FDA Issues Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine to be Prescribed to Coronavirus Patients

This post is a little late and somewhat outdated, but there is good information in it. I just found it, so I posted it ASAP.
Verse of the Day
Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
I knew Hydroxychloroquine would be approved, because the President was watching it closely. The FDA HAD to do it! Our nation, on all levels, is now under the control of truly Hard Left reprobates who hate God and the American people! Lets see how the MSM and demon-dems report this. I believe they will down play it, to keep this “crisis” going.
“FDA Issues Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine to be Prescribed to Coronavirus Patients”
“The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, decades-old malaria drugs championed by President Donald Trump for coronavirus treatment despite scant evidence.
The agency allowed for the drugs to be “donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible,” HHS said in a statement, announcing that Sandoz donated 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to the stockpile and Bayer donated 1 million doses of chloroquine.”
“Antimalarial Medications: A COVID-19 Treatment Option?” The FDA just approved the antimalarial drug chloroquine for use against the Coronavirus. This article has very interesting information and worth reading.
“A small but positive study in France showed those treated with the antimalarial drug chloroquine experienced rapid recovery. It also reduced the time they were contagious
The drug appears to act as a zinc ionophore, which allows more zinc into your cells where it may help promote the death of the virus. However, it also has potentially deadly side effects
Bayer told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration it would donate 3 million tablets of an antimalaria drug discovered in 1934, which is currently used in Europe but not approved for use in the U.S.
Data analysis finds the spread of COVID-19 was primarily through many undiagnosed cases, underscoring the need for testing and isolation. A recent article highlights the ability of several nutraceuticals, such as zinc, NAC and quercetin, to help prevent COVID-19 infection.”
“Coronavirus Jailbreak: Eight Sex Offenders Freed in Cuomo’s New York” How does one rationally explain what this governor just did? He let convicted sex offenders loose because they might get the coronavirus in prison! We’re not stupid, He let them go because what they were convicted of doesn’t seem serious: raping children!
The government of New York now is in the hands of the reprobates. This goes along with killing babies in womb right up to birth!
In the picture below, low how hard his face looks with dead eyes!
“Eight sex offenders, three of which were convicted for raping children, were released in the state of New York as a statewide initiative led by Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) to empty prisons in fear that inmates will contract the Chinese coronavirus.
This weekend, the Monroe County, New York, jail freed more than 50 inmates from their custody as part of the state’s Department of Corrections and Community Services jailbreak effort in the midst of the coronavirus,”
“Academic branded ‘transphobic’ for stating biological fact” This is Hard Left insanity and delusion on full display. This is more like Alice-in-Wonderland thinking. God has turned these people over to reprobate minds.
Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
“They wrote: “I recently have been made aware of one of your lecturers holding abhorrent beliefs towards a marginalised group, namely transgender people. Please be seen to take action against her bigotry.” They claimed Dr Poen’s comments were making transgender people “live in fear” and that she should “stop spreading vitriol”.
“Trump Authorizes Defense Secretary Mark Esper to Order National Guard and Reservists to Active Duty” This caught my attention because of how ominous this article appears, but the call up is for support and medical related specialists
““Today the President signed an Executive Order authorizing Secretary Esper to order units and individual members in the National Guard and Reserves and certain Individual Ready Reserve members, to active duty to augment forces for the effective response to the coronavirus outbreak,” said Jonathan Hoffman in a statement released late Friday evening.
The statement said that decisions about which individuals may be activated are still being reviewed.
“Generally, these members will be persons in Headquarters units and persons with high demand medical capabilities whose call-up would not adversely affect their civilian communities,” the statement said.”
“Pa. Rep. Introduces Resolution Calling for Day of Prayer, Repentance in Midst of Coronavirus Outbreak” Everyone in Pennsylvania needs to get behind this Resolution! What a perfect time for this. Representation Borowicz is bold and faithful with the Lord!
She can be reached at: (570) 748-5480, (717) 772-9925 or fax at: Fax: (717) 782-2981
2 Chronicles 7:13,14 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
“A pastor’s wife and lawmaker in Pennsylvania has introduced a resolution calling for “A State Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer” in the midst of the novel coronavirus crisis. Two Democratic legislators have expressed opposition, calling her proposal “the stupidest resolution I’ve ever seen” and “forcing her belief system on others.”
Those who have criticized Rep. Stephanie Borowicz’s resolution have done so largely because of its suggestion that God allows calamity to come upon the world because of sinful behavior — words that mirror a proclamation written by an Iowa senator in 1863 and signed by then-President Abraham Lincoln.”
“CDC Is Now Tracking Millions of Americans by Using Cell Phone Data — But Don’t Worry Because You Can Trust the Govt. to Not Spy on Innocent Americans” It appears now everything happening is rapidly bringing together the 666 Surveillance System. There is NO stopping it, because each disaster will only increase how fast this system comes together. Look at the massive scale of people being brought under control and surveilled! It is only going to get worse.
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
“Last week TGP reported that the CDC was asking tech giants for access to Americans’ cellphone locations. That way the government could track the location of every American and see whether Americans are properly practicing “social distancing.”
The access was granted. And now the CDC and US government are tracking every American to combat the coronavirus pandemic. But don’t worry. The government would never abuse such a program to spy on innocent Americans.
Just ask President Donald Trump!”
“SuperCom introduces biometric tracking solution to contain coronavirus” Now, it is so easy to see the 666 Surveillance System coming together! With events like Coronavirus, the system will naturally just fall together. This system coming together can’t be stopped. It is just a matter of time with events and technology bringing it to completion!
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
“SuperCom is providing a tracking biometric technology-based solution for quarantine and isolation monitoring to help governments contain infectious diseases such as the coronavirus, the company announced.
The solution is a scalable electronic monitoring and tracking platform ready for deployment. It includes a waterproof, hypoallergenic Bluetooth ankle bracelet, a smartphone and SAAS software in the cloud, but is also customizable such as for smartphone-only monitoring. SuperCom says is already speaking with a number of government organizations to roll out the solution globally.
The system monitors patient location in any environment, including in buildings and vehicles, and supports existing healthcare containment models. It comes with smart phone integration, secure communication, advanced security, anti-tamper mechanisms, fingerprint biometrics, voice communication, unique touch screens and extended battery life.”
“COVID-19 Drives Command Teams Charged With Homeland Defense Into Cheyenne Mountain Bunker” I found this article very interesting loaded with good information.
“U.S. Northern Command has dispersed essential command and control teams to multiple hardened locations, including the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker complex in Colorado, as well as another unspecified site, and is keeping them in isolation.
The command took these steps to help ensure these personnel can continue to watch around the clock for potential threats to the U.S. homeland as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand across the country and around the world, including within the U.S. military.”
“The coronavirus map of New York City where one person dies of coronavirus every nine minutes: Queens and Brooklyn are hot spots in analysis of proportion of tests that come back positive in each borough” What is not adding up is there are 30,000 cases and yet only 517 died! This is way blown out of proportion because the death rate is minuscule compared to the response to shut down cites and states.
“Queens is emerging as the epicenter of the epicenter in New York City as the city reveals a borough by borough map which highlights the neighborhoods reporting the most positive cases.
The death toll in the city rose to 517 as of Saturday afternoon as its healthcare system is threatened with imminent collapse. Over Friday night, another 67 people died of the virus. The new figures mean that in the past 24 hours an average of one New Yorker died every 9.5 minutes. There are 29,158 confirmed NYC cases as of Saturday afternoon as the national total soars over 100,000.”
Abba Father’s International Fellowship

As far as us allowing ourselves to ‘stay in our homes’,and at the same time,the national guard is out there..who’s to say things don’t ‘ramp up’..we are then ordered to stay in our homes or else.Hey,anyone who’s really paying attention can see Trump is not the same now as he was before this ‘crisis’.I say something happened.He was blackmailed or threatened in some way.No longer self assured and confident.Make America great is now a slogan seemingly slipping away like an old movie.The economy?Who are these ‘experts?’…Every single one,no exception is on the take and in bed with Bill/Melinda Gates/u.n W.H.O affiliated.They ARE globalist people killers.Don’t take my word for it..do your own research and prove me wrong.Where is Trump’s discernment?To make America great again you nee to be at work,[if healthy],and you need a country..our’s is going bye,bye unless he starts up right now,and prosecutes these traitors and locks them,[not us] up.There is no time to lose.If we go past May 1…it might get ugly out there…just sayin.
Everyone pray that Trumps eye’s would be opened to the gravity of the situation..and that he would take the high road no matter the threat.He’s up against a heck of a lot.Also..our enemies are running towards us.We need to do the same..and run fearlessly to them in battle,like little David did to goliath….because..that’s what we are facing.
Another great article Brother John and great comments by Dan W. as usual.
Thanks and God bless you
Father God…You put Trump in office.Give him all he needs to do the job You want done..in Jesus name,Amen.
I didn’t look it up..but I’m confident ‘corona’ means crown.So here we have a ‘little crown’ causing big problems.This little crown wants to take life,and it instills fear..mainly because of the repetitive pandemic monicker that was predictive programmed to have the psyc effect on the masses of people who have it surround them by the media.This is done on purpose to freeze us with fear..so we make so called decisions..which by the way,are also predetermined in outcome..because this was a psy-ops operation..smoke and mirrors.The big story here is the one not told.How they are stealing the worlds wealth.The even bigger story,behind the story..is Jesus is the big Crown.Instead of scaring people into a corner and threatening to take life..He gave His life as a ransom for many.God doesn’t play games like satan or the elite do.Heaven waits for all those who operate in faith on the Lord..and His perfect sacrifice He made on our behalf.Speaking of crowns…This is a battle..between the usurper,the one who ‘stole’ the title deed to the earth..and the One who will one day soon..get it back.The first Adam lost it..but the second Adam,[Christ]…will win.Never forget that fact…and one day we will toss ‘our crowns’ at His feet…[they really are His crowns anyways]..He just lets us win them by his power and direction.To Christ all glory belongs.