Press Corps Covered Up Congressional Sexual Misconduct ‘For Years’ But What of Really Helpless Victims?

Verse of the Day
Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
As noted in the comments with the linked article, one reason this sexual harassment was tolerated by female media members was because these reporters bought into a leftist agenda which included a pro-abortion platform. But the other big reason that so much suddenly is coming out about reporters being groped and harassed is that it focuses the public away from a much bigger and sicker problem: child sex trafficking. No, it is not right for politicians and colleagues within the media to do what has been done and what now is coming to light. But these women are high-profile, high-powered, educated women who could speak out and stand up to this, yet they said and did nothing except talk among themselves.
Even worse is the sexual abuse of children by certain Washington politicians. In the early 1980’s the Franklin scandal broke, where it was documented that children of both sexes were taken from Boystown, Nebraska and flown to Washington for very perverted sexual uses by high-ranking politicians at parties. Things only have deteriorated in the years since then. At that time, as a reward the children were given private tours of the White House at night by those who procured them, with the willing complicity of staffers there. Many also were given hard-core drugs and some ended on heroin. There are videos on YouTube about the scandal and cover-up if you want to learn more. Particularly good is the British documentary, “Conspiracy of Silence.”
As news breaks of sexual harassment, heads are beginning to roll and jobs are being lost. But that is nothing compared to what should occur to those who are using children for these vile purposes. Yet no one in the mainstream media is mentioning anything about that right now. The last discussion of such abuse was Pizzagate, and that came to nothing in terms of anyone having to answer. What message is this sending to politicians and to the general public? The mainstream media should be covering this subject by investigating and reporting until the public demands action, yet they do their best to cover it up instead and to try and discount any reports from the alternative media. There is more than a few jobs at stake here; the lives and souls of many are on the line, of both victims and perpetrators. God is a just judge and will not allow this to go unpunished. We long for the return of Christ when there will be righteous rule on earth.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Psalm 89:14 Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Hard Left
This picture says it all. A lying Hard Leftist who wants tell us about the rigged system. She is the system!

Cokie Roberts
Press Corps Covered Up Congressional Sexual Misconduct ‘For Years’ 11/28/17 The reason that female reporters endured the sexual harassment was because the politicians had to be leftist and they were pro-abortion. To the Hard Left females, their entire world revolves around the ability to kill babies in the womb! They endured the sexual harassment and remained silent, so the abortion agenda could be protected.
Abortion is probably the most important issue to these leftist females. They can’t operate in their culture if they are tied down with children, so abortion is a must. These Hard Left women traded away a family unit, as ordained by God, for the world system. To do this and function in the world system, they must have access to abortion. What an utter total corruption of God’s plan.
1 John 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
“Appearing on ABC’s This Week, National Public Radio’s Cokie Roberts admitted that “for years” the female press corps has covered up sexual misconduct on Capitol Hill.
While speaking about John Conyers and Al Franken, two Democrats facing numerous sexual misconduct allegations, Roberts let this bomb matter-of-factly drop on the left-wing Sunday show, “I mean, we all talked about for years: ‘Don’t get in the elevator with him,’ you know, and the whole every-female in the press corps knew that, right, don’t get in elevator with him.” Which “him” is Roberts referring to? Conyers? Franken? Are there others?
But back up just a moment– According to Roberts, “every” woman in the press corps knew that there was sexual misconduct going on in congress, knew that it was so brazen and so permissive that not even a female reporter was safe on an elevator, and NO ONE REPORTED IT? No one bothered to inform the public?
How do things get so brazen that a Conyers or a Franken or a whomever feels perfectly safe groping a journalist on an elevator? I will tell you how — when said groper knows there will be no accountability for his behavior.”
Stoned: How Colorado’s 5 Years of Legal Pot Is ‘Devastating Communities’ 11/27/17 The most negative feedback I get is when I post about the dangers of this drug and about tattoos. There is something about marijuana that grips people. They defend it while at the same time they claim to be followers of the Jesus Christ. The use of this drug is a powerful negative force on any society. It is mind altering and should be avoided.
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
“An editorial in the Colorado Springs Gazette reports, “Five years of retail pot coincide with five years of a homelessness growth rate that ranks among the highest rates in the country. Directors of homeless shelters, and people who live on the streets, tell us homeless substance abusers migrate here for easy access to pot.”
The paper says, “Five years of Big Marijuana ushered in a doubling in the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes who tested positive for marijuana, based on research by the pro-legalization Denver Post. Five years of commercial pot have been five years of more marijuana in schools than teachers and administrators ever feared.”
Rocky Mountain PBS reports that an investigation in 2016 showed that “drug violations reported by Colorado’s K-12 schools have increased 45 percent in the past four years, even as the combined number of all other violations has fallen.”
The investigation found that drug violations by high school aged students had increased by 71 percent since legalization.
Colorado ranks first in the country for marijuana use among teens, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
The head of Colorado’s Marijuana Accountability Coalition said, “It’s one thing to decriminalize marijuana, it’s an entirely different thing to legalize an industry that has commercialized a drug that is devastating our kids and devastating whole communities.”
The Gazette editorial concludes, “Commercial pot’s five-year anniversary is an odious occasion for those who want safer streets, healthier kids and less suffering associated with substance abuse.”

Joy Reid
Anti-Trump MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks rural Americans are ‘core threat’ to democracy 11/27/17 A short time ago I posted about someone from the Hard Left who was demonizing us. He claimed that we were dangerous, and that all Trump supporters should be arrested. I mentioned how dangerous he was and how he represented the real Hard Left mindset.
Now Joy Reid of MSNBC just has come out with the same type of rant, focused on rural America. What has happened is that the Hard Left now understand who Trump’s base is and what our beliefs are. Now they are focusing in with the intent on destroying us in every way. It is like a “light bulb” has been turned on in their minds. They think it is normal to talk openly about destroying us!
These people are real kooks, but the problem is thatthey have lots of power, so they can act on their hatred. They have reprobates minds, so they hate God and everything the Lord stands for. This hatred naturally flows toward us because we stand for the Lord. In a real sense the battle lines are clearly drawn.
Proverbs 29:10 The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul.
“MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks that rural Americans are “the core threat to our democracy” and pointed to a series of tweets by liberal author Jared Yates Sexton that claimed Trump supporters “do not believe in the Constitution or any founding principles unless they’re advantageous” as proof of her far-left theory.
“By 2040, about 70% of Americans are expected to live in the 15 largest states. They will have only 30 senators representing them, while the remaining 30% of Americans will have 70 senators representing them,” MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin tweeted over the weekend.
Reid, who tweets so often that it’s amazing she finds time to do anything else, has a feed that is essentially the anti-Trump talking points of the far left on a daily basis. While Sexton never specifically mentioned the “rural minority” in his rant, the MSNBC host took it upon herself to quote Griffin’s tweet add her own commentary tied to Sexton’s thread.
“This is the core threat to our democracy. The rural minority — the people @JYSexton just wrote a long thread about — have and will continue to have disproportionate power over the urban majority,” Reid tweeted.”
American Politics
Texas to build its own massive gold repository in Leander, Texas… first step toward secession? 11/27/17 This has happened under the radar. Wow, Texas might become the powerhouse within the United States. As the dollar becomes worthless, then the idea of gold used as currency in Texas would make it the place to go. If America failed, then Texas, with all of the gold, certainly would be the place to be!
Constitution Article 1 Section 8 “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;”
Congress gave this right up a long time ago the private banks called the Federal Reserve, so why not allow Texas run it own monetary system!
“Texas officials have officially announced the location of the Texas Bullion Depository, bringing the Lone Star State one step closer to making the facility fully operational. Once the Texas Bullion Depository is finished, it will represent a significant departure from the federal government, leading many to believe that this could be not only the end of the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money, but also the first step towards secession.
In June of 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed legislation for the state gold bullion and precious metal depository. In addition to proving a secure place for people and businesses to store their gold and other precious metals, the depository will also allow people to use gold and silver in business transactions, meaning that they will be able to deport their precious metals in the depository and pay others either electronically or via a written check.”
Israel/ American Politics

US President Donald Trump meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting, New York, Sept. 20, 2017
Abbas under pressure to accept Trump’s ‘ultimate’ deal 11/27/17 Just reading the headline builds tension in me. The President has to stay away from any peace “deal.” Any tampering with the land of Israel, and especially Jerusalem, has the potential to bring the Lord’s judgment on America. I hope that this “deal” does not include Jerusalem and that Abbas refuses it.
Obadiah 1:15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
“According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, leaks from well-informed Palestinian sources revealed that during his visit to Saudi Arabia, Abbas received from Saudi mediator Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a US offer to establish a Palestinian state “on paper” only, without such a state being sovereign or having the ability to make decisions of any kind. In return, the Israeli settlements would be frozen, economic incentives in Area C set out by the Oslo agreement would be provided and circulation at the Karameh crossing with Jordan and the Rafah crossing with Egypt would be facilitated.
The newspaper showed that the US proposal is the only viable option for the United States and that if Abbas and the Palestinian leadership reject it, they won’t be provided with another solution — meaning that the US administration may renege on its commitment to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israel/ The Coming Middle East War

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior IDF officers tour the northern border, in the Israeli Golan Heights, on July 25, 2017
Netanyahu said to warn Assad: We’ll strike if you let Iran set up bases in Syria 11/27/17 The Bible is clear that before the Day of Lord, Syria is totally destroyed in a war with Israel. The destruction of Syria could be very close as indicated by what Netanyahu just stated.
What I think is going to happen is that Syria with the support of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi Shiites, and possibly Russia, will feel emboldened to fight Israel. This will be a fatal mistake, and the end of Syria as a nation. When this happens it is one of the major signs that the Day of Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is very close.
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that Israel will intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war if Assad gives formal permission to Iran to establish a military presence in Syria, Israeli TV reported on Sunday night.
The warning specified that Israel will depart from the policy of non-intervention it has maintained throughout the six years of the civil war to date, Yaari said, if Assad “invites Iranian forces to establish themselves in Syria via an agreement of any kind.” Iran has provided significant logistical, technical, training and financial support for Assad’s regime and forces, as well as deploying military advisers and some combat troops in Syria. It also arms, trains and funds Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror group that has sent thousands of gunmen to fight alongside Assad’s troops.”
World War 3/ North Korea
North Korean missile lands in waters off Japan’s coast: Japanese PM 11/28/17 North Korea just fired a missile that landed off the coast of Japan. This is the latest update.
“North Korea fired a missile that was believed to have crashed into the waters off Japan, the Japanese prime minister’s office said early Wednesday local time (Tuesday afternoon ET).
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered an emergency meeting of Cabinet ministers after North Korea’s first ballistic missile launch since Sept. 15, when one flew over northern Japan and into the Pacific Ocean.
“A missile was launched from North Korea which appears to have landed within Japan’s exclusive economic zone,” Abe’s office tweeted. “As soon as new information comes in, we will let you know.”
The exclusive economic zone is a legal designation established by the United Nations Law of the Sea.
The South Korean military conducted a “precision missile-firing drill” as a response to the launch, a South Korean military official told NBC.”
World War 3

A Lynx Helicopter hovers over the Indian Ocean in a file photo
New Cold War in the Indian Ocean 11/27/17 It appears that an alliance has formed against the growing military might of China. This is why I say that the coming war is going to be a world war. Basically, the war will be all of Asia against China. North Korea most likely will be with China.
Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
“A new Cold War is brewing in the Indian Ocean, with an informal alliance of the United States, India, Australia, Japan on one side and China on the other. While tensions in the ocean are not yet as pitched as in the hotly contested South China Sea, the potential for conflict is unmistakably rising in the high stakes strategic theater.
More than 60% of the world’s oil shipments pass through the Indian Ocean, largely from the Middle East’s oil fields to China, Japan and other fuel-importing Asian economies, as does 70% of all container traffic to and from Asia’s industrialized nations and the rest of the world.”
Hard Left/ Homosexuality
Jury Verdict Thrown Out Because They Weren’t Tested for Homophobia 11/27/17 This is a perfect example of how the Hard Left moves to protect homosexuality. They will “move mountains” to protect them. Why not poll the jury to find out if they suffer from policephobia?
Philippians 3:20-21 For our (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
“A federal court has thrown out a Florida jury’s verdict clearing police of misconduct charges, claiming the jury hadn’t been vetted for homophobia and may have been biased against the gay plaintiff.
Jury Verdict Thrown Out Because They Weren’t Tested for HomophobiaRaymond Berthiaume accused Lt. David Smith of the Key West Police Department of framing him for battery by forcing his friend to make false testimony in 2013, the Miami Herald reported.
While the jury cleared Smith of wrongdoing, a federal appellate court tossed out the verdict because the district court had “refused” to ask potential jurors questions about potential bias based on sexual orientation. Berthiaume will now receive a second trial.”
Alma Deutscher Finding Cinderella Documentary 11/27/17 This is a wonderful documentary about an 11 year old child prodigy. She is a world class violinist and pianist. She writes and composes opera! I think that when we are with the Lord everyone will have talent like this to write, play and sing music. She might be a picture of what heaven is like when we are with the Lord playing music.
Isaiah 51:11 Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
eye opening articles.
Yes,it really is all about the kids.Those in high places cover each others tracks because they have a mutual hatred for God,and so cannot leave an innocent child alone,but have to ‘wreck them’ because their daddy satan would do the same.God has,I believe,a special area in Hell for such as those.Now is the time for them to repent as we all were Hellbound until Jesus set us free.I pray their eyes would be opened to the truth of the Gospel.Thanks bro.John/sis Georgann for all your hard work.God bless,Danw.
Thank you, Dan – I was in intensive care in the largest hospital in the state in critical condition – the doctors said had I waited one more day to come in, I would have been dead so God is good – I had septicemia, a body-wide infection that kills most people and I am making a miraculous recovery; very fast for how sick and close to death I was – God still has a use for me. Thanks for the prayers, and I bless John for holding my job while I was so ill. I hope you’ll check out the video my husband, Roger Dale, & I just have completed for John since my release from the hospital, with our partner Joe Charles.
Your time is not up until God says so.Glad you are getting better.