Imam Curses Christians and Jews at Trump Interfaith Event

Verse of the Day
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
If you stop and think about the Christian faith, you will see that the heart of the faith is that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. Believers are adopted, but Jesus from eternity was the begotten of the Father as the Son of God.
The Koran directly attacks the very heart of Christianity by clearly stating the that “God does not have a son.” When the Imam recited Sura 1 before President Trump, he was cursing both Judaism and Christianity. The time is long overdue that we stand against Islam for what it is and give no ground to the Muslims. If we don’t stand, then America will become like the Europeans or worse, even as the Coptic Christians who suffer in Egypt.
We need to stand with the President as he moves to protect the nation from Muslims and the horror of the Koran and Sharia law.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
1 John 4:9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
Imam Curses Christians and Jews at Trump Interfaith Event 01/24/17 Make sure you see the Imam reciting from the Koran, Sura 1 as it curses the Jews and Christians. He did this right in front of President Trump! This is real Islam, and I hope that the President blocks them from contact with him.
Sura 1:29 I seek refuge in allah from Satan. :37 Thanks be to allah the merciful one. Guide us on the right path :40 for those whom you blessed (muslims), not the path of the ones :43 you are angry at (Jews) and the ones who went astray (Christians).
“During every Friday prayer service in every mosque, Sura 1 of the Koran is recited. The meaning of what is said — that Jews incurred the wrath of Allah, and that Christians went astray — is supported by all authoritative tafsirs on the Koran. And every Muslim who pays any attention to his religion understands what it means.
Last Saturday, at a National Prayer Service in Washington D.C. attended by President Donald Trump, an imam named Mohamed Magid recited Sura 1, calling on his god to show special disfavor to Jews and Christians. As it happens, Mr. Magid is a known Muslim Brotherhood operative.
The man who recited Sura 1 was not Mohamed Magid, who spoke just before him.
Mr. Sajid Tarar of the Raza-e Mustafa Islamic Center in Pikesville, MD, recited the Fatiha including its 7th verse (Koran 1:7) at this “ecumenical” service.”
American Politics/ Islam

on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. In today’s inauguration ceremony Donald J. Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States.
Report: Obama Gave $221 Million to Palestinians in Last Hours 01/23/17 Look at what Obama did his last days in office. He knifed Israel in the back at the United Nations and he gave the Palestinians all of this money as a free gift! I am so glad that he finally is out of office.
“The Associated Press reported Monday that former President Barack Obama released $221 million in U.S. funding for the Palestinian Authority on the morning of Friday, January 20 — just hours before he was to leave office.
The AP details:
A State Department official and several congressional aides say the outgoing administration formally notified Congress it would spend the money Friday morning, just before Donald Trump became president.
More than $227 million in foreign affairs funding was released at the time, including $4 million for climate change programs and $1.25 million for U.N. organizations.
At least two GOP lawmakers had placed holds on the Palestinian funds. Congressional holds are generally respected by the executive branch but are not legally binding.”
Christian Apostasy

Rifat Odeh Kassis, co-author and general coordinator of the Kairos Palestine initiative, is pictured above giving an interview to Al-Manar TV, the official TV channel of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist organization
World Council of Churches Favors Nationalism and Anti-Semitism 01/24/17 It is very important that you are aware of what the apostates are doing in connection with Israel. They are working day and night to undermine Israel and advance the Palestinian agenda. I see them with the spirit of Esau. What is happening is that God has given them over to merge with Islam as a judgment upon them. They will receive the same judgment as the Muslims.
Zechariah 12:6 In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.
“The immediate two aims of the Kairos Document are: 1) to boycott Israel and the Jewish historical connection to the Land of Israel; 2) to neutralize the support of Christian Zionists and any other Christians for Israel.
The World Council of Churches (WCC) Secretariat targets Israel’s tourist industry and aspires to re-direct pilgrims from Israel to the Palestinian area, and to guide pilgrims from having a positive outlook on Israel to having negative reactions to the Jewish State.
Many faithful Christians, including a good portion of the fine Lutheran Church of Hannover, are hardly aware of the degree of deception employed by the WCC Secretariat. They would be scandalized to know that they were being used for the Secretariat’s scheme of nationalism and anti-Semitism.”

Pope Francis approaches the security barrier near Bethlehem, May 25, 2014, on which was painted graffiti that comparing Palestinians with Jews under the Nazis: “Bethlehem looks like the Warsaw Ghetto.” If it does, it only looks that way because, since the once Christian-majority city Bethlehem was transferred to total Palestinian Authority control in 1995, most of its beleaguered Christians have fled due to Muslim persecution
Pope Francis Strengthens Palestinian Refusal to End Hostilities with Israel 01/23/17 I see this pope as the “Catholic Obama.” He has the exact mindset as Obama. He is very dangerous to Israel because millions will follow what he says about Israel and the actions he takes.
“By opening the Palestinian embassy during this critical time of intensified anti-Israel animosity, was the Pope justifying the Palestinian-Arab attempt to isolate the Jewish State and to impose on it unacceptable conditions of surrender through international pressure?
Unfortunately, Pope Francis’s papacy has been marked by a long list of anti-Israel gestures which did not advance the cause of peace the Pope claims to champion.
The Pope also met with Palestinian “refugees,” as if the 1948 war were the source of conflict between the two peoples, instead of centuries of Muslims having displaced Christians and other non-Muslims from Persia, the Christian Byzantine Empire, North Africa, Southern Spain, and most of Eastern Europe.
The Pope called Abbas an “angel of peace”. Really? An angel of peace? According to Shmuely Boteach, “Abbas spent his life murdering Jews,” by financing the Munich terror attack in 1972, by inciting against Jews and by glorifying Palestinian terrorists. The Pope, in short is praising a corrupt supporter of terrorists, a torturer who has abolished any democratic process in the West Bank.
During these four years, Pope Francis has continually put significant barriers in the way of peace between Israelis and Palestinians — a peace based on dialogue, mutual respect and the end of conflict. Instead, this supposed man of peace has strengthened Abbas’s refusal to negotiate with the Jews — the Christians’ “elder brothers”, as Pope John Paul II bravely called them — and to end hostilities with them. If this is his view of Caritas, what a tragic shame.”
Israel Approves 2,500 West Bank Homes Following Netanyahu Call With Trump 01/24/17 Look how fast things are happening in Israel now that President Trump has come to power! Let’s see how the world reacts to this, now that Trump has Israel’s back!
Zechariah 12:6 In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.
“The decision came two days after a Jerusalem planning committee approved the construction of 566 housing units in East Jerusalem, and on the heels of a phone conversation on Sunday between Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump, where the two discussed their plans for the region.
Most of the housing units will be built in the large settlement areas, notably in the city of Ariel and in Givat Ze’ev, outside Jerusalem. But some will also go up in settlements outside the larger blocs, due to prior agreements and court decisions.
“We’re building — and will continue to build,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said following the announcement.”

A labourer works at a construction site in the Israeli settlement of Ramot, as the Israeli settlement of Ramat Shlomo is seen in the background, in an area of the occupied West Bank that Israel annexed to Jerusalem January 22, 2017
Israel lifts restrictions on building more homes in East Jerusalem 01/23/17 What a change has taken place in Jerusalem! Israel is now full speed ahead with building in East Jerusalem. Of course this is not going to sit well with the rest of the world.
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told senior ministers he is lifting restrictions on settlement building in East Jerusalem, a statement said on Sunday, immediately after the city’s municipal government approved permits for the building of hundreds of new homes in the area.
“There is no longer a need to coordinate construction in the Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. We can build where we want and as much as we want,” the statement quoted Netanyahu as saying, adding that he also intended to allow the start of building in the West Bank.
“My vision is to enact sovereignty over all the settlements,” the statement also said, pointing to Netanyahu’s apparent bid to win greater support from settlers and appeal to a right-wing coalition partner.
Netanyahu told the ministers of the move at a meeting where they also decided unanimously to postpone discussing a bill proposing the Israeli annexation of the West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim, home to 40,000 Israelis near Jerusalem.”
American Politics

President Donald Trump was sworn in at a prayer-filled inauguration ceremony
Trump’s Inauguration Showcases Power of Prayer 01/23/17 This is a great article that gives all the prayers during President Trump’s inauguration. I was touched with the President’s statement that God would protect America.
I’ve quoted what the President said, which follows below:
Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
“During his inaugural address, President Trump quoted Scripture, saying, “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.’ We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.”
Later, Trump acknowledged the power of God. “We are protected, and we will always be protected,” he said. “We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.”
Trump Supporter Surrounded at Women’s March in LA 01/24/17 Wow, this guy is one sharp, smart man. I really enjoyed listening to him confront the protestors on Saturday. The President should hire Big Joe to confront the media “presstitutes.”
Proverbs 2:17 He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.
Islam/ Hard Left
The Sharia-Supporting Muslim Who Duped Women to ‘March on Washington’ 01/24/17 You now can see clearly how the hatred and sin of the Hard Left is herding them into the arms of the Muslims! This is mass insanity by them. They are now fully under the delusion of a reprobate mind driven by the hatred of anything connected with God.
I think that the driving force for Saturday’s march was abortion and homosexuality. The Muslims were there, ready to merge them into Islam, to their ultimate destruction! Islam will be the final judgment for their rebellion. Imagine Madonna under Islam and wearing a hijab!
Proverbs 29:6 In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice.
“It would be interesting to know how many of the useful idiots donning “pussy hats” at Saturday’s massive “Women’s March on Washington” had any idea—or even cared to know—who the principal organizers of the event were. The answer is undoubtedly close to zero, since the purpose of the entire charade—like all leftist charades—was merely to give the participants an opportunity to publicly signal their own moral superiority while smearing—as racists and fascists—anyone who doesn’t accept socialism, identity politics, and perpetual grievance mongering as the ultimate expressions of the American Dream. But for those who actually have an aversion to mindless indoctrination, the facts will be rather disturbing.
A leading organizer of the Women’s March was the Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. This group was founded shortly after 9/11—not to condemn the attacks, of course, but rather, to lament “the heightened sense of fear and the acts of blatant discrimination aimed at [the Muslim] community” in the racist wasteland known as America.”
Islamic State Publishes Infographic On Why Democracy Contradicts Sharia Law 01/24/17 ISIS prepared this, and it is very clear that Sharia law is incompatible with the freedoms in the US Constitution. The Muslims know this, and yet, with a straight face, they will tell us that they are compatible. This is all part of how the Muslims use lies to advance the evil agenda of Islam.
With God’s help, we all need to stand against Islam and the evil promoted by Muslims. Islam is so bad that they must use lies and deception to promote it. Think of Obama when reading this.
Proverbs 29:12 If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.
“1. The people are the sovereign vs. “Allah blessed be his name said: Allah is the only sovereign.”
2. Freedom of thought and religion contradicts Jizia, a head tax that underwrites sanctions against infidels.
3. Majority rule in conflicts – Allah says: “If you have disagreements, the teachings of Allah and the Prophet prevail.”
4. Freedom of speech and expression – It includes, according to the proponents of democracy, the right to curse and offend and denigrate the prophets, including by using cartoons, under the pretense of the freedom of expression.
5. Separation of religion and state – This transgression would allow the rules of Sharia to be unimplemented by those who claim that religion belongs only in mosques.
6. Civil liberties – According to this rule, everyone can dress and think however they want without taking religion into account, without abiding by the principles of Islam.
7. Multiplicity of political parties – This includes forming secular, liberal, socialist and nonbelieving parties, rather than Islamic ones.
8. Majority rule – Fifty-one percent may decide that drinking alcohol and prostitution are legal. That is the end of religion.
9. The real owner of property is the people – This contradicts the rule of Islam that the real owner of money is Allah. He gives it to whomever he wants.
10. Principle of equality – Equality between men and women and between Muslims and non-Muslims is a destructive principle for religion and for Allah’s rules on heritage head tax and other issues.”Isaiah 29:7 And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, [Jerusalem] even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision.
President Trump should be made aware of the ‘eemoms prayer’.If he knew what was really said about Christian’s and Jew’s,it would,I’m sure,solidify what he[Trump] already know’s to do..and do it quickly…deal with real islam..and shut it down..grease the rail’s and get them out of here.They have 57+ countries that welcome their garbage..go home…and ]the poop don’t get a free pass either]..false shepherd,little horn etc.
Father God..I pray for protection and wisdom for the new president and administration.Also,for all of your believers worldwide,even though we are but clay vessel’s,let us avail ourselve’s fully to You and Your will for the glory and honor of Jesus.