policy.
The proto-currency known as RSCoin has vastly greater scope than Bitcoin, used for peer-to-peer transactions by libertarians across the world, and beyond the control of any political authority.
The purpose would be turned upside down. RSCoin would be a tool of state control, allowing the central bank to keep a tight grip on the money supply and respond to crises. It would erode the exorbitant privilege of commercial banks of creating money out of thin air under a fractional reserve financial system.”
The Federal Reserve Is Dealing Financial Drugs 03/17/16 This financial debt bubble is so big that when it busts the entire world financial system is coming down with it. There is NO way to get out of this, as the world is locked into this massive debt.
The way they try to save the system is to inject more debt and make the bubble ever larger!!! This is man’s foolishness apart from God.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
“Rather than sobering up with sound money and fiscal restraint, it instead has chosen the irresponsible and reckless route—so as to create a “wealth effect.” Their deliberate policy decisions have been the financial equivalent of supplying liquor and car keys to teenage boys, hoping that nothing bad will happen.
At some point in the future, if this house of cards fails, will any of these masters of the universe be held accountable, or will it be business as usual–where the real criminals get promotions rather than jail time or permanent censure?
The Federal Reserve is often spoken about as if it possesses some divine intelligence. Reminiscent of the old EF Hutton commercials, the CNBC crowd behaves similarly, falling all over themselves to dissect every word for some hidden message or insight–when, in fact, there isn’t one.”
Global Government Debt Is Actually Triple What We Thought, Thanks to Pensions 03/17/16 This massive debt is unsustainable. The question is, when is the system going to collapse under this massive load of debt?
“Government debt in 20 industrialized countries stands at $44 trillion.
But it’s actually a lot more than that, according to a new report. After factoring in public pension and other retirement liabilities, the debt levels nearly triple to a staggering $122 trillion.That’s the math according to a new report from Citigroup Inc report called, “The Coming Pensions Crisis,” which analyzed government pension liabilities from 20 countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .
“It is really a ticking time bomb,” said Charles Millard, Citi’s head of pension relations and former head of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the U.S. safety net for private-sector pensions.
To put the unstated debt levels in perspective: The additional unstated $78 trillion in retirement-related debt is equivalent to a single year of global economic output.”
1 Corinthians 15:22-24 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.