Navy SEALs, F-35s & More To Simulate Taking Out North Korean Leadership

Verse of the Day
Joel 3:10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
There is a lot of news coming out now regarding possible war with North Korea. This is really serious because NK is in the final stages of developing nuclear weapons to attack US bases in Asia and on the American mainland. If NK develops the weapons, they will use them. North Korea just has mobilized it entire army and has it on a war footing. America is bringing powerful weaponry to South Korea including B-1, B-52 heavy bombers and an aircraft carrier battle group.
I’ll post the articles as they come out to keep you on the cutting edge of what is developing.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Isaiah 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
World War 3/ North Korea
“On Monday, Yonhap, a South Korean news agency reported that U.S. and South Korean troops will be taking part in a joint military exercise “to practice incapacitating North Korean leadership in the case of conflict.” The joint forces team, which includes U.S. forces such as SEAL Team Six, will participate in “Foal Eagle and Key Resolve” exercises, which includes the “Soaring Eagle” exercise aimed at enhancing “the ability to shoot down enemy missiles and strike core military facilities in North Korea.”
“On Monday, Yonhap, a South Korean news agency reported that U.S. and South Korean troops will be taking part in a joint military exercise “to practice incapacitating North Korean leadership in the case of conflict.” The joint forces team, which includes U.S. forces such as SEAL Team Six, will participate in “Foal Eagle and Key Resolve” exercises, which includes the “Soaring Eagle” exercise aimed at enhancing “the ability to shoot down enemy missiles and strike core military facilities in North Korea.”
“The U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six will join the annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises between the two allies for the first time, along with the Army’s Rangers, Delta Force and Green Berets,” Yonhap reported.
“A bigger number of and more diverse U.S. special operation forces will take part in this year’s Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises to practice missions to infiltrate into the North, remove the North’s war command and demolition of its key military facilities,” a military official told Yonhap News Agency under anonymity.”
Departure North Korea, destination Hawaii 03/14/17 This is a great article on how vulnerable Hawaii is to a North Korean nuclear attack. We await the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to put an end to war, but unfortunately the Bible tells us that huge wars must first come, where 25 percent of mankind will die.
“With Pacific Command’s assets of hundreds of ships, more than a thousand aircraft, and nearly 380,000 military and civilian personnel the defense of this vacation spot should not be an issue. Yet, with all of these resources Hawaii still remains vulnerable to attack from a backward third world country, North Korea.
Hidden from Western eyes and ears a problem festers and no country seems willing to treat the inflamed boil. The unpredictable Kim Jong-un continues to pursue a lethal combination of nuclear capabilities and long-range missiles. According to The New York Times, President Obama warned President Trump as he left office that North Korea would be “the most urgent problem” he would face. Certainly, the problem isn’t even close to going away; more likely, it will only become more inflamed.
North Korea’s ambitions to attack the U.S. are no secret. Reports from Pyongyang’s official KCNA news agency indicate that North Korea’s launch of four missiles on a recent Monday (March 6, 2017) was a training exercise for a strike on U.S. bases in Japan. The intercontinental strike capabilities pursued by Kim Jong-un makes Hawaii’s assets and personnel an obvious target.”
New World Order – World Government
The Final Pillage: Greece to Surrender Gold, Real Estate, Utilities in Exchange for More Debt and Austerity 03/14/17 This is how the NWO plans to take over nations. Germany now owns Greece! The Greeks can’t pay the debt, so, like a game of monopoly, Germany is taking all of Greece’s assets! In effect, the Greeks don’t own their country, the German banks now do!
“Germany’s announcement that it will not allow debt relief for the troubled EU nation will force Greece to auction off the last of its assets and sign over its remaining sovereignty to the EU bureaucracy.
For the last several years, Greece has been struggling to keep it together. In 2010, Greece was forced to ask for its first bail-out since it adopted the Euro less than a decade before. The subsequent austerity programs decimated the Greek economy. Another bail-out was requested in 2012, which then caused major spikes in unemployment and an explosion of public discontent. Three years later, Greece defaulted to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), becoming the first developed country to do so. Greece’s continuing crisis has caused much economic instability in the Eurozone, but – as Deutsche Bank Research analysts have noted – “we seem to be approaching the conclusion of this episode of the Greece saga.”
Hard Left/ American Politics
UN Human Rights Head: Trump Policies Might Breach International Law 02/13/17 The Hard Left simply can’t tell the truth whether they are in America, Europe or the UN. They have a one-world mindset and the President threatens their world.
They are collectively losing their minds over American nationalism, which of course is wonderful.
Revelation 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
“In a speech that Zeid Al Hussein delivered in Geneva on March 8th, he had this to say about the Trump administration:
In the United States of America, I am concerned by the new Administration’s handling of a number of human rights issues. Greater and more consistent leadership is needed to address the recent surge in discrimination, anti-Semitism, and violence against ethnic and religious minorities. Vilification of entire groups such as Mexicans and Muslims, and false claims that migrants commit more crimes than US citizens, are harmful and fuel xenophobic abuses.
I am dismayed at attempts by the President to intimidate or undermine journalists and judges. I am also concerned about new immigration policies that ban admission of people from six predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days, as well as policies which greatly expand the number of migrants at immediate risk of deportation – without regard for years spent in the US or family roots.
These threaten to vastly increase use of detention, including of children. Expedited deportations could amount to collective expulsions and refoulement, in breach of international law, if undertaken without due process guarantees, including individual assessment. I am especially disturbed by the potential impact of these changes on children, who face being detained, or may see their families torn apart.”
Hard Left/ Transgendered
Transgender: ‘Toni the Tampon’ Teaches Children Men Can Menstruate 03/14/17 This is a mind-numbing article. It is so bizarre that I was a long way into it before I understood what was going on! A female who thinks that she is a “man” is therefore a “man” even while she/he is menstruating! With this reasoning under a powerful delusion, the reprobates believe that a man can menstruate!
How can we co-exist in the nation with people who think like this? This is just the tip of the iceberg of their craziness. If there were a few kooks like this, we could survive as a nation, but the entire Hard Left believes this nonsense. They hate us for not believing in their delusions, and it is just a matter of time before there is a devastating clash with them. They will take the fight to us, because we stand for God and reality, while they are under satan’s delusions and lies.
Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
“The author of a children’s coloring book has invented a character named “Toni the Tampon” to instruct children that men can menstruate.
Cass Clemmer, the author of The Adventures of Toni the Tampon, has been using her coloring book character to “destigmatize” menstruation. Now, however, she also wants to “de-gender” the female biological process and to persuade children that men get periods too.
Clemmer’s latest adventure of Toni the Tampon is one aspect of the progressive campaign to blur the differences between male and female, and to ultimately create a “genderless” society which bars the commonplace civic distinctions between biological males and biological females in a heterosexual society.
This larger political campaign is also pushing judges to permit men to change their legal sex by simply declaring they have a female “gender identity.” That ruling would allow men to freely use women’s shower rooms, women’s shelters, and women’s athletic leagues. The ideology also says that women with the “gender identity” of men should be described as men — even when they are menstruating.”
Health and Nutrition
How B Vitamins Improve Brain Health, Cognition, Psychiatric Problems and Mood Disorders 03/14/17 I remember years ago when my dad was suffering from big mood swings and depression. He was tested found to have a severe B12 deficiency. He received a series of injections that greatly improved his mental health. Please look after your own health and don’t rely totally on this medical system.
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
“B12 Deficiency Is Common
While vitamin B12 is easily obtained from animal protein foods such as meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs, advancing age can diminish your body’s ability to absorb the vitamin from food. Your body’s ability to absorb B12 depends on three factors: adequate stomach acid, the enzyme pepsin and gastric intrinsic factor. With age, stomach acid often diminishes. You may also have insufficient amounts of acid if you take acid blockers for heartburn.
Many also lack gastric intrinsic factor. Pernicious anemia is an even greater concern, as this condition effectively prevents the absorption of B12. Vegans and strict vegetarians are also at high risk of B12 deficiency unless they take a high-quality supplement, since B12 is primarily obtained from animal foods.
As noted by Dr. Rajaprabhakaran Rajarethinam, a psychiatrist at Wayne State University School of Medicine and co-author of a 2009 case report on vitamin B12 deficiency and depression in the elderly:
“[I]t is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of individuals over the age of 60 years may suffer from B12 deficiency and it is believed that atrophic gastritis type B, which may afflict 20 to 50 percent of the elderly, may lead to poor absorption of B12 and folate …
In this report, we describe an elderly woman who suffered from severe psychotic depression who did not improve with conventional treatment but recovered significantly following administration of vitamin B12, illustrating the possibility that vitamin B12 deficiency may play a role in the development of mood disorder.”

CFI President Jim Jacobson visits with Christians in Bangladesh
Why Christianity Is Exploding in Unlikely Muslim Nation 03/14/17 I think that the real church is rapidly growing throughout Muslim nations. The Internet and media have reached deep into Islamic nations and the truth is winning the Muslims. I see this in my ministry, with huge numbers of Muslims, including Imams, coming to the Lord. This is through the message that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. This is all great news.
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
“According to official estimates, the religious composition of Bangladesh is 89.1 percent Muslim, 10 percent Hindi, with less than one percent Christian in a nation of over 156 million people. But unofficially, Christianity is much larger and growing, especially in the rural areas. Is the fourth-largest Muslim nation in the world and place of many terrorist activities on the path to becoming a peaceful Christian nation? “Uncounted converts” believe so.
On a recent fact-finding trip to Bangladesh, Christian Freedom International President Jim Jacobson interviewed scores of indigenous Christian pastors, street evangelists, missionaries and converts to Christianity. According to them, Christianity is on the increase and the growth is a cause of concern for the Muslim majority. As a result, persecution is on the increase against the fast growing, mostly underground Christian church.”

Sheikh Abdulqani Mursal
Toronto imam says Muslims will eventually kill all Jews 02/12/17 This is a good article because it lists the Hadiths about the Muslims eventually killing all the Jews, and then according to them, the end will come. You can see why with writing like this the Muslims can’t accept the nation of Israel, and it incites them to want to kill ALL the Jews.
It is Hadiths like this that will unite all the Muslims in a massive jihad to attack Israel and try and take Jerusalem. This attack will be the doom of Islam, because the Holy God of Israel is going to break the back of Islam over Jerusalem. God is just waiting for the Muslims to attack. It is almost like Jerusalem is the bait in a gigantic trap for the Muslims.
Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
“Sheikh Abdulqani Mursal, imam at Masjid Al Hikma mosque in Toronto (36 Colville Rd, North York – Lawrence and Keele), explains that the fate of the Jews is destined to be killed by the Muslims.
In a lecture at the at Masjid Al Hikma mosque, Mursal read the chapter “Turmoil And Portents Of The Last Hour” from Sahih Muslim (hadith collection, meaning narrations attributed to Mohammad), including the following narrations (01:07-07:24 – originally in Arabic, translated by
Ibn ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me); kill him.
Ubaidullah has reported this hadith with this chain of transmitters (and the Words are): “There is a Jew behind me.”
Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.
Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Jews will fight against you and you will gain victory over them until the stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews….”
World War 3/ Islam
Turkey warns ‘fascist’ Netherlands will pay in rally row 03/13/17 This is worth watching to see if this could expand as the beginning of a culture war between the West and Islam!
“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday warned the Netherlands would pay for blocking his ministers from holding rallies to win support in a referendum on expanding his powers, as a crisis escalated with Turkey’s key EU partners.
Erdogan also repeated hugely controversial accusations that the Netherlands — occupied by Nazi Germany in World War II — was behaving like fascists in its treatment of Turkish ministers.
Analysts are predicting a tight outcome to the April 16 referendum on a new constitution and Turkish ministers have planned major rallies in key EU cities to win votes from millions of Turks residing abroad.”
World War 3
Japan plans to send largest warship to South China Sea, sources say 03/13/17 China claims the South China Sea, so this maneuver is a direct challenge to China. I can see North Korea and China uniting against the US, Japan and South Korea.
2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
“Japan plans to dispatch its largest warship on a three-month tour through the South China Sea beginning in May, three sources said, in its biggest show of naval force in the region since World War Two.
China claims almost all the disputed waters and its growing military presence has fueled concern in Japan and the West, with the United States holding regular air and naval patrols to ensure freedom of navigation.
The Izumo helicopter carrier, commissioned only two years ago, will make stops in Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka before joining the Malabar joint naval exercise with Indian and U.S. naval vessels in the Indian Ocean in July.”
Isaiah 42:22 But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.
If there’s one place where a US-led invasion makes sense (since Desert Storm ’91), it’s North Korea. Those people have experienced nothing but tyranny for decades. If the North Korean people had a chance, they could become a contributing industrial society within a couple of decades. Just look at Japan and South Korea post WWII.
We’ve wasted so much time, so many lives and resources on intervention in Arab countries that are never going to experience any kind of reform into free, democratic societies. Those people are cursed by God because of their hatred and treatment of the Jews for thousands of years. Look what happened to Egypt. What have they done in the past 3500 years?