John McTernans Insights Blog Post: May 15,16, 2021
Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
The truth is very clear that the American people are under a biological warfare attack from a totally malevolent medical institutions who lie, block and tried to intimidate anyone who promoted the cure for Covid-19, while at the same time promoting a dangerous genetic experiment as a vaccine! This action fits a Nazi war crime.
There is something diabolical about their fanatic zeal to get masses of people vaccinated and ignoring the cure! The death rate is so low for Covid-19, yet they use political pressure to force vaccinations on the people. Already severe side affects are manifesting, yet the Babylonians are actually trying to suppress this. What is going to happen one year from now to people who were vaccinated? The American people just couldn’t believe the medical institutions, politicians and media could be so evil, but they are.
I want to make sure everyone watches this video about what the government did to hide research about the cure for cancer. Please watch this documentary: you will never be the same after viewing it; but everyone needs to know this information: Episode 1 “The Sordid History of the Cancer Cartel: A Century of Suppression & Censorship”
Communist Joe was sworn in as the fraudulent president, and he is moving as fast as possible to destroy the nation. I will continue to post key articles along with information you need to know, especially articles about the Communists and Deep State making threats and moving against us. I’ll post articles through the day as I find them, so check a few times. The articles which I can’t post on FaceBook are here: cutting edge information you need to know.
Above all, no matter what happens keep focused on the Blessed Hope, and this can get you through all trouble.
Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Posts and Commentary
Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in Florida Keys?
“The mega billionaire Bill Gates continues to play God. The company he funded plans to release around 20 million genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys this year
Fooling around with Mother Nature is a bad idea—even when trying to rid humanity of pests such as mosquitoes. Gates pays scientists to come up with flying vaccines and that’s what they will produce. All other considerations and morality will be tossed aside.
Mosquitoes play a vital part in the food chain. They’re food for birds and fish, for example. Yes, I hate mosquitoes as much as anyone else, but Bill Gates is genocidal maniac bent on depopulating the world. I hate him more.” By Ben Garrison
Dr. Cole on Covid Jabs: “We’ve Seen More Deaths From This Shot Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined” (AUDIO) The title of this article says it all.
18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine These reasons are excellent. Please pass this on to everyone you can.
Police/Sheriff move in to lock the doors of the meetinghouse of the Church of God in Aylmer, Canada This is nothing but raw power of the state over Christians. The masks are useless; Covid 19 is not a pandemic and there is a cure for it; the “vaccine” is a genetic medical experiment that no one can be forced to take! For this, Canada is destroying the rights of the people!
Are We Being Set Up for Mass Depopulation? This article is loaded with great information.
CDC says dealth toll following experimental COVID vaccine now at 4,434 Remember, this is only the numbers of deaths they are forced to report. The actual number could be as high as 40,000 and this is only since December 2020!.
Vaccine passports blasted as ‘stealth move to tyranny’ The plan for America is for private industry to take the lead with passports, but the feds will be coordinating it from behind the scenes!
No vaccine, no college? Physicians group urges students to fight back We need medical experts on our side and to help organize the resistance against the medical tyrants.
Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of “Vaccines” Tucker is really getting the truth out about all the corruption connected with Covid 19 and the “vaccines”. If he keeps this up, he’ll need protection.
Tucker Carlson: Anthony Fauci let the coronavirus pandemic happen, why isn’t there a criminal investigation? I totally agree with him, but why is Fox News letting Tucker speak like this? Something is not adding because Tucker has a free hand and saying real power truth!
Dr. Carrie Madej reveals to Health Ranger that Covid vaccines contain “exotic nanotech” for tracking and bio-control The NWO fought so hard to force everyone to take this “vaccine” which is a genetic medical experiment there is something sinister about it. Whatever is so diabolic might just be exotic nanotech!
Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military Just how deep are the Communists in the military? Of all that is going, this thought is the scariest!
After Witnessing 3 Months of Biden’s Stumbling and Bumbling, China Declares It Is Now “Ready to Defeat” the US I really think Biden wants to hand America over to China. He is a Communist traitor to America.
Real-Life Bond Villain Klaus Schwab Wrote the Script for Covid-19 Lockdown Takeover Just like Hitler, the NWO is laying out their plans for the future and world domination. They will prepare the system for the antichrist the man of sin to come to power.
Persecuted Anti-Lockdown Pastor Warns ‘Medical Tyranny’ Is Already Here This was so good for the NWO I’m sure there soon is coming round two, to gain even more control until they have total control. They are ruthless.
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Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Our country is a ‘dead man walking’.From every side we see what it looks like when corporate mankind gives God ‘the finger’…Father God,the gentleman He is says”’Here you go.You want me out of the picture….have it your way….”The devil is not only in the details..he has the contol levers of power and persuasion to a dumbed down mass who really believe the govt is only out to help you.Every sphere of society is sold out to satan.It’s like watching a suicide squad complaining about us because we don’t want to be stupid like them and die for less than nothing.Freakin idiots..the lot of them.Only the Lord can shield us and cover us from this insanity from Hell’s bounds.Pray that He continues and brings us to HIS home.God bless.Fight hard Christian and patriot…because stupid has no off switch.