New York Times Blames Evangelical Christians for Coronavirus

Verse of the Day
Psalm 91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
Because we voted for President Trump; therefore, we are guilty for the Coronavirus. How about China being guilty! What the reprobates are doing is trying to create another hoax against the President. This one is the Corona-hoax and try to blame everything on him!
When a person has a reprobate mind, she writes nonsense like this, but what’s worse is for the NYT to print it!
2 Chronicles 7:13,14 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
“New York Times Blames Evangelical Christians for Coronavirus”
“The New York Times published an op-ed Friday that blamed evangelical Christians for the coronavirus pandemic. The argument, by journalist and author Katherine Stewart, is that because religious voters supported Trump, that means he governs without regard for science.
Stewart also claims that Republicans, more than Democrats, are likely to deny science.”
“Michigan’s Democrat Governor THREATENS All Doctors and Pharmacists who Prescribe or Dispense Hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus Patients” I have never heard of a governor interfering with the medicine a doctor is giving a patient! It really does appear that the demon-dems want to keep this virus going. Is this so they can grab political power? These are ruthless and very dangerous people.
“Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the latest Democrat to ban doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state.
Hydroxychloroquine is safe and has tested 100% positive in treating the coronavirus.”
“Nevada’s Democrat Governor Issues Emergency Order Barring Use of Anti-Malaria Drugs For Coronavirus Patients” You can see with your own eyes what when the Hard Left is in control of power and medical establishment! This truly is amazing that they would let people die rather than give them this life saving medicine!
These are ruthless and danger people. There is no hiding what they really are!!
“Nevada’s Governor Steve Sisolak (D) on Tuesday issued an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs such as chloroquine for Coronavirus patients. Sisolak signed an emergency order earlier Tuesday barring the use of anti-malaria drugs for someone who has the coronavirus.
The order restricting chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine came after President Donald Trump touted the medication as a treatment and falsely stated that the Food and Drug Administration had just approved the use of chloroquine to treat patients infected with coronavirus.
Sisolak said in a statement that there’s no consensus among experts or Nevada doctors that the drugs can treat people with COVID-19.”
“British Prime Minister calls for global government to tackle coronavirus” The NWO is not hiding it plans but is out in the open. Right now President Trump is a huge roadblock to the NWO plans. His America first focus has really stopped them, but they are looking for ways to get around him. God called President Trump into office, and I think God still is using him to stop the NWO until God is ready to move into the Last Day prophecies. No matter what way you look at it the Last Days can’t be far off.
Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
“Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response.
A virtual meeting of the G20 group of developed and developing countries, chaired by Saudi Arabia, will be held on Thursday, but Brown said it would have been preferable to have also included the UN security council.”Ex-PM at centre of 2008 banks rescue suggests taskforce of leaders and health experts”
“Doctor: White House has my ‘100% successful’ coronavirus treatment” This is wonderful news. When reading this I was thinking of the Hard Left Nevada Governor! May God bless this and many lives saved.
“A recent survivor of an extremely rare cancer with a “100% mortality rate” that took one of his lungs, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says he shouldn’t be alive. But now, a simple cocktail of three cheap, proven, widely available drugs his medical team has used to successfully treat at least 500 patients with the coronavirus is offering hope as the pandemic grows exponentially in his area of greater New York City.
The treatment now has the attention of the White House and Israel’s Ministry of Health, among others, Zelenko told WND in a phone interview Wednesday morning. “I was actually wondering why God spared me,” said Zelenko, who noted he hasn’t slept in the past four days. It’s an out-patient treatment combining the common anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine with the popular antibotic azithromycin (known as Z-Pak) and zinc sulfate.”
Abba Father’s International Fellowship
Dear pastor Dave and John, salute in the Awesome Name of Jesus above Heaven and Earth, i was able to collect the Box and distributed in the Weeks activities here at the church, and in evangelism Am seeing a mighty and great work and are seeing an increase in openness to the Gospel among the community and the lost souls
receiving Jesus . am are hearing of a good number of healing when the missions prayers is on,many people are being drawn closer to Jesus by the Use of the Materials pray, and it seems that the LORD is anointing many for his glory including for signs and wonders to confirm the preaching of His word. through the last trumpet teachings, Evangelism has done a great harvest in the souls to the kingdom, i was also able to teach the message to
the church and to leadership fellowship that we normal meet every for December weekly, it is my confirmation to you that the teachings are so fine and inspiring as we fellowship with the father and God, Kindly am requesting for the Another Box for this Month as there is a lot to be done by the materials, see the pictures of the work of evangelism in community for the past report
In His peace and victory
pastor s
Yep…us Christians and ‘The Donald’ are in ‘the way’ of the NWO,i.e.illuminati,globalist baby killer,plant lickers.They worship at the alter of Self….and God is judging the false god of mammon as we speak.Don’t worry new agers and occultists…Very soon we will be ‘gone’..and perhaps ‘The Don’ will come with us??..then you can all bend and scrape to the antichrist….and see what a real evil taskmaster is like.The God haters will see us again..with Jesus at the lead.Go ahead…make HIS day!..Throw all your stuff at the Lord……and with one breath..all the unrepentant and the proudfull will if they never were….Now is the day of salvation.Here the voice of the Lord speak into your heart..of your need of Him.It is only HE who can save you from the wrath to come…….Eternity is Hell..without Jesus.It really is…….
In a way..the New York Times is right…It is our fault…to some degree,because it happened on OUR watch.Where were we?We have cultural christianity which is a pretender.The world cannot tell the diff between the fakes or us….Once they infiltrated the was as a death knell to modern christianity.One must be ‘born again’ to be a real Christian… a way,we let this one get by us.As far as Trump…I love the guy,I pray for him..he’s done wonderful things….but I fear for our country right now,as I believe satan has check mated him into a lose lose situation,Our economy is tanking.If we don’t get back to work right now..and stop giving away the store.[Me thinks it is a globalist plan come home to roost]..we ARE done.The final Globalist pieces are put into place..and Trump is being played to do it.Pray hard for him that the spell cast over him will be of none effect.Father God…kick the globalist’s in the chop’s.Bring Mr.president back in line with Your Heavenly program.Do not let him be co-opted by the ‘elite’,Amen. P.S. people…While we watch the ‘smoke and mirrors’ department fill us with fear about a ‘virus’..America is being stolen right from under us.Economic/political/religious…and almost no one noticed.
Father God..please give our president,[and us]..that extra dose of Your wisdom and the peace of Christ…that all of us need.Thank You Lord,Amen.