Netanyahu: Israel will never again fail to preempt attacks

3 Responses

  1. Scott Dewey says:

    Judicial Watch has been suing for over a year to get those documents and Congress has been unsuccessful up to now. May we FINALLY have justice! “The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.” Ps. 103:6. “Heavenly Father, we have been oppressed by the enemy in high places for so long! Please bless, protect, and use our President in a mighty way that we may finally see justice, and lift up a standard against the enemy as he is coming in like a flood at this time. In Jesus’ name we pray.” Isaiah 59:19.

  2. Lorral says:

    The last thing that I would ever want is to change what the Lord created me to be! I plead with Jesus all the time to take this life I have,” if you can call it that” I feel like Paul! I have this thorn in my flesh that digs deeper and is more painful as time goes by. It is agonizing and all consuming. I spend my days in the Word and praying all the time, so I have to ask Him; Why so much suffering? What exactly does “My grace is sufficient for thee mean? and how is that supposed to be sufficient?