John McTernan’s Daily Insights Special Current Event Blog Post: January 22, 2022 (See Serious Warning for Your Health!)
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
This blog’s focus is on current events which keep you on the cutting edge of critical information.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, Jesus coming for his people, and this can get you through all the coming troubles.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
The Death Shot and Related Information (Some of these posts overlap with my other blogs) Outstanding posts are highlighted in red
Commentary and Posts
New Hampshire Seeks to Make Ivermectin an Alternative COVID Treatment Under Law This is wonderful news, but think of the present state of the America medical institutions when they are forced by law to treat sick people with healing medicine!
Calgary Starts to Feel the Pain of U.S-Canada Government Vaccine Mandate on Truckers The fast approaching food shortage is manmade by the American Communists and the NWO. This is an example of how it is manmade.
United Nations and World Bank Predict Increased Global Starvation Due to Fertilizer and Farm Costs All the warning signs are there for a food shortage coming to America. Please seek the Lord about storing supplies, so you are not dependent on government in the short-run. This will allow you to make plans.
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Asks Residents to Begin Voluntary Rationing of Food at Grocery Stores The food shortages coming to America is planned by the American haters, Communists and the NWO. I suggest the way the food supply is catering, you store food and supplies as the Lord leads you. You do not want to be at the mercy of this evil federal government. If you haven’t done this, time is fast running out.
Receipts: Hospitals Paid to Kill- Providers Incentivized By Feds to Murder Covid Patients (Video) There is so much funds from the feds when Covid 19 patients are created and die in the hospitals it has corrupted them to oversee the death of patients who could be saved. This is all planned to corrupt the medical system.
WEF Global Risks Report 2022 Imagines All The Critical Threats To The World
From article:”Hiding behind the respectability of scholarship, wealth and position, the WEF offers a smorgasbord of propaganda and fear-producing possibilities: Vaccine inequality, social fractures. geopolitical tensions, environmental collapse, global warming disaster, cybersecurity failure, migration disorder, war in space.
All of this is to prepare the world for the necessity of a “Great Reset”, aka Technocracy, that will facilitate the greatest transfer of wealth in world history, leading to Klaus Schwab’s smiling prediction, “You will own nothing and be happy”. Like driving zoo animals with an electric cattle prod, fear is the primary tool to scare people into predictable submission and compliance.”
WEF’s Schwab Gives China’s Xi Propaganda Platform Against “Hegemonic Bullying… Cold War Mentality” Schwab thinks exactly like Xi and both are ruthless and want to rule the world!
PRE-COVID (2019): Mike Adams predicted RNA-destroying depopulation bioweapon to be unleashed against humanity (Oblivion Agenda) Video) Just like Alex Jones, Adams just followed the writings and speeches of the NWO and knew what was coming. They NWO continues to broadcast what they are going to do, so we KNOW more bio weapons and death shots are on the way. Remember, they hate us and are megalomaniac murderous psychopaths who plan to depopulate the undesirables and takeover the world!
President Trump Responds to Fulton County DA and Political Hack Who Ignores Election Fraud to Dig Into President’s Phone Call This goes on and on with no end in sight. There is so much corrupting in the Republicans that they went along with dems stealing the election. The American political system is corrupt with evil people running it. Biden is president because of the corrupt GOP. We need an political enema to clean this system.
NYPD Take Away Unvaccinated Child in Police Car During Anti-Mandate Protest in NYC! — Must See VIDEO! What the NYC government did was get rid of all the patriotic police who would not take the death shot, and now what is left are morally dead drones who will so whatever they are told. This has happened in the blue states and the military.
Howard Stern Rips Unvaccinated Americans: ‘In My America,’ All Hospitals Would Be Closed To You — ‘Go Home And Die’ He openly says this with no rebuke of any kind. This is very dangerous as it is preparing his followers to accept abusing those who are against the death shot.
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions The Communist Hard Left in America is more like Australia and there is no sign of them letting up on their totalitarian controls.
Rasmussen poll claims most Democrats support imprisoning the unvaccinated in concentration camps This is exactly the pattern with the Jews in Germany. The Germans didn’t care of the Jews were sent to concentration camps so the Nazis were free to do what they wanted to the Jews. The next step was extermination.
Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up of The Vegas Mass Shooting (Video) This video is long, but it is full of serious information about the fraudulent investigation of the Vegas Mass Shooting. Nothing adds up to the police and FBI investigation. It is lies, lies and more lies. After reading this, I’m totally 100 percent convinced this was a staged event by the FBI to kill massive amounts of conservative Americans for the purpose of creating public hysteria for gun control. There is not other conclusion to the actions of the FBI and police.
Because of the actions of the FBI, it is totally possible these criminals will try something worse this year to declare marshal law and suspend the 2022 election. They are ruthless American haters, so they will do anything needed to stay in power. Americans are in great danger with the dems in power and federal law enforcement.
Fauci Warns There Are Five Stages in a Pandemic… and We Are Still in the First Stage Between what Fauci just stated and Gates in the following article there is NO doubt these murderous psychopaths are going to loose more bio warfare agents on the people, but this time worse. There plan is to depopulate the earth through plagues and wars. Covid 19 was their initial attack on us, but there is more to come and they are telling us!
Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
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Revelation 13:1-3: The Beast at the United Nations in NYC
Hello Chaplin John.
Blessings to you and your family.
I have known all along about the Vegas massacre.
Same as they set the stage on Jan. 6th.
I do believe that there will be a False Flag to stop the mid-term elections.
I want to Thank You and Patti for praying for my husband. He is still in the cast , as of now.
I do enjoy your Blogs. Much valuable information’
God Bless you abundantly.
Love In Christ…..Sherry
We can again for him. Just email me at [email protected] and put prayer in subject.
Father God…I intercede on behalf of sister Sherry and her husband…that Your perfect and loving and merciful will be done for them…to the Glory of You and Your dear Son,our Savior Jesus,…Amen.
Thanks very much
Your welcome.God bless all of my family in Christ.