Governments to Christians: Don’t You Dare Speak Out Against the Sexual Sin in Society

Verse of the Day
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
I’ve posted many articles about the attacks on Christians. The attacks are increasing and they are heading to a climax, which is the destruction of Christianity in America. This destruction has a pattern which I have been charting for years. It is being lead by Hard Left reprobates who hate both God and us because we stand for Him.
Always, always remember that they hate us as much as the Nazis hated the Jews. The Left’s goal is the same as the Nazis, which is the elimination of the enemy they loathe.
God is waiting for his Church to call out to Him in repentance and an for outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Even if the Church does not call out to the Lord, we must keep focused on the Groom coming for his bride. We must stay focused on the Blessed Hope, otherwise we could get fearful and depressed seeing what is coming upon the earth.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Hard Left
Governments to Christians: Don’t You Dare Speak Out Against the Sexual Sin in Society 07/30/16 The massive shift in societies to sin is giving the nations a foundation to attack the church. This is being used to silence and marginalize the Church. It’s why the politicians are now so bold in their support for homosexuality and other sexual sins.
It is only going to become worse as we head toward the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
“In our upside down world, evil has become good and good has become evil. Once upon a time, everyone in society generally knew what was “right” and what was “wrong” even if they didn’t always abide by the rules. But now the rules have been totally flipped on their head. If you choose to live a lifestyle that is morally wrong, you are celebrated by society, and if you choose to speak out against the sexual sin that is exploding everywhere around us then you are considered to be a “hater” and a “bigot”.
In fact, governments all over the world are now passing “hate speech” laws that are making it a crime to speak out against sexual sin. With each passing year it gets even worse, and those pushing this agenda forward are never going to be satisfied until those standing up for biblical truth are locked away in prison.
And I was not exaggerating when I said that sexual sin is “exploding” in our society. One example of this is the stunning growth of “polyamory”. The following comes from a recent article in the Guardian that highlighted how the city of Portland in particular has become a hotbed for those that are into the “poly lifestyle.”
Hard Left/ Christianity
Bill would prevent LGBT discrimination at religious schools 07/31/16 The Hard Left hates anything to do with God and his righteousness. This purge of Christianity is never going to stop unless the Church gets real with God. This is the fight to the finish, and if necessary they will use violence against us.
I have said this before, that Christians should be getting out of California. The wrath of God is hovering over this state, and one day soon the Hard Left reprobates might run you out. You will either compromise with them or suffer greatly. All of this is because the Church played religious games instead of being the real Church before the Lord in prayer.
2 Timothy 3:1-4 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
“The conflict between religious freedom and gay rights has a new battleground — California’s religious colleges and universities.
A bill moving through the Legislature would remove a longstanding exemption from anti-discrimination laws for religious institutions, potentially exposing the schools to civil rights lawsuits from students and employees.
Some schools call the measure, SB1146, an attack on their free exercise of religion and say the exemption allows them to craft campus policies in line with their faith.
Currently, religious institutions can assign housing based on sex, not gender identity, and discipline students for violating moral codes of conduct, which can include anti-transgender or strict sexuality provisions.
The bill tries to force schools to “change 2,000-year-old teachings to be in line with LGBT ideology,” said Derry Connolly, president of John Paul the Great Catholic University in Escondido.
“It’s no longer ‘live and let live.’ It’s ‘If you don’t toe the line with us, we’ll take you to court big time,’” he said.”

Cedar Springs Christian Store
Newspaper rejects ad over the word “Christian” 07/30/16 This is yet another example of the attempt to marginalize and demonize Christians. This is exactly what we have to stand against and not let the Hard Left do this. Now, they can’t even stand the word “Christian!” The confrontation with the Hard Left is right before us.
“Mrs. McGinnis placed the ad on July 26. It was supposed to run on July 28. But when she opened up the newspaper – the ad was nowhere to be found.
So Mrs. McGinnis phoned the newspaper and spoke with a classified ad employee.
“She said our ad did not run because it contained an offensive word,” she told me. “I asked what that offensive word was and she said the offensive word was ‘Christian.’”
She said the News Sentinel did not notify her in advance the ad had been rejected nor did they call to say they were refunding her money.
“We had no way of knowing they considered the word ‘Christian’ offensive until we tried to place this ad,” she told me. “As Christians, this was a slap in the face to us,” she added.”

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham: ‘We’re on the Precipice of Anarchy’ 07/31/16 We need 10,000 preachers like him preaching 24/7.
“Graham said America has been running away from God.
“The secularists, the progressives, many of these people, most of them are people that would be atheistic, and we have taken God out of our country,” he said. “We have taken Him out of our nation; we have taken Him out of our government.”
“We have taken Him out of the education system, and our country is beginning to implode,” he continued. “We’re on the precipice of anarchy.”
“It seems as though our country is just unraveling,” he said, citing the violence in Baton Rouge, Dallas, and Orlando. “We are losing God’s blessing; we’re losing His hand of protection.”
“Father, we’re guilty of bowing down to the false gods of materialism, sensual pleasure; we’ve legalized the killing of children in their mother’s womb; we’ve legalized same-sex marriage, and Father I know that this grieves Your heart. As a nation and as a people, we seem to be in danger of losing our souls,” he continued.
“Who can save us? There’s only one, and that is Your Son, Jesus Christ,” he prayed. “He alone can comfort and heal the human heart. He alone can forgive sin and give a new life through faith in Him.”
Hard Left in the Military/ Homosexuality

Harvey Milk
Navy to name ship after ‘gay’ child molester 07/29/16 This shows the level of depravity to which the Obama administration has sunk, and the social agenda that is being forced down the throats of our military. Who would want to serve on such a ship? The poll accompanying this article asks if it wouldn’t be more appropriate to name a predator drone after Harvey Milk, and the answer is yes.
Surely this is a national disgrace because it is an open celebration not just of perversion but of pederasty. This shows where removing God and any Christian influence in the service and the political arena leads – to complete moral debauchery and approval of it in increasing sections of the population.
The article urges everyone to contact your congressional representative to “demand they torpedo this predatory ship of fools.”
“Attention on the poop deck. It seems our “first gay president” intends to “milk,” with pride, his fetish for all things “LGBT” in the closing months (mercifully) of his catastrophic presidency. USNI News (U.S. Naval Institute) reports that the Obama Navy presumes to ram, without consent, the most reprehensible aspects of the extremist homosexual political agenda down the throats of a divided American public.
“The Navy is set to name a ship after the gay rights icon and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, according to a congressional notification obtained by USNI News.
“The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206).”
An “oiler.” You can’t make this stuff up.
It remains unclear whether the USNS Harvey Milk will come equipped with sonar/radar or Grindr, be modeled after a Disney “cruise” liner and adorned with the American flag, or the rainbow colors of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Why Disney?
What would you call a 33-year-old man who both had, and axiomatically acted upon, a deviant sexual appetite for underage, drug-addicted, runaway boys?
No, not Jerry Sandusky, but good guess.
What would you call a man of whom, as regards sexual preference, his own close friend and biographer confessed, “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems”?
In a 2013 interview with, I called this man “demonstrably, categorically an evil man based on his [statutory] rape of teenage boys.”
But you can call him Harvey Milk.”
Homosexuality/ Christian Apostasy

American pastor Jim Mulcahy
American pastor expelled from Russia in LGBT case 07/30/16 This is very interesting because Putin stands for marriage between a man and woman, and to Obama and the West, marriage is heading toward anything you can think of.
“Jim Mulcahy was sitting with some Russian friends, munching cookies and talking about Roman mosaics, when the Russian police came and took him away, claiming he was planning to perform a same-sex marriage. Hours later, the American pastor was ordered to leave Russia.
Mulcahy’s arrest this month in the city of Samara braids together several of Russia’s most acrimonious issues: gay rights, alleged Western meddling in Russian affairs, and missionary work by religions that don’t have state approval. It attracted particular attention because the arrest was filmed by state-controlled channel NTV, whose reports often take an especially truculent, pro-Kremlin stance.
The 72-year-old Mulcahy, originally from Boston, looks back on the nervous hours in the Samara police station with stoic bemusement.
“I wasn’t afraid; I felt like this was something I had to endure,” he told The Associated Press by telephone from his home in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Mulcahy is Eastern Europe coordinator for the U.S.-based Metropolitan Community Churches denomination, which has a strong outreach to the LGBT community. The church performed the first gay marriage in the United States.”
Londonistan: Muslim harasses woman in tight jeans, then threatens police (video) 07.30/16 This is a great video which shows what happens when Muslims gain power in a country. The anger of the Imam can easily spill over to violence. Think of what will happen if the Muslims gain control!
“An extraordinary standoff between a policeman and a man seen preaching Islam in the street has been captured on camera.During the tense confrontation, which goes on for several minutes, the highly agitated man screams “Allahu Akhbar” in the officer’s face. A crowd gathers as the situation becomes increasingly tense but the Pc eventually tells them the man has “the right to assembly, to stand here and shout and offend.” But he adds: “If his actions go beyond that and he commits a public order offence, then he will be arrested.”
As the officer then leaves, the crowd jeers and the man shouts “racist”.The incident in Birmingham city centre appears to have been sparked by an unknown complaint having been made against the man who is wearing traditional Islamic dress.Clearly upset, he insists that a woman came up and threatened him, rather than the other way around. He shouts: “Freedom of speech, we’re not gonna take your racism any more. “We’re not terrorists, we’re not suicide bombers, throw your television in the dustbin! “This is a free country and we can speak freely in public.”
Islam/ Judgment
“Speaking to Polish television, a former member of Poland’s counter-terror police and an academic expert on information warfare and terrorism have articulated their concern about the intellectual and spiritual collapse of European civilisation, remarking it is “at the end of its existence”.
Former Central Bureau of Investigation (CBS) officer Jacek Wrona and military history academic Dr. Rafał Brzeski were guests on the Polish TVP Info programme discussing the Munich shooting in which nine were killed, and were forced to conclude it was a symptom of the end of European Civilisation. Information warfare expert Dr. Brzeski rejected the suggestion in German media that the Munich killer — an 18 year old Muslim — was mad, pointing out the killing had “an element of planning”, reports wPolityce.
As for the treatment of the attack in the mainstream media, the academic said it was a case of the “ministry of propaganda at work… it is self-censorship. There is nothing worse than self-censorship in journalism”. Rejecting the reluctance of mainstream media to recognise the killings as a terrorism, he said: “this is definitely an act of terror… the execution of an act of terrorism. He was setting out to scare people, and that is an act of terror”.
10 Scientific Hints Of Possible Higher Beings 07/31/16 This is a fascinating article showing 10 scientific reasons why the universe needs a creator.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
“Is another being responsible for our lives or even the entire universe? If you believe in God, you have your answer. However, some mind-boggling studies suggest other possibilities for higher beings who are responsible for our existence.”
Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Dear Brother John;
When Jason Galvin and his wife Jackie rescued a bald eagle hanging upside down by a rope 75 feet up in a tree in MN using his sharp shooter skills and 22 cal rifle, I SENSED THAT WAS THE VERRY LAST! Hand writing on the wall for America from God.
I rented a car and put 1,900 miles on it getting to my family to make sure they are ready to meet God! I sense the Eagle sign to be as great a sign as the cow giving birth to a lamb that Flavious Joseph recorded in “THE WARS OF THE JEWS” that happened in the temple as witnessed by the high priest, before the temple destruction.
I sense in my spirit man, just prior to, or on, Rosh Hashana – October 3-4 2016 a major calamity will come on England (from whence came the King James Version) Holy Bible and now is trumpeting the rebellion of MAN MADE WOMBS put in males to have babies.
And calamity to America for all the rebellion here, and that you have reported on.
I just learned Russia and China have scheduled, joint, pacific military exercises/war games for September/October. That is why I have chosen to comment to you today.
Somehow I sense it will happen in one hour!
JUST LIKE DESERT STORM, when, in Iraq, everything electrical failed!.
Thank you for YOUR FRUITS! “By their fruits he shall know them”
Jesus was born and died a Jew!